HML-367 had been activated as an all-Cobra squadron, receiving the Cobra inventory from VMO-2. G.C. The swimmers were forced to the surface by a concussion grenade blast and 1 was shot by the forecastle watch. Writers:John Van NortwickandAlan Barbour. Reclassified Amphibious Assault Ship (Helicopter) (LPH) 2 March 1959. she operated in Japanese and Chinese waters Maneuvers in Hawaiian waters preceded her return to San Diego until 15 March. Apollo 10, carrying astronauts Eugene Cernan, John Young, and Thomas P. Stafford, was recovered in the South Pacific on 26 May. and th USS Princeton (LPH-5) operated on Ganh Rai Bay . Thank you. The DMZ was to be fortified, much to the dismay of the III MAF leadership. The remainder of HMH-463 arrived on 23 May. After a seemingly endless climb and then descent out of the weather, a safe landing was made at a nearby aid station LZ, with Cummings still clinging to the rocket pod, a little messed up by the elements, but otherwise OK. As noted in a later paragraph, 263 suffered heavy casualties and damage during this strongly opposed landing. When Company A arrived at LZ Robin, a central position about midway along the peninsula, they established a defensive perimeter and prepared for Company B and D's arrival in the second wave. HMM-362 (H-34s) was assigned to SLF A aboard the USS Okinawa. On 12 Sep, all O-1B pilots from VMO-2 were sent to Okinawa, and the O-1B was parked at the Da Nang airstrip. On October 24, 1944, during the Battle . The first mounting of 30 cal. By the beginning of May, Marine amphibious units were in position offshore. A hoist extraction was ruled out because of the wounded. Operation STONE was completed during the month of February in Quang Nam Province. Reclassified again, 2 March 1959, she emerged from conversion as an amphibious assault carrier, LPH-5. The USS Iwo Jima replaced the USS Princeton on 7 May. XXL flak jackets suddenly became a high fashion item. They were armed with a three-barrel 20mm cannon, machine guns and rockets, and had a rotor brake. At the same time, LtGen Louis H. Wilson (FMFPAC-Hawaii) learned from the 7th Fleet Commander that the Marines had flown their maximum number of hours and therefore [the Admiral] was stopping flight operations. Gen Wilson went into orbit he would prefer charges against any officer who ordered his Marine pilots to stop flying so long as there were Marines on the ground in Saigon. HMMs 161 and 262 (CH-46Ds) were located at Phu Bai under MAG-16. On 9 Apr HMM-364 replaced HMM-362 on the SLF. o the Marine artillery base at Gio Ling and evacuated wounded from Con Thien mountain. HMM-364 redeployed on 12 Mar. . Princeton was commissioned in November 1945, too late to serve in World War II, but saw extensive service in the Korean War, in which she earned eight . 2 March 1959 the MAG-16 medevac package was assigned to HMM-165s Major Al Macauley, together with his co-pilot 1/Lt Seth Boyum and crew chief LCpl Mike Everett plus an unidentified gunner and corpsman. The corpsman soon became exhausted and Penn attempted to carry the man by himself. Crewmen worked feverishly and futily in an attempt to save his life over the Que Son Valley. As he passed under the nose, he looked up, grinned, gave a big thumbs up and could be heard to say: Thanks for coming down and saving my life! Only after that did John see that the Marines right leg was missing from the knee down. The 9th MAB carried out an amphibious demonstration off of the DMZ on 9 Sep, which pulled major NVA units north from Quang Tri. Reclassified again Chain saws and axes became a part of the individual Marines equipment. her planes and pilots (A The SLF squadron at the beginning of the year aboard the USS Iwo Jima (LPH- 2) was HMM-362 until 18 Jan, when it was replaced by HMM-363. and again ranged along that long embattled The ships supported operations "Fortress Attack III" and "Scotland II". A UH-1E flown by Major V. Wayne Hazelbaker of VMO-2 was shot down at the defensive position by an RPG during an ammo resupply. BLT 3/5 replaced BLT 1/5 on 7 May. Main Landing Gear Assemblies are not. HMA-369 continued their LPD-launched hunter killer ops off the North Vietnamese coast. She was . Vice Adm. Kitchener Visits USS Princeton. and Army units aga USS Jamestown (AGTR-3) conducted numerous month-long deployments along the Vietnam coast collecting data, with photographic evidence that crewmembers . Crews were working near the 200 percent level. Membership list. HMM-164 (H-46As) was assigned to SLF B aboard the USS Tripoli. The ship was the fifth US Navy ship to bear the name, and was named for the Revolutionary War Battle of Princeton. A detachment of two YOV-10Ds had arrived on 26 May for combat evaluation. The III MAF relocated to Okinawa on 14 April. In May, her helicopters lifted Marines to the DMZ to block enemy forces withdrawing across the Bn Hi River. Maj. John Van Nortwick, HMM-263 XO, tells of a poignant reward following a night medevac. Forty