They tend to cling on the idea of love and desire their fantasy and dont want anything less. Nikola notes that this specific degree is related to traffic-related accidents and assassinations, based on seeing a pattern. 3. individuals and even if they have a lot of friends they dont need anybody and people shouldnt forget that and they will use that to their advantage to cut off things they dont deserve. They could be somewhat timid but that doesnt mean you should underestimate their abilities. It is reported to be the longest eclipse in half a millennium since it is reported that this eclipse will last approx. Also, the house that Saturn is placed is where you may have heavier obligations to and must learn some hard lessons from (again, maybe as karmic debt and a lesson you have to learn in this life). In astrology, Taurus rules the vocal cords, the neck, throat, and the voice. Ive noticed a lot of people are attracted to people who have their moon sign as their venus. Sun in 6th tells me that when you finally put boundaries up, no one respects them. 8th house influence - having a 1st or 11th house ruler or Uranus can bring sudden and unexpected fame. . Astarte in the 3rd house will make someone have a very dominant and appealing way with words and they tend to have a very fixed mind. Leo risings this is a theory so I may be right or wrong but since its descendant its in Aquarius they couldve attracted some romance online?? Venus in taurus tells me you love spoiling yourself 24/7, as you should. As in the whole umbrella of your health and what concerns it. Leo Venuses are bold usually but when they have a crush they turn a little shy, usually theyll show you if they want you. If your Saturn is in the 7th this can indicate karmic relationships/ your relationships could be people you knew from a past life. Theyre the type to finesse a store employee for a discount. (Libra is Masculine). Yet, with this opposing the Moon-NN conjunction, how can we use this resourcefulness to bring our material desires into fruition? Everyone thought they were so fucking weird yet they were so likeble. They tend to be rebellious and emotionally intelligent, its important to let their emotions out in a creative way. Ive noticed people always have something to say about these individuals. ex; shooting games (like cod). person may have unique catch phrases and humor. Not as active anymore but I miss her content a lot. Ex: someone with a 0 Mars in Sagittarius could embody the purest, highest form of Mars in Sagittarius (alot of action and energy that expands easily almost to the point of burnout). They could benefit / are prone to having a lot of praises online and could have some internet fame. Fame in Astrology Which planets, signs, houses do represent fame in astrology? Thank you for coming and enjoying this little story and Ill see you in the next post!! Cancer Moon Men tend to be more open to their feminine side. Leo risings express themselves by their hair. People tend to love their creative side and they to have all sorts of talents in the creative realm. Once they stick to something it becomes part of their routine and become loyal as ever. Look at your dominant as well , Sun Dominant = Happiness, Self confidence, Creativity, Mercury Dominant= Intelligence, Communication, More memories, Pluto Dominant= Rebirth (Getting rid of negative energy around you, powers, anything you desire, Mars Dominant= Passion, Motivation, Power, Moon Dominant= Wisdom, Intuition, emotional wellbeing, Neptune Dominant= Any dreams can come true, Spiritual guidance, Unexpected Abudance, Saturn Dominant= Stability, Authority & Power, Material desires, Uranus Dominant= Revolution, anything you desire (manifestation is good in Uranus), Psychic insights. These Avatar degrees are 15 Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius. (Underdeveloped). this can go as far as dropping close friends for their partner & then regretting it. A lot are prone to having romance online / a lot of online friends) Here we have someone who isnt scared of being themselves and this is why theyre deeply admired. Always great to read, Soft has a way with words, I think they cover essentials pretty well <3 Astro journal type blog Also really sweet and into ghibli :D. Duckie is the one of the most supportive and nicest ccs here!! Their main motive is security and if anyone were to bother with their boundaries the person would have to face harsh reality from Astarte in Taurus / 2nd house individuals. They tend to be very fixed on their beliefs and hopes so even if people try to bring them down theyll put themselves back up again. I aint gonna hear it out anymore. Air placements can be the biggest internet trolls in my opinion, they can sometimes (Especially Gemini & Aquarius) argue for no reason online because they get some joy for teasing people. However, they have a lot to give. ^I can also see that they may like to date older people. The teeth tend to be very attractive and big. People tend to look up to Sun in 11th individuals to cheer them up. The following fixed signs pertain to resourcefulness, lucky accidents, or coincidences. Its important they learn to be more assertive. 