Sacramento, CA Qubec, QC Anyone who reads Louies blog should, by now, have developed an awareness of the dismal state of affairs in the Church. The attacks from Michael Voris & CMTV against Catholics in the SSPX would not be possible were it not for the FSSP and the Bishops who ordain Priests for the FSSP. Back in the day, Voris, out of genuine concern for souls, used to lambaste the new Mass as a danger to the faith. The authorities of the FSSP have been notified about all this just as Father Paul Nicholsons Bishop was about his demonic actions. Edmonton, AB Either one is a Catholic or a heretic. The FSSP are bad actors. We are not just dealing with infighting we are dealing with Satanic attacks by false brethren and wolves in sheeps clothing. Christ asks His Apostles. Bergoglio [as he likes to call himself] doesnt understand Tradition. Regarding group #5, you said 5th group SSPX RESISTENCE 2012/2013 these are mostly priests that belong to the SSPX. Indeed we are often victims of true prejudice-marginalized as lunatics, bazaare, on the fringe or fringe groups, etc. On the local level, a dust up ensued between the SSPX and the FSSP, or more appropriately, between individual persons associated with each as, apparently, a priest of the Society had advised people to avoid the FSSP and it got back to Fr. His work is exclusive in design, liturgically correct and unequaled in beauty. Watch on EWTN's Raymond Arroyo recently interviewed two priests of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP): Fr. Michael Saguto passed away in New York, New York. Barbara ChurchMilitant and M. Voris started this. I hope all you FSSP faithful and supporters remember this when you are putting the envelope in the basket on Sunday. This argument is fair enough; objective reality isnt subject to legal pronouncements. I had already decided (in agreement with you) to stay away from CMTV and T. Marshall. marian, The Missive. The objective truth isnt really all that difficult to see here with respect to the Councils standing in relation to the truths of the faith as they have always been taught. Will the FSSP issue a public statement in support of the SSPX and debunk the schism myth? Berg celebrated a Low Mass at 6:30 a.m. that Saturday morning in the SEAS Chapel. First of all whatever myself or others comment here does not mean that this is louies position or that he even agrees with the comment. These attacks are coming from the FSSP, opus dei and novus ordo clerics working with them. Colorado Springs, CO I would submit that a reasonably well-formed Catholic of average intelligence can indeed arrive at a high degree of certainty that the dictates of the post-conciliar popes with respect to the SSPX (as it concerns issues surrounding Vatican II and the new Mass) are not manifestations of the will of the Father. VII & that which was borne of it, a Modernist Sect, is the problem. Use those words. Well, I suppose I am one of them, then though I would characterize myself as more than prefer since I exclusively attend the TLM (save for an occasional Melkite liturgy, I suppose), either through an Ecclesia Dei society or diocesan priest, depending on where I am. I remember that you detested this video and Michael Matts opinion here because I recall that you commented on it when it first came out. I DARE him to try and dispute me. Baltimore, MD The fear of being disobedient to (modernist) Popes made so many many Catholics in the last 50 years compromise. Nevertheless, I address you here not out of disrespect, but simply because the sedevacantist position is almost always inaccurately sketched out and characterized here & elsewhere. It includes those who, through no or >>limited<>>limited<<< fault of their own. For the person who knows that the Council is a grave danger to the faith, they have no problem advising against them allowing themselves (and their kids) to be formed in an FSSP parish since we have an obligation to engage those things that threaten to lead us away from the faith. Tulsa, OK Fawning over Paul VI, Divine Mercy blather & countless other things. Louie does a fine job of using his layman status in the correct way, although he steps over the line on occasion. Youre free to believe so if youd like, but I dont. Jeremy Palman. With Thanksgiving Day, many are (or were, depending on where you live) looking forward to getting together at home and spending time with family and friends. I got news for all of us here. El Paso, TX dear rich, Love your enemies, be good to those who hate you is not a suggestion. 15:5). The clown Masses, the lack of faith on the part of leaders, the abuses, the watered-down catechesis, the lesbian nuns, the gay priests, the destruction of the Faith by religious orders, and on and on. But as a sedevacantist myself, that excuse does not fly. Terry is a parishioner at Mater Dei parish, run by the FSSP, in Irving, TX. Take a trip over to Novus Ordo Watch to learn about the actual truth of things, not watered down, but assuming those with a genuine sense of the faith will be given the grace to handle it. FSSP International As one who was there for this sermon (and many more), and class, I firmly state that he has NEVER attacked the SSPX. Dayton, OH So let me go on record here by saying that I will gladly sit with Michael Voris on a live program to discuss specific reasons why no Catholic should ever be forced to sign off on Vatican II as an integral part of tradition.. I disagree with you, however, that the FSSP should be avoided. Fort Worth, TX Rapid City, SD They prefer the Traditional Mass for sure but they are not going to cause any scandal to other Catholics by being disobedient to the Pope even when doing so would help to save souls. That a priest who knows that Peter has forbidden him from offering the Sacrifice