percent of the total USMC munitions on hand in I Corps was destroyed. The FLIRs (forward looking infrared) systems were from B-52 aircraft. On 11 Jul, 9th MAB helicopters again landed VNMC troops north of Quang Tri City. on 24 October 1944, shortly after she was hit by a Japanese bomb while operating off the Philippines. Got to the ship about 1700 hours. The H-53s, escorted by the AH-1Gs (and later AH-1Js) of HML-367, moved massive amounts of tonnage of material in and out of Laos. As luck would have it, Macauley made contact with a US Air Force AC-47 gunship Puff, The Magic Dragon in the area and requested their fire support for the extract. MAG-16 was comprised of HML-167, HMM-165, HMM-263, HMM-364, HMH-463, and VMO-2. The Khe Sanh combat base now had a permanent detachment of 2 H-46s, 2 H-34s and 2 UH-1Es from MAG-16. Posted in Video / Tagged aircraft carrier, Carrier Air Wing 11, CG-59, Coronado, CVN-68, documentary, naval aviation, Nimitz class, Operation Iraqi Freedom, PBS, Pearl Harbor, Persian Gulf, United States Navy, USS Nimitz, USS Princeton, YouTube / Leave a comment The American Navy In Vietnam (1967) HMM-363 departed MAG-36 for CONUS on 21 Jan. President Richard M. Nixon was inaugurated on 20 Jan. and in February 1966 got underway for another tour in the combat zone. Camp Carroll artillery base near the DMZ was abandoned by the end of December. HMM-261 helos were again heavily damaged when inserting 2/4 the next day as a blocking force. Sadly, HMM-163 made the cover of Life Magazine (16 Apr 65) when it showed YP-13s copilot hit by gunfire. The operation was a complete success with the NVA on retreat north into Quang Tri Province. The USS Turner Joy (DD-951) fired the last U.S. One H-53 loaded with VNMC troops was hit by an SA-7 missile 100 feet above the LZ and destroyed on impact. medical evacuation The wing stations carried 19 shot 2.75 in rockets, flares, CBU-55 (FAE) weapons or 150 gal. USS Princeton (CV/CVA/CVS-37, LPH-5) was one of 24 Essex-class aircraft carriers built during and shortly after World War II for the United States Navy. The request was granted and Capt. He then came under VC attack and lifted off, leaving some of his passengers in the LZ whom immediately came under heavy VC fire. On 11 Oct, HMM-261 replaced HMM-163 as the SLF squadron and the USS Valley Forge (LPH 8) replaced the USS Iwo Jima. On 15 Sep, VNMC troops took the Citadel and Quang Tri City. For troop insertions, he had to go back to the Wing for a total package, including gunships. in late 1957-early 1958 Special Operations (V) . In March 27-03-2014 G.L. e trans peninsula line. The detonation of actual mines was minimal, but when that occured, it was most impressive. Reclassified CVA-37 (1 October 1952) HMM-162 conducted a major lift of 300 ARVN into three LZs 15 miles west of Da Nang. Clausen did not falter. 14 battle stars, in the Korean and Vietnam wars. Some of the 365s missions were evidence of the wide range of unusual and sometimes humorous events in the daily schedule of helo aircrews. USS PRINCETON served her country as LPH-5 for for more than 10 years until decommissioned on 30 JAN 1970. Over 12,000 US military & patriotic items for every branch of service. The 77 day Siege of Khe Sanh began on 21 Jan when a Marine patrol made contact on Hill 881 with a heavy concentration of NVA troops. By mid-March the 9th MEB consisted of MAG-16 (-), H&MS-16 (-), MABS-16 (-), HMM-162 and HMM-163. and on 7 September got underway for San Diego. The VMO-2 broncos, also used during Lam Son 719 to plant electronic sensor strings near approach routes, flew out of country on 31 Mar. Then transferred to the Pacific Fleet On 16 June DET, HMA-369 arrived at the 9th MAB with AH-1J Sea Cobra gunships to commence Marine Hunter-killer operations (MarHuk) against small boat traffic ferrying cargo from merchant ships to landing sites off the North Vietnamese coast. Marine helicopters and crews on the ARGs stood by with a 300-man reaction force on a 48-hour standby to rescue downed crews or escaping American Prisoners of War (POWs). President Diems overthrow and assassination at the beginning of November caused a temporary halt to SHUFLY operations. Still covered by Puff and the Marine UH-1Es, Macauley then spiraled up out of the zone and headed for Da Nang. While on alert at LZ Baldy, two H-46s and two Cobras were launched to pick up a critically wounded Marine located on Hill 845 in zero/zero weather. On 2 Aug, US ships and North Vietnamese patrol boats clashed in the Gulf of Tonkin, resulting in the Tonkin Gulf Resolution on 11 Aug. HMM-162 conducted a major lift of the 2nd ARVN Div. Allen Smith USS Princeton: 50k: USS Princeton (LPH-5) moored to a buoy in the harbor at Hong Kong BCC, circa 1960s. Two days following that, HMM-362 suffered the first combat damage to an HUS-1 during OPERATION NIGHTINGALE when a bullet pierced an oil line in its engine compartment. The year started with significantly reduced operations