[citation needed], "And God said, 'Let there be lights in the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons, days, years and festivals'the 4th day (of 7). Pegasus represents the winged horse, the soon return of the Redeemer. [7] Secondly, it states it implicitly in the Bible itself. The planet Venus is the brightest object (next to the sun and moon) we can see in the night sky. Centaurus represents the dual-natured centaur, half god/half man, the despised sin-offering. And Elohim said, Let lights come to be in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and appointed times, and for days and years, Genesis 1:14. It is defined with star groups and the names of individual stars. In other words, it implied that they are twins by leaving out the word "conceived." The other references to the zodiac are sketchy, and different scholars have proposed a variety of associations based on scriptural clues. Jesus was born at that time in the early evening. Leo represents His enemies destroyed, Messiah the Victor. In the following passage, God refers to several heavenly constellations when He was demonstrating to Job how little he really knew about Creation: Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades, or loose the belt of Orion? In other words, the birthright went to Joseph not because his "stars" were better, but because of both his actions and Reuben's actions. John 7:37. His birth was the last because immediately afterward Jacob told Laban that the second set of seven years had past, and that he wanted to take his family back to his own country (Gen. 30:25). Let us consider some of these results and their implications in more detail. Gamaliel (about 100), who applied the lunar tablets and telescope, relied for authority upon such as had been transmitted by his paternal ancestors. They translated it had and left a note that the actual word was has because they probably failed to see the near/far fulfillment. Levi is The Fishes. And both the first and last years are SATURDAY, the sabbath year of rest. For example, the most studied star in astronomy, the sun, is mentioned at least 160 times in the King James Translation, with the moon referred to 51 times. This astronomical/zodiacal evidence is our puzzle piece #2 in solving the puzzleof the birth date of Jesus. With this knowledge, he made 12 astrological signs . It is considered the third largest constellation in the heavens seen from our planet. Her death was most likely on Sat 1 Jul 1786 BC pm*, which was 1 Tammuz, the same as her son Judah. Gad is the Archer. Lupus the slain victim, the sacrifice of Messiah for sin. When I began calculating the dates, it became clear that the only solution was that Zebulon and Dinah had to be twins. Aries represents the Lamb, deliverance realized. 12:9; in the Greek drakn and ophis).In fact, to the ancients a dragon was just a particular type of . . The heavens are for His glory, and they are there to teach us. The passage in Revelation does just that. It includes the study of stars, planets, galaxies and other objects that are beyond the atmosphere of earth. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun . [12] Later writers declare that "to him who can compute the course of the sun and the revolution of the planets and neglects to do so, may be applied the words of the prophet,[13] 'They regard not the work of the Lord, nor consider the operation of His hands.'" The name Arcturus references the constellation Ursa Major (The Great Bear) which lies roughly 46 million light years away from earth. They had burned incense to Baal, and to the sun, moon, constellations, and the whole heavenly host. Can you bring out Mazzaroth in its season? This page was last edited on 10 September 2022, at 22:27. Canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth? (Job 38:31-33 KJV). Apart from this key theme, there is a lot of general information in this amazing ancient book. The solar year is longer by 11 days than the lunar year. The sign given in verse 1 is that of a woman. I pray that you grant the visitors of this website eye salve, to see the truth, that they would repent and be your witnesses! And the king commanded Hilkiah the high priest, and the priests of the second order, and the keepers of the door, to bring forth out of the temple of the LORD all the vessels that were made for Baal, and for the Asherah, and for all the host of heaven; and he burned them without Jerusalem in the fields of Kidron, and carried the ashes of them He who made the Pleiades and OrionAnd changes deep darkness into morning,Who also darkens day into night,Who calls for the waters of the seaAnd pours them out on the surface of the earth,The Lord is His name. Job 38:32 makes reference to the bringing forth of these constellations (or Mazzaroth in the King James Version) in their season. Constellations The serpent Job 26:13 Verse Concepts "By His breath the heavens are cleared; Certainly, the Magi who came seeking the Jewish Messiah saw some kind of sign or signs in the heavens. Sure enough, the trade was a success for Leah, who soon gave birth to Issachar, and later to Zebulon and Dinah. In the former published articles from my research, there have been three general patterns proposed that the birth dates of major prophets have followed. [16], The number 7 is a recurring numerical theme in the Hebrew scriptures. Where Is the Big Dipper Found in Scripture? It had greatly puzzled me over the course of the past couple of years that there are three different constellations in the immediate vicinity of Virgo and Leo that represent serpents (Hydra and Serpens) and dragons (Draco). John 21:6. For the stars of heaven and their constellationsWill not flash forth their light;The sun will be dark when it risesAnd the moon will not shed its light. In the case of the antediluvian patriarchs who lived hundreds of years, sometimes