of the Mass would be so presumptive as to thumb his nose at the Vicar of Christ and say his superiors have given him permission is terrifying terrifying for the soul of that priest. Rapid City, SD Indeed, contrary to what some may hear about us, we sedevacantists in reality live amidst other Catholics in peace & gracious commaraderie. Presumably because (generally speaking) the FSSP priests avoid directly criticizing the dangers inherent in the new Mass and the Council (as Voris once did) as well as the words and deeds of the pope. Springdale, AR Zachary Akers (FSSP Director of Development) on the Fraternity's new album, "Requiem". No need to be so defensive i wrote a short paragraph to explain things to people who read the blog and comments. A commenter on Twitter recently asked me if I am "officially a sedevacantist.". Both Verrecchio and Voris are about exactly my age born at the tail end of the American baby boomers and although not a bit as courageous or knowledgeable in the faith as them, I really commiserate with both their stories. Saguto FSSP on Saturday, October 7, 2017. In this letter, the North American District Superior of the FSSP, the Rev. Thank you and God bless. I think some charity is in order here. I worship in an SSPX Parish and I know full well why Im there. FSSP pastors are . Register Now. We are truly living in a period of disorientation. So does the Church. The rules and commands originated with a person. But who gets to determine where the standard of Christ is planted? I do think it possible to simultaneously hold that Bishop Olsons action was in certain ways unjust to the staff and students at Fisher More while also being critical of the administrative leadership of President King. **********Breaking News********** Mater Dei Catholic Parish 2030 East State Highway 356 Irving, TX 75060 Phone: (972) 438-7600 Email: - Over the course of the last three days, Michael Voris has put his unholy obsession with the SSPX on display via some 30 minutes of video (with the promise of more to come) featuring over four thousand words a portion of which was allegedly plagiarized (but more on that in a moment. The central issue & question to be asked is: Is that religion which is currently observed in Vatican overseen dioceses worldwide the Catholic religion? I think that for piety, for love of Our Lord, and for love of the Holy Father (no matter how bad he is), we ought to publicly resist his errors based on the previous Popes throughout history. Many excellent leaders in the Church, good holy men and women, recognize the exact same problems, but they havent left. The founding document of the FSSP contains lies and heresy. Not even one? In justice it should be known. For once youre ranting, raving & complaining about something other than us evil sedevacantists! Clarkdale, AZ But they are all liars? The way it is done here by poikolby and some others is NOT the Catholic way taught by Jesus Himself. Hence the old adage that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.. The error can be found in document ecclesia dei in 1988 and was made more clear in 2003 with the FSSP constitutions. Wolfe FSSP is true and public. We are semi-contemplative Marian Sisters, which means that, while we pray the full Divine Office in common and have 1-1/2 hour of mental prayer each day, we also . Gemma Bradac is an All Saints parishioner located in Hudson, WI, willing to travel up to 30 minutes for a family. I am not a follower of the Dimonds, may God forbid. All the doctors had it wrong and he wasnt dead then he made up a story. MEMORIALS. Catholics are STILL watching and waiting. It was simply too painful for many lay people to take. We have not yet seen Justice in the Fisher Moore College scandal. me) Die for Him? [Jesus: The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. Very dear and close friends, who fought side by side with me and my family to defend the Catholic faith, have literally turned their backs on us and pretend they never even knew us. What they ultimately have lacked, though, is a real sense of contact, intrigue, and love with a Person. I will look at the link of this man who was dead. 3rd group those that choose only to attend TLM except for funerals weddings etc. The modernists are suborning the so-called traditionalists. Baptism and Confirmation have left an indelible mark on our souls that can never be erased, courtesy of the Holy Ghost, from which Christ identifies us as citizens of His Kingdom and belonging to Him. 4. In light of all that surrounds us, (the new annulment process, synod on the family, silence on sodomite marriage, etc.) Paul has been designing and carving ecclesiastical interiors for the past several years. I dont say any of this as a criticism of those attending and supporting SSPX chapels, or even their clergy, which also includes some fine priests. As dysfunctional as the Church can be in her human element and she is it is perfect love of Christ Crucified, our Eternal Contemporary as Ven. Now that Father Wolfes role has been made public with respect to both CM and Fisher More, it would be a good time to reread the story of the collapse of Fisher More College with all that in mind, and be sure to fill in what has been said here in between the lines:, especially in the section on Relations with the FSSP: Richard M Gerard Saguto (US District Superior) and Fr. Look, if Michael had a genuine change of heart such that he now feels compelled to change his previous (and well disseminated) stance of these matters, he would address them head on. I found it on the New Liturgical Movement website. In my experience Ive found them to be extremely obedient people who were obedient as children. Nor is it a personal attack on you. You really need a better source, maybe someone who doesnt provide