22 of Killings. They wanna be heard and will not hesitate to say whatever needs to be said, with that being said a lot of people could get turned on from their words and they could have a very sexually appealing voice. Their war side is prominent and they can be very vengeful when they need to be and use their intense appeal as a boost and could twist things at times but only when needed to so dont cross them. Mercuries in 8th tend to have very intrusive thoughts and could make them a bit awkward in real life socializing. - In my opinion, since this degree represents the purest energy of a sign/planet, Ive deduced that people with this degree in multiple planets can possibly rub others the wrong way because of how much they can (possibly) embody the sign/planet of whatever this degree is over. They will help her obtain power and influence (Scorpio). Yelling. Native is a little hard to figure out because theyre secretive. My goodness I thought it would never leave that fucking sign. They may be behind accounts spreading false rumors about people. , May have been seen as someone who has to be more responsible and may not have been given much grace. Face is usually oval with long nose. Can have curlier hair. Yet Im scared to. The nose is usually very well noted and are usually slender & oval faces. Taurus is one of the most artistic signs in astrology, oriented on enjoying life and finding beauty in it. These people are usually busy within trying to make themself secure in every way possible usually financinally. -Today we are going to talk about the degree theory and how degrees can be analyzed in your chart! Cant wait to see some of your questions! Usually the sign there is significant in one of the peoples chart. (especially conjuct & opp). Uranus in 3rd tells me that you are consideredthe weird kid but are hella fucking smart. If you were born when Venus was in industrious earth sign Capricorn, you're wired to take slow, steady, pragmatic steps toward building lasting bonds with a love match, a friend, or a business partner. Ive realized a lot of scorpio risings are mistaken as libra risings. Keep the questions sensible . FIRST PART OF THE POST - SIGNS/PLANETS IN THE TENTH HOUSE. They do crush on people easily though. May be the first one to start a change. People tend to be attracted to their. 5 of Erotica. So also if you have this degree be mindful of the power it can embody. (My own work) Do not claim as your own. Since Venus is also in Capricorn, we could be very serious and committed on how to make this happen for us as well. If someones moon/ rising is the same as your venus this will make you guys very affectionate and loving towards each other. . As a supporter you'll get access to exclusive content and perks. I dont wanna party anymore I wanna stay at home., You know Im always hidden in my comfort zone, when am I gonna get out there? What is this?, You know Im here for the people, but Im not really here for the people ya know? Nikola mentions this is the degree of clairvoyance. (Or any Major Pisces placement) Pisces moons / Risings may be luckier in a way and experience a lot of transformations somewhat like Scorpio do.. (Most people with this are around 16-early 18 if Pluto is in Sagittarius) There is usually something about education. So yes, Saturn is tough, but once you come out of that karmic debt you are much wiser, stronger, and intelligent. And my optimism has been my detriment these past few years. Person is independent and does not seek validation. Sagittarius rising men / women definitely can charm anyoneeee. However youre always ALERTT and ready to protect anything. This native could be very stable with their finances as they get older. 8th house influence - having a 1st or 11th house ruler or Uranus can bring sudden and unexpected fame. DEGREES OF ASTROLOGY + CLAUDES THOUGHTS (Part 1) . Venus is also about leaning towards what we value most, whether that is emotionally, materialistically, or spiritually. You can always show love through tips at my cashapp: $DellyRelly! Exactly). If not older, someone who may give an air of maturity. These people tend to take interests in unconventional activities and they tend to be very intelligent and out of box thinkers. Link to the first part will be at the bottom of this post. If you rising sign opposites someone sun in synastry this can make the sun personintrigued by you. Twitter (Divination & Astrology content). If you ever had an important connection with someone check their Juno and your Juno! The 30th degree is the anaretic degree. Overconfidence, grandiosity, lack of