Washington University in St.Louis (WUSTL), St. John's University Interview Questions, University of Tennessee Interview Questions, University of Minnesota Interview Questions. Sometimes its a great sign, and a prelude to an offer, but its just as often a chance for the interviewer to ask you genuine questions before they make a decision. If youre not sure how to answer a written question, consider both sides with a classic On the one hand, on the other hand structure. What is one thing you would like the admission committee to know about you? I did not feel stressed or thrown off at any point, and generally the vibe was very warm and discussion-friendly, rather than a grilling session. Describe a situation where you were in an adversarial position and how you dealt with it/describe your general philosophy for dealing with adversarial situations. You can pace your interview because you have breaks between questions. Obstacle you've faced and you overcame it. I find it super helpful to review Vanderbilts alumni interview questions before this one. So don't stress or deliberate too long about answers, just go with your gut and be honest. If you got accepted to all the schools you applied to, where would you pick? Why did you decide to go to UMass from California? Does anyone know how these group interviews will go/has Georgetown done this before? (He had us go around and say Student A or Student B without any discussion. Movie/book that changed your mind on social issue. Then we would progress onto scenario 2, and so on. What have you liked most about your experience at your current job? What did you do to resolve those? He is currently getting his graduate degree at Oxford. What is motivating your decision to pursue a law degree? Also I see a lot about group interviews, is there a difference between group vs alumni interview this cycle, like is it better to get one or the other? Explain your journey from your previous career to law. What are you looking for in your potential classmates? (Follow-up) But why law instead of doing an MPP or MBA? Why law school now and how will that tie in with your aims regarding law school? Student As video interview (2018/2019 cycle), Student Bs video interview (2018/2019 cycle), Student Cs in-person interview with Northwestern (2018/2019 cycle), Student Ds alumni interview (2018/2019 cycle), Student Es alumni interview (2018/2019 cycle). It's especially devastating since Georgetown has done this to me before. What is the one accomplishment youre most proud of?What contemporary news issue are you following? What destination birthday party would you pick if you could pick anywhere? How is [my undergraduate university] and why I chose to go there, How would the people that know you describe you in one word. Why Michigan? We were given a packet of 4 scenarios but we only got through the first 3. He appreciates collaboration, so be sure to speak about the conclusions your group came to, not necessarily the ones that you individually came to. (During this scenario, the Dean asked us to rate the seriousness of the issue as a whole group on a scale of 1-10. Talk about a time you had to deliver difficult news and how went about doing it. Tell me about a book that influenced you or a book youre currently reading. Tell us about a time when you failed. After all, we arent a real admissions committee. If you had to defer for a year, and resume building was not an issue, what is something you would like to do during this time? It was different from other interviews I've had so it certainly threw me off at the start! An alumni interview offers the Office of Admissions an opportunity to learn more about candidates beyond the written application. Tell me about a book youre reading or have read recently that changed your perspective? Should Georgetown rescind his offer or not? The most IMPORTANT question that you NEED to have an absolutely solid answer on is a time when you showcased leadership. Whats not on your resume that you think I should know? What was a challenge you faced as a leader in your extracurricular activities in undergrad? Best, Andy". How did you like your time at [undergraduate university]? What motivates me to get out of bed in the morning? I see that you took the LSAT many times. Why law?]. Note: They allowed 30 seconds for prep, 90 seconds to record your answer, and you could not "re do" an answer if you felt like you tripped over your words. How do you approach conversations with people with whom you disagree? Anon asks the guys . By Mehran Ebadolahi. What is a book that you read recently and how did it impact you? She said that she took a year off to reflect and tutor children. Whats one thing that you might be scared or hesitant about in law school? When asked why, he admitted he had failed to include citations in his dissertation, and that there was going to be a disciplinary hearing about it, but now that hes withdrawing there would be no hearing and no effect on his record. Preferred Waitlist at Georgetown? We were asked for one word that describes an ideal quality in an applicant. 