for both Marine ground and aviation units. A typical minesweep sortie consisted of towing the MOP or Mark 105 from the stern gate of the LPD to the assigned minefield, sweeping under the control of a nearby Navy minesweeper (MSO) for two hours, with a thirty minute return to the LPD. At the bottom of every email sent by HullNumber is an UNSUBSCRIBE link. During November, the district headquarters at Hiep Duc, in western Quang Tin Province, a place we would come to know well, was overrun. The LZ was honeycombed with well-used trails leading from North Vietnam to the south. In February 1953, she was back off the Korean coast and until the end of the conflict launched planes for close air support, "Cherokee" strikes against supply, artillery, and troop concentrations in enemy territory, and against road traffic. By 22 Jun, all formal Marine aviation units were out of Vietnam. MAG-16 and MAG-36 helos lifted in the ARVN counterattack force, taking hits in 20 of the 30 UH-34s involved. Dong Ha was abandoned as a permanent helicopter base due to NVA artillery and rocket damage and the base moved to Quang Tri. On 8 Jan the OV-10s in 1st MAW increased to 24, divided between VMO-2 and 6. Marine helicopters also operated primarily in those areas. The rumor among MAG-36 Marines onboard the USS Princeton enroute from CONUS had been that they would turn around and head back because of the great success of Operations Starlight, the war would soon be over. For the period 1960-1964, many logs were produced in a revised format, with slightly truncated columnar data immediately preceding the remarks instead of on a separate page. During December, a most unusual and heroic medevac took place. FOR SALE! A similar US Army operation south of the Marines in Binh Dinh province was carried out at the same time. USS Valley Forge (CV-45) was the final Essex-class aircraft carrier to enter service with the US Navy. HMM-361 departed for CONUS on 18 May. Vietnam. Richard M. Nixon was re-elected President of the United States, defeating Senator George McGovern on 7 November. HMM-363 was located at Da Nang. Later that same day, Capt John Eilertson, 1/LT Ron Pettis, Sgt Nathanial Tucker, and LCpl Francis Mayher evacuated 40 Vietnamese refugees in one flight, setting a payload record for H-34s that may still stand. Loss of USS Princeton (CVL-23), 24 October 1944. Support of the First Reconnaissance Battalion was a continuing mission for the HMM-squadrons of MAG-16. In September, a detachment of 6 CH-37Cs from HMH-462 was attached to H&MS-16 at MMAF. On 6 Aug, team Groucho Marx was inserted north of the Rockpile. Despite the ever-present threat of additional mine explosions, he continued his valiant efforts, leaving the comparatively safe area of the helicopter on six separate occasions to carry out his rescue efforts. Henry and his co-pilot, 1st Lt. Dave Cummings, proceeded upward through the ravines, just above the canopy, much of the time at low airspeeds. Soon afterwards, the squadron lost 2 aircraft while on a SAR mission and 10 aircrew were killed. HMM-265 moved to MAG-16 at MMAF. as flagship for Amphibious Ready Group Alpha The Princeton's reputation in the Navy never recovered from a devastating incident early in her service. Reactivated with the outbreak of hostilities in Korea 15 months later, Princeton recommissioned on 28 August 1950. The VC bailed out into the water and Mayne went back up the hoist, end of mission. The vessel first saw combat during the Vietnam War and supported the American presence in Vietnam until 1966. On 13 Mar, three H-34s from HMM-162 delivered suppressive fire on the enemy during an ARVN troop lift. The Det provided three of these sorties while the squadron aboard USS Inchon provided the remainder. National Museum of Naval Aviation photo and Najin. HMM-164 boarded the USS Princeton in March, transferred to the USS Tripoli (LPH-10) in Subic Bay, and returned to RVN with BLT 2/3 from Okinawa as SLF B in time for the Hill Fights at Khe Sanh. The deck logs for the USS Princeton (LPH-5) from April 1968 through January 1969 have now been digitized and may be viewed online using the National Archives Catalog. For much of the summer they pounded supply arteries Capt. The NVA 324B Division eventually moved back into the DMZ, where U. S. policy provided a safe haven for the NVA troops. facilities John Van Nortwick of HMM-363 was wearing an XXL infantry flak vest because his regular vest was borrowed while he was away from the squadron. He took a round square in the middle of his chest. From Manila, Princeton joined the 7th Fleet in the Marianas, becoming flagship of Task Force 77 (TF 77). Delivered suppressive fire on the SLF 13 Mar, three H-34s from HMM-162 delivered suppressive on. Reclassified CVA-37 ( 1 October 1952 ) HMM-162 conducted a Major lift of ARVN! To SLF a aboard the USS Princeton ( LPH-5 ) operated on Ganh Rai Bay months later, joined. 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