humility, and/or extreme discontent in modest circumstances may be your faults. Also does tarot if u like, Sun posts a mix of astro and tarot. This is great! Theyre usually very random and laugh at everything. For example, while yellow is associated with Mercury, the actual color of the planet itself is light grey. This can sometimes manifest in an unwanted way, it can be negative attention or the person doesnt really enjoy it. Sagittarius mars or any prominent sagittarius placement may fantasize about having sex in foreign or exotic places. Their beauty is very unique and unconventional and their beauty and sex appeal stands out. they are committed and are in it for the long haul, they are very loyal and value honesty and grounded people. Powerful and Frustrating! No angles and corners. Natives with this placement tend to be very slim built & can look younger. Sun in 11th house - having Sun here is similar to the stellium. Do feel free to tip at $tladytalks if you do enjoy my content, as I do work hard to make this kind of content. :), Have fun learning Astrology Ill make more posts if needed (part 2, part 3, etc. These people are very honorable and have the drive to achieve a lot of things this lifetime. Nikola mentions this is the degree of clairvoyance. Having a strong 11th house talks about being well-known and popular, so many celebrities have this stellium. They tend to love the idea of being nurturing and caring but they have the tendency to express Astartes war side as being passive aggressive, they may hold grudges. Jupiter Dominants= Abundance, Happiness, Wisdom, Money. Person is logical yet optimistic about challenges in life. You may find a lot of people with this sign at work/ or whatever place. Leo risings change their hair a lot. Ive, a lot of air moons are actually detached from reality and like to, these people like their routine & their own stuff. A lot of Air Risings tend to post a lot on Social Media and they know this too even if its a private story or something they tend to always like to record their moments and share it. They still did it anyway. So also if you have this degree be mindful of the power it can embody. In my opinion, since this degree represents the purest energy of a sign/planet, Ive deduced that people with this degree in multiple planets can possibly rub others the wrong way because of how much they can (possibly) embody the sign/planet of whatever this degree is over. Also, since the NN is conjunct the Moon, the opposing SN would conjunct the Sun. Sources are also mentioned below: - To clarify, I will discuss from Aries-Virgo degrees and the others in a separate post to not make it seriously long. Both love that ride or die shit. Each has a different type of fame; Scorpio is more expressive, Aquarius is humanitarian, and Leo is just straight up famous (sometimes for almost no reason). Capricorn Venuses are in it for the long run so a breakup could really mess with a Capricorn venus more than given credit for, they tend to have a lot of trust issues after a separation. I am thinking of village in the sense that people who mainly live off the land. Like a Sagittarius Moon + Gemini Moon would make such good friends. Every gemini venus ive met doesnt like getting into relationships because their intellect that most people arent shit lmaoo. Strong Mars Placement in chart can actually manifest in a lot of insecurity, especially in their sexuality & (insecure about feminity, masculinity). Natives with this placement suffer from very bad self- esteem. Their beauty is very unique and unconventional and their beauty and sex appeal stands out. Mercury is also conjunct in the dance with Sun-SN. Astrology Notes: Indicators of Fame and Success MC and Moon conjunct, and Venus and Ascendant conjunct are both excellent indicators in a natal birthchart for fame and success. Ive met a lot of Pisces mercuries who like interacting with fun and unique people, its just an observation but they dont like small talk at all. Not as active but great! Planets at 27, 28 and 29 degrees. Leo placements look amazing when they take pictures outside especially when the Sun is shining on them, I dont have to explain much, theyre ruled by the Sun. Therefore, more of a chance to get assassinated. Yall are naturally admired & people close to your circle get good luck. The signs that tend to create the most public fame in this chart are Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius. They may be rich or be seen as rich and people may want to spoil them / could attract sugar daddies or mommies. Also an og, I dont see them much on my dash but I loved their content. Look especially for planets in the signs of Gemini, Leo and Aquarius in this house. Moon square uranus individuals tend to have an attitude towards their mothers. Below discusses Nikolas thoughts on certain degrees in astrology. Can make you go very far aggresive lengths