10 years from now? What is a time when someone said I displayed good judgement, what was it and what was my thought process to reach that decision? How would you respond? In addition, Notre Dame inflicted a new form of waitlist the waitlisting of admitted applicants who didn't deposit quite fast enough when they unexpectedly closed their deposits early. What is one thing you want the Admissions Council to know? What is something that you have done for the first time recently? What are pros and cons of HLS? Resume-specific questions about my work experience, Something I would like the admissions committee to know, Questions for the interviewer (had time for two questions), The Dean began by having us all-state where we are from, what we are doing, where we are now, and a fun fact about ourselves.. What was your initial reasoning to join the military? What would your 1L section mates say about you? Does Georgetown Law have rolling admissions? He also said last year he interviewed about 2600 students, and this year 3000. Some of us (me included) said we would then let him keep his acceptance. Tell me about a project youve managed and how it went. Where do you want to practice? How long did you live in New York and what do you think is the difference between the city that you live in and the city of New York? 30 seconds to prepare, 1 minute to answer), Everyone I spoke with seemed to have the same questions. Give us an example of your leadership experience. Describe a time when you struggled academically and how you responded to that challenge. She also asked if I had even been to St.Louis which I responded that yes I have and that Ive actually self-toured the school to which she was surprised/happy about. If there was a shift in your career or path, how did you deal with the shift? We were told that we would be playing the role of an admissions committee, and that we were to discuss the scenario in our individual groups and figure out how much this impacted the decision, on a sliding scale. What is the one thing you want the Admissions Committee to know about you? What are three traits that will serve you well in law school? She chalked it up to a careless mistake because parts of it had to be in a foreign language, and because she had meningitis or something, so she was uncharacteristically tired/ill. For the latter, while the decision was still to deny, Dean Cornblatt now placed the severity of a bad PS at a 10/10. The scenarios were the same: a plagiarism and 1-year suspension, withdrawal from Oxford before a hearing, and a sloppy PS. The glowing references about her writing ultimately showed him that she was a great writer when she actually cared, and that the poor quality of the statement therefore reflected her lack of enthusiasm. If you could eradicate one social issue, what would it be? Do you think you are going be active in the student community at Columbia? You must be logged in to post a comment. (specific to my resume), What do you want to do after you graduate from law school? What's possible from those invited to interview are applicants the Admissions Committee wishes to know more about before making a decision. What do you like to do in your free time? Be able to go through all your resume blurbs and talk about each experience. Dean Cornblatt said it was a 7-10 zone for sure because of the contrast between the recommendation letter and the PS. But what are the chances of my being selected. How might you address it? He asked for a one word answer to: "If you had to pick the single most important quality to look for in an application, what would it be?" As someone whos based in [US region], whats enticing about moving out to the east coast for you? Damn this cycle is hard I divide questions you can ask them into two categories: genuine questions and suck-up questions. Talk about a time where you worked with someone that had a different work style than you, and how did you keep a good relationship? Student A was also prompted to ask the interviewer questions about the school. [Interviewer also asked a lot of questions based on Student As resume]. Got the email today from Georgetown saying that I'm on the preferred waitlist. What sorts of things would you tell them you hope to accomplish in your career after law school? Dean Cornblatt asked what wouldve happened if he wrote an apologetic email that admitted fault but that still didnt go into the story. I am uncertain whether there are still other applicants encountering the same situation? She asked me to tell her a little bit about myself and why I want to study law. First scenario was about a student who had been suspended for a year on account of plagiarism. (The Dean asked students questions like, Can you sum up what your group thought? Why Texas? Tell me one time a failure led to future success, What book or film made you change your opinion on a particular social issue. If you were an admissions officer, what two qualities would you look for in a potential candidate? How has your personal, educational, or professional background contributed to your interest in studying law? A time you did something for someone else over yourself. Personality trait that will help you most in law school. You can schedule an interview online only after WUSTL invites you. If you could eradicate one social problem, what would it be? What type of law would you like to practice and where would you like to start your career? Two of the questions are always the same: Why Northwestern? and Is there anything else youd like the admissions committee to know about you? (or something very similar). We were asked to either rescind or let him keep his acceptance. What if its addressed to the wrong school? It wasn't about getting the answers "right." [Specific questions about resume/experiences]. My answers were quite brief. The leading theme was clearly "integrity" and how to deal with questions about candidates' integrity. Youre just having a conversation. Nonetheless, the Dean ultimately decided to rescind the offer. Describe specific example of problem solving strategy used, If we asked people you hypothetically mentored what your best qualities are what would they say, What other law schools did you apply to? - He gave us his email at the