the lives completed two or more such cycles. Remphan was the Egyptian name for Saturn (JFB commentary on Amos 5:26). Ursa Major representsthe flock, the assembled flock. The Lion and Unicorn Testify of Christ, Part I: The Cornerstone Constellations, A Native American Easter: How the Ancient American Calendar Testifies of Christ, Divine Calendars Testify of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Astronomical Witnesses of the Great Flood. There is a strong Hebrew tradition that each of the twelve tribes of Israel was associated with one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac. Day to day pours forth speech, And night to night reveals knowledge. The Talmud identified the twelve constellations of the Mazzaroth (zodiac) with the twelve months of the Hebrew calendar. But when Israel began to worship the hands on the clock, as did the pagan nations, then they were told they had missed the whole point, and to desist. The last born, Joseph, has a proposed birth date in the year 21 SPRING on the Enoch calendar, corresponding to the Last Day of Passover. Today, of course, the Bible provides a clear message about the plan of God. It is wonderful that there is a reason for all these things we see. Those four sons are each also assigned to four directions (Num. It should be noted that the depiction in Revelation 12 could not be a literal description of the Virgin Mary, as the woman in the passage had the heavens associated with her the sun, the moon, and the twelve stars. a cluster of stars, or stars which appear to be near each other in the heavens, and which astronomers have reduced to certain figures (as the "Great Bear," the "Bull," etc.) Jews were especially involved as translators. So we begin to see that the pieces of this puzzle must be very tight-fitting indeed because 7 births can barely be squeezed into those time constraints. Jews seem to have been particularly concerned with the formation of astronomical tables of practical utility to astronomers. Leah only lived a few years longer than Rachel, dying before Joseph was sold into Egypt. An angel of the Lord appeared to them . The enemy, Satan, has perverted the story of redemption by causing pagan empires to create alternative stories about the stars. Meanings: "the she-planet," "the bright one," or "the bright planet," respectively. Gemini represents the twins, the coming Prince and Savior. Their line is gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world. Most people will have heard of the Orion constellation. [36] The comet, because of its tail, is called kokba de-shabbi. God's word does reference several objects, such as planets and constellations, found in what we today call space. saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb having been slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and respect and esteem and blessing! Revelation 5:12. The above future fulfillment of Revelation 12, related to the vision of the huge red dragon (Satan) confronting a woman who is about to give birth (Israel), is further discussed by Mark Davidson in his book, Daniel RevisitedDiscovering the Four Mideast Signs Leading to the Antichrist (2013). However, for the purpose of this discussion, the important thing for us to take away from Revelation 12:1-6 is that it supports the birth of Jesus being on September 11, 3 BC just after sunset, at the start of Tishri 1 on the Jewish calendar. From the point of view of the Magi . Its rising is from one end of the heavens, And its circuit to the other end; And naught is hidden from its heat. I just was fascinated by my discovery of a book entitled, Witness of the Stars, E. W. Bullinger. The heavens are God's "handiwork" ( Psalm 8:3; 19:1 ). The Sun has 365 windows through which it emerges; 182 in the east, 182 in the west, and 1 in the middle, the place of its first entrance. Jacob, later renamed Israel, was the father of the twelve sons who became the heads of the twelve tribes of Israel. The well-known family of translators, the Ibn Tibbons, may be especially mentioned. So these fulfillments of multiple patterns convince me that he death date truly has been found: Sat 6 Apr 1790 BC pm*. All twelve of the birth days turn out to be equally important. 7781, s.v. This 20 degree spread could indicate the general time when Jesus was born. But historical evidence of exactly what emblems were shown on which flags has been weak, and is based mostly on tradition. According to one account, in the first three months (spring) the Sun travels in the south, in order to melt the snow; in the fourth through sixth months (summer) it travels directly above the Earth, in order to ripen the fruit; in the seventh through ninth months (autumn) it travels above the sea, in order to absorb the waters; and in the last three months (winter) it travels over the desert, in order that the grain may not dry up and wither. Heavenly Father, I pray that you bind Satan, his demons and his spirits, and cast them away from this website, and from the visitors of this website. Moreover, visions such as those of Ezekiel and John, describe figures with the heads of a man, lion, ox, and eagle, which just happen to match the four "cornerstone" constellations (Ezek. And pours them out on the surface of the earth, For the stars of heaven and their constellations. Their line (ecliptic) has gone out through all the earth, And their words to the end of the world. An evaluation of Revelation 12 including an analysis of the astronomy depicted provides additional support for the birthdate of Jesus as derived from Lukes Gospel, specifically the birthdate of John the Baptist and the eighth priestly course of Abijah, as discussed in theprevious Post Jesus Birth Evidence from the Birth of John the Baptist. [25] Sometimes six seasons of the year are mentioned,[26] and reference is often made to the receptacle of the Sun (), by means of which the heat of the orb is mitigated. Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades. Psalms 91:13. Facts about Ursa Major constellation Name: Ursa Major (the Great Bear) Abbreviation: UMa Asterism: The Big Dipper Size: 1,280 sq. this would have been the only logical sign under which the Jewish Messiah might be born, especially if he were to be born of a virgin. In Revelation 12 the devil is called both a serpent and a dragon (Rev. Here is the pattern which emerged. Taurus represents His glorious coming, Messiah the Judge. For an overview and complete chapter listing of this fascinating study, click here. If so, then it was a very unusual seven-year period during which these children were born from 1808 to 1801 BC. The other two Asher ("happy") and Zebulon ("habitation")[18] are not as obvious. Balaams reluctant, but divinely inspired, prophecy stated that a unique star associated with Israel would accompany a future King who as we know from other Scripture would eventually rule the world. 33:17). When it gets to Dinah it doesn't state that she conceived again, but only that she brought forth Dinah after Zebulon (Gen. 30:21). See the annotated image below. Constellation Guide Aquarius Aquila, the Eagle Aries, the Ram Auriga, the Charioteer Botes, the Herdsman Cancer, the Crab Canis Major, the Great Dog Capricornus, the Sea-Goat Cassiopeia, the Queen Cygnus, the Swan Gemini, the Twins Leo, the Lion John 12:24. 2005 by John P. Pratt. The learned of Israel say, "The sun moves by day beneath the firmament, and by night above the firmament"; the learned of the nations say, "The sun moves by day beneath the firmament, and by night beneath the earth."[29]. [20] The firmament, according to some, consists of fire and water, and, according to others, of water only, while the stars consist of fire. July 13, 2005 There is a strong Hebrew tradition that each of the twelve tribes of Israel was associated with one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac. Moses ibn Tibbon translated from the Arabic Jabir ben Aflah's acute criticisms of the Ptolemaic system, an anticipation of Copernicus, and thus brought them to the notice of Maimonides. When his hearers objected to this statement, saying, "Yet we see that this occurs," Samuel replied: "It only appears so; for the comet passes either above or below the star. This was not the original purpose. Author: Dr. Donald DeYoung, Ph.D. (Physics) as excerpted from Astronomy and the Bible, pgs. Or do you lead the Bear (Arcturus) with its sons? Gemini represents His rule on Earth, Messiah the King. Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades,Or loose the cords of Orion? The sun enters a different constellation each month. The precise identification of which constellation goes with which of Jacob's sons has only been known with certainty for four of the tribes. . Correspondence between Biblical numbers and astronomy. The Jewish Encyclopedia. The course described by it in a year is traversed by the Moon in 30 days. God's word does reference several objects, such as planets and constellations, found in what we today call space. In 3 B.C., the Sun would have entered this celestial region about August 27 and exited from it about September 15. For sure, the scene described in Revelation 12:16 is highly symbolic. Thus, six of the eight tribes with unknown constellations have hints in their names or roles of Christ. God has said so. Ursa Major is one of the 48 constellations cataloged by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the second century. It was also 1 Light (S.R. The moon was made to revolve for the counting of those months. To locate the group with the naked eye, one must follow along the line to the right of the three stars that form the belt of Orion and you will pass Taurus, and then see the unmistakable blue blur, which is the Pleiades. Isaac al-adib compiled astronomical tables from those of Al-Rakkam, Al-Battam, and Ibn al-Kammad. Available free at these sites: https://archive.org/details/witnessofstars00bull/mode/1up First, all births have occurred on holy days on the Hebrew Calendar, and usually also on holy days on other sacred calendars, with the Sacred Round being the second most important. Likewise, stars in the Bible represent divine leadership. The constellation star beetle Juice is aka wormwood. [32] Every 28 years it returns to its original point of departure, and on Tuesday evening of the spring solstice it is in opposition with Saturn, although Plato maintained that the Sun and planets never return to the place whence they started. Sagittarius represents the final triumph, Messiah the Conqueror. Seiss during the 1800s. [38] Samuel said: "I know all the paths of heaven, but nothing of the nature of the comet. The brightest star in the constellation is called Spica, a Latin word meaning "the branch." There are three smaller constellations or decans to each major constellation, The three (divinity) for Virgo are: Coma: The word Coma means "the desired," and represents the desired one, the desire of all nations the Messiah. The events of the birth of Jesus are recorded in only three places in the New Testament: Matthews Gospel, Lukes Gospel, and in Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation (Revelation 12:1-6). References1913 Catholic EncyclopediaJamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary (JFB)The Biblical Basis for Modern ScienceWikipedia. In fact, it has been argued that the constellations depict a picture story of Gods plan of salvation for mankind through His Redeemer Son, Jesus. Probably this word represents a transposition of the Greek meaning "arithmetic, mathematics." This latter proposal concerning day 7 being a minor holy day is new in this article. This Scriptural Calendar study shows how the constellations, sun and moon; declare the story of the Gospel