you with misinformation in order to slander a good and faithful priest. Saskatoon, SK I cant believe it! Philadelphia, PA Nothing more and probably less. Voris- shmoriswho cares? Anyway, IMHO, knowing this & taking it into account one can still certainly enjoy this fabulous film. If we know of loved ones who have wandered, ask the same for them, that they begin to sense the obvious need for the Church and the Sacraments, particularly Holy Communion and confession. Father Gerard Saguto, F.S.S.P. These are the signs of an unstable mind. Even the Drumm narrative at the link admits that much just as it concedes that they really did make some bad hiring decisions. Gerard Saguto, FSSP, and the liturgical artist, Mr. Paul Sirba. OBITUARIES. Baltimore, MD john6, Omaha, NE Post Falls, ID Fresno, CA This is the will of God, your sanctification (1 Thess 4:3). There is no other way for mankind to have been saved and redeemed except through the sacrificial offering of God Himself, totally innocent and obedient, to God the Father. As this unfolds, we lose sight of the individual trees that make up the forest. Problem sorted. *** Here, let it not be said that the interior of anyone is being judged. Fr. Nevertheless, his blog, writing style, and persona seemed to be totally different to me from that day forward. I too have been guilty of using the combox to lay off my personal frustrations, and I have also used uncharitable language. There are validly consecrated priests & bishops worldwide to shepherd & provide (valid-it must be noted,) Sacraments to the faithful by the thousands. Join Fr. Member of the traditionalist Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter. BTW, thanks for the link to the tradcatknight. Do they care? To accuse the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peters members of be responsible for the break-up of marriages is scurrilous and reprehensible. Richmond, VA I love piokolby and others here enough to point out that they may be sinning themselves by their polemics and lack of prudent speech. Louie, your blog does not rise and fall by my participation. Visit for information about the next conference and how to register. Now there is the objective case of schism, and the legal/subjective case of schism. All of us have a duties as Catholics. The abandoning took place with the founding document ecclesia dei in 1988 and was made more clear in 2003 with the FSSP constitutions. He is in control, and our fidelity in things both small and large is what obtains for us the supernatural insights into His very life and designs. Those who think this group is the anti-christ will not be moved from that position. Prior to working at CNA, she was the managing web editor of; she has a BA in. The Holy See, FSSP Apostolates . What went on at Fisher Moore College is not known. We all have blind spots about ourselves and situations we may be in, and the realization of such things can be quite the exercise in humility. They are within the Church. The heartfelt acknowledgment of potential loss is a sure-fire way of checking contempt and correcting things. This comes about in various ways. Fr. Maple Hill, KS Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Gerard Saguto, FSSP, North American Superior for the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, made a pastoral visit to Mater Dei on Sunday, March 6th, offering the 9:00 AM Sung Mass and the Benediction following the Mass. 1st group attend the new mass at local parishes this ranges from sunday catholics too conservative and everything in between can comprise of people who dont make good use of the sacraments to parish council types , eucharistic ministers etc. Furthermore, I do agree that Louies blog and the comments that follow are an excellent vehicle for enlightenment during these dark times. The circumstances surrounding the departure of the French-Canadian priest from the Fraternity were a mystery. In a Nov. 15 statement, Archbishop Bernard Hebda said the recall of Father Gerard Saguto, FSSP, "was taken in response to an issue that had surfaced in trauma counseling undertaken voluntarily by Father Saguto and brought by him to the attention of his superiors. Voris linked directly to the FSSP site in Scotland in his attacks on Catholics in the SSPX. I was still reading his blog almost daily when it all transpired, and can remember it not sitting well with me after hearing his explanations. Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary The financial problems of the college were not of the Presidents making. If you dont mind-consider a few thingsyou dont have to respond-this is not a challenge. Philip Wolfe, FSSP. The Church is a home, and that is because it begins with a Person, Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. I think it is excellent. The reality is that, regardless of what Bishop Olson did in taking away the right to TLM from the college (and failing to provide any alternative), Fisher More was in a terminal state due to imprudent financial decisions made by the administration. hi, Servant of Our Lady, The way they advise individuals is highly personalized. You do not have to rehash your reasons why you hate Mr. Matts opinion as I just re-read your words and the responders here on this link: Sacramento, CA These Catholics focus heavily & almost continually on Bergoglio-who is not the problem. A home, and Love with a Person look at the link admits that much as! //Sacredliturgyconference.Org/ for information about the next fr saguto, fssp and how to register Lady, Rev! Reality isnt subject to legal pronouncements for enlightenment during these dark times reality... My personal frustrations, and persona seemed to be totally different to fr saguto, fssp from position! 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