end, and then followed up with a nice note (which I responded to of course): "Hello [FIRSTNAME], Just a quick note to thank you for being a part of our group interview. Discuss a challenge or how you dealt with critical feedback. From friends, I had heard that the tone of their interviews at UVA was pretty conversational, whereas I felt like it was pretty formal (though very friendly) in my experience. You should still wear a suit, but the interview itself was not structured at all. What is your communication/teamwork style like? A time you got frustrating news - howd you deal with it? What has your transition to the South been like (applicant recently relocated to the Deep South for work)? Have you been to St. Louis? Dean said he had to chase this guy down multiple times and ask him about what happened and the guy still never gave an answer. He said something like, Sometimes its best to say Im sorry and then zip it.. Tell me about your journey from choosing your undergrad degree to your decision to apply to law school. In between everything he spoke about their review philosophy, and applications in general (14k+ applications this year!). (Interview was scheduled to be 15 minutes, and although most people seem to say they are very strict on not running over, mine was 19 minutes, mostly because she spent a good amount of time answering my two questions. Be friendly, charming, and enthusiastic. Tell about a stressing moment in your life and how you overcame it. Georgetown Law is a large law school. Dont try to memorize linesyoull only sound stilted. He finished by asking us one of his intended optional application prompts for this year that they didnt get to add in: "What was something youve done that was hard but so worth it?. If you worked at YLS admissions, what would you describe as your biggest weakness? The people they've been accepting probably aren't going to attend because they're probably going to T6 schools, and everyone they're waitlisting (me included) will probably be either A) salty by the time they make a decision or B) committed to a school that . What do you like about your current job? They prefer Skype to Google Hangouts. what job current or past has prepared you most for law school? Which particular clinics are you interested in? I also stressed being a non-traditional student and asked questions regarding that. What was a decision that you made in the past you will change today. You must be prepared to talk about the following: You should probably be prepared to talk about these: A Word about Preparing and Being Unprepared. [This is a clever way of saying What are your strengths and weaknesses?]. The second scenario was the sloppy PSspelling errors and used the wrong name. Describe a relationship that went from adversarial to amicable. If you could go back to any time in your life and tell yourself something, what would it be? It was then followed by a time I had to overcome a struggle, but my answer for the leadership question actually encompassed this question as well so the interviewer did not ask for another answer to it. Georgetown does a group interview. What kind of student would you be at Harvard? General thoughts: The Dean appreciated decisiveness; he did not like it when interviewees were in between little impact and big impact. He cares a lot about integrity, so I would be sure to highlight that in your answers. He called Georgetown saying he was withdrawing from the program. why law?but the written questions may be hypotheticals about current affairs. Tell me a time you were part of a team with low morale/motivation. How do you see yourself contributing to the community and what student organizations were you involved with in undergrad? We had maybe 12 people in the room and split into 3 groups of 4. The second most important question I thought was asked is what I hope to get out of law school. Something you want the administration know about you. Some schools, like Georgetown, also offer Zoom sessions where their admissions folks talk about what's happening with the waitlist. Do I like my undergraduate university and culture? You are able to do practice questions on the platform. Note: During the first two scenarios, he randomly called on people, and he asked them specific questions. She mentioned in the beginning that although the admissions team had read my application in its entirety, she had only read my resume (so more context was needed for some questions)). Tell us about a time you failed an important goal and what you learned as a result. Have you had a mentor throughout your life? I definitely would have struggled with that question by it catching me off guard and not having some sort of formulation of the answer beforehand. (written). (written) if you had a response prepared that we havent asked, please answer that question. I had my interview with WUSTL last Friday and I wanted to tell you about my experience! What is your back up plan if you do not go to law school? Talk about a time when you were in conflict with another person, but then had a major revelation in seeing where they were coming from. A couple notes on this: I think he was listening to how people were collaborating in the groups, so just make sure that you state your opinion, but that youre a good listener and mesh well with others. I intend to focus on that area, so that hopefully bodes well if I attend GULC. I feel this entire cycle has been whack because my numbers should have been good enough, and I . Did you research the city? Why did you choose to go your undergrad institution? But that because she didn't, it showed a level of carelessness - and a lack of interest in Georgetown; so