towards the other person verbally. If someones Jupiter conjucts a placement in your big three or Venus the connection is usually long lasting. Capricorn placements love deep things just like Scorpio placements do, they just understand each other. Part 2 will be out tomorrow. hi bellaa! . They will go on on their path unbothered. People tend to be attracted to their speculative way of expressing themselves a lot of people may want to dig deep into them so its important they establish healthy boundaries. May not know too much about their ancestral lineage. Yall know how this goes, but thank you to everyone who interacts and learns from this series. If you have capricorn placements (especially capricorn moon) or/and virgo placements Im just gonna assume you expect the worst case sceneraio 24/7. They could be prone to feeling insecure about their Venusian traits but they tend to be very attractive because of the way they take care of themselves and tend to look very put together, theyre a sucker for the little things. Your placements can tell you the way you manifest especially Jupiter. Jupiter in Virgo individuals tend to get stressed easily / a lot tend to complain about school / education. Does not take friends advice* (This is directed towards the 18), Justice system (This includes judges, lawyers, etc), (This was interesting because remember that Nikola mentioned that the Aries degrees represent corners and angles. They tend to have luck when making things come true / manifesting. TAURUS RISING: Usually heart shaped face. Astrological Degrees and Fixed Stars. > North Indian, It is prefered. Her Sun, which rules the father, at 28 degrees correlates with the fact that her father was famous for representing OJ Simpson. Person has attractive lips and good headshape as long as forehead. Online Relationships / Long distance in synastry can have Uranus- Venus aspects. ), Rahu Planet Combinations:, Rahu in The Houses: Their room is barely messy. Also leo rising, vv pretty haha, Rat I see on my dash every now and then <3 she give updates on her life (I wish them lots of love) Posted more astro content back when I was more active <3 Sweet, supportive, gives good kpop recs if u like lol, Lenora I really miss. Ive noticed sagittarius moons like their partners to be a lot different from them. People who have planets or points* at 2 wield supreme power and are well-positioned to make remarkable achievements, according to research work done by Serbian astrologer Nikola Stojanovic. aries with prominent earth are actually pretty calm maybe even shy people, but do not anger them. For this sign to be known as the sign ahead of its time they have to be intuitive on some level. you could influence people to become more ambitious, people would think of you as someone who is passionate. earth mars and water mars are good together. Responsible. They enjoy peaceful activities and like their own relaxing time quite often. Their mother could be somewhat dominant over them and very protective but usually wants the best for them. Ive noticed that the asteroid Juno actually tells way more than I thought! Check out my terms on reposting and plagiarism here . Saturn- Ascendant aspects will have older friends/ mature much quicker. This is considered the degree of the household name. This degree only applies to the personal planets, especially those in the 10th house of the birth chart which represents what you are known for. Virgo Midheaven. . Active person on my dash and the colors are always so lively. Fashion shows. six hours. 5 : fame from a young age or short term fame some astrologers say this only means short term fame but from what ive seen it can also mean fame from a young age like below 18yo (ariana grande has her sun and jupiter at 5) 17: fame degree 29: long term fame a lot of this degree in your planets, especially inner planets, being a karmic degree as well can indicate you were . So many more brilliant astro ccs I missed. (anything glamorous, I noticed a lot of libra placements tend to have had a lot of beautiful stuff growing up). My favorite astrological topic thus far! Sun in 7th wether they admit this or not always need somebody. Sagittarius Moons arent unfaithful once they settle down, however they rarely do settle down theyre very picky with their partners but do like to have fun & chase. The 7th house rules open enemies so they attract a lot of jealousy quite easily because of their attractive nature. (synastry). The ascension degree should be added to the Moon and Sun degrees if you are going to calculate it manually. Ahead of its time they have to be a lot of people are very honorable and have the to..., and/or extreme discontent in modest circumstances may be your faults people you knew from a past life have... The 7th this can sometimes manifest in an unwanted way, it prefered... 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