why would he waste a seat on her? The interview lasted 25 minutes and 40 seconds. Overall, it was informal, conversational, and everyone was really friendly. I think it's among the largest in the United States, with 575 entering students. Tell me about a time where you analyzed a large set of data, how did you go about it and what was the outcome? What is something that you have learned from playing trumpet? Dont worry about hitting every talking point or being perfect. I highly recommend international students that they request interviews because it gives us chance to meet an alum living in the country and to connect with lawyers with American J.D. What opportunity at UT Knoxville are you most excited about? Talk about a time where you worked with people that had disagreements. You should be thoughtful, confident, warm, and encouraging of other people as well. Explain to us a little more about your multiple attempts on the LSAT. What type of extracurriculars/experiential opportunities would you be interested in at Wash U Law? Georgetown waitlist Class of 2025. He said he would have an answer for us probably in November, but very likely no later than December 10 (soon!!). What was a defining experience at [undergrad inst]? General questions about my international travels (it was clear he had read my essays in advance). What did you think about her time off? Anything else you would like to know from me about Columbia and NYC? What is an international legal issue that you are passionate about? Located in the heart of Washington DC, Georgetown . Other than the standard Why Northwestern and Why Law questions, there was much less interviewing and much more conversing. What is motivating your decision to pursue law? We discussed my current job and my recent move. After everyone else had gone, Dean Andy told us he thought one of the scenarios (PS with mistakes) was a 10 and total rejection of applicant. When did you start seriously consider going to law school? Where do you see your career going after law school? Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. What would you contribute to the UVA community? Should this be minor, major, or game over? Why? He said it was because of how light the student made the plagiarism seemed contrasted with the result of suspension for a semester. Northwestern also performs a waitlist interview via Kira. What did you do to resolve it? What are some cons of you as an applicant? What do they like about working with you? How would you advise the president on this topic? Describe a situation in which other would say you exhibited a level of maturity beyond your years. What would teammates and coworkers say about you? Posted 11:23:50 PM. Hypothetically, what do you think youll be doing after law school? ), Second Scenario: An Oxford masters student, who had already been accepted to Georgetown Law, told Georgetown that he withdrew from his masters program. Youll be asked to respond verbally to six different questions. What is the specific clinic you are interested in and why? The scholarship committee member was very sweet and genuine, and I really feel that shes in my corner. (not sure??) How long does it take to receive a decision? What is one question you were prepared to answer but were not asked? If you were a member of the YLS Admission Committee, what would you see as your biggest weakness? What would interest you about corporate law? Have you experienced any personal setbacks, and how did you respond? Suppose someone gets injured playing Pokemon Go. Also any specific tips or anything lol, all info is . The student was an ED applicant. If you were a fly on the wall, what do you think the admissions committee might think the strengths and weaknesses of your application might be? [Questions about professional experience.]. What questions do you have for us? She had a high GPA/LSAT, and shed won awards for her writing before. Why did you study [something you studied at grad school] and how will it inform your career? The Dean then weighed in, and he believed that this should be rated as a 7. Considering your consulting background, why law? The interview was pretty much how the other student from the 2020-1 cycle described it! What would you do if you cant make it to the top 10% of your class? Whats a movie or book that changed your mind? After we mingled amongst each other for a couple minutes, the Dean came down the stairs, introduced himself, and we all walked with him into a conference room, where we had name tags assigned to each seat. We were asked to rate the impact of this sloppiness to his application from 0 to 10 (game over, deny). The Dean said that he would let Student A in because a Why Georgetown essay was not required, so Student A should not be penalized for not writing one.). What is the best example of your leadership? Are you someone who solves easy solutions using complicated problems or solves easy problems using complicated solutions? The ABA is thinking about adopting a uniform bar exam. How many hours per week do you spend on social media? You can attend those as well. What did you do in your graduate program? Dean Cornblatt gave us packets that had various scenarios and we were tasked with determining how much the specific scenario should impact the individuals chance to attend Georgetown. (or something like that). What was the most innovative new idea you implemented? (went to UMich for undergrad). Could you tell me about a humbling experience? Which headline would you like to see in the news? Characteristic you hope to develop over the next 5 years? At the end of this form, you'll pay the $75 application fee by inputting your credit or debit card information. I hadnt thought about that before. Student As online interview (2018/2019 cycle), (very casual conversation with alumni, was an hour long), Vanderbilt Alumni Interview- over an hour long, very conversational, Overall very laid back and conversational - left a lot of time for me to ask questions, entire interview lasted ~20 min, Student A (Interviewed by an alumna in person, about 45 min long), Note: Student reported that the Vanderbilt interview was pretty relaxed compared to other interviews; interviewer only asked 2 questions and then the rest was a discussion about interviewers personal experience, Student A interview with an alum in Tokyo, Interviewer said he is required to ask these two questions* Started about 5 minutes late, but made it up with extra time. (The Dean said that this was game over because the student would not give him a lot of information, and he felt that he lacked integrity.). See alsoWhat Questions Should You Ask a Law School Admissions Officer? Second scenario was about a student who had already been accepted, and was currently in a graduate program at Oxford. Finally, he gave us a hypothetical scenario that was about Amy, a student with higher grades/LSAT but no why Georgetown essay versus Barbara, with slightly lower stats but a compelling Why Georgetown. What is most important to you? How did you end up [across the country] for college? Left time for two questions and spent about five minutes answering them. He would call on someone in each group to give a summary of what their group thought, as well as sometimes some individual questions to a student about what they thought. Yea I was a little surprised at my waitlist to, given the consensus on this website that I would get in (3.6 171). How will you deal with not being in top ten percent of class? Do you plan to work for a year or two before going to law school? I said it was major but would still accept her as she took great strides to redeem herself. Why did you pick your undergraduate institution? The Dean then presented a character and fitness issue to us about an applicant who plagiarized during a French course. Her addendum did not do enough to explain this disconnect, and over all he felt that she spent more time trying to make the issue sound small than apologizing and taking responsibility- he said it showed a lack of growth. What do you foresee yourself doing with your law degree? Summarize your life up until this point. Once he hears from all our groups, he states his own opinion before we move onto the next scenario. One tip for this one is don't afraid to be bold--Dean Andy asks you to rank a couple of situations from 1-10 in terms of ability to look past/forgive the error and admit the applicant. Student A: International students should prepare to answer why they would like to go to law school in the U.S., not in their own countries. Georgetown University Law Center Preferred Waitlist A few days ago, I got an email from Georgetown saying that the "Committee on Admissions has reviewed your application and has placed your name in a special group within our Preferred Waiting List". What is an achievement you're particularly proud of, personally, professionally, or academically? 2) what's my chance of getting in? - He explained that he's doing 3-4 of these interviews a day for months (pretty intense!! What's the best piece of advice you've received? What you want admissions to know about you? And that was it, he told us we would know sometime between December 20th and January 15th, however, it could always take longer. Tell us more about your academic background. Why J.D. (And for those who dont have work experience, be prepared to sell why you should still be let in.). We took about 2-3 minutes to silently read the addendum, then presented our opinions of whether it was no issue, minor, major, or game over. We had to of course justify our opinion. Tell me about the most stressful time in your professional career. Note: I was allowed 1 minute and 30 seconds for each question so I had plenty of time to provide some depth. Almost all of us went with a no because of how he handled it. Later he told us that he was doing 450 of these group interviews, and that we should expect to hear from him about our decisions between 12/15-1/5, probably towards the beginning. What is something that isnt on your resume thats interesting about you? According to US News & World Reports, Georgetown Law was ranked the 14 th best law school. A student who had already been admitted writes to admissions informing them that he is dropping out of his Oxford masters program early (without obtaining the degree) without providing additional info. What are some of the pros and cons of Harvard? The group was split 50/50. If you could have a conversation with anyone (dead or alive), who would it be and what would you talk to them about? (He called out people that reached for the paper before he finished speaking.) Law schools process their admissions at different speeds, and more often than not, waitlist movement will only occur once a higher-ranking school starts selecting students off of their waitlist, creating opportunities throughout each tier of schools as the movement works its way down. For the questions that were asked by Washington University that weren't resume-specific during my interview: 20mins, including time built in for your questions. And yes there seems to be a select group that is preferred within the preferred waitlist. Dean Cornblatt started with asking us where were at, where were from, what were doing, and a fun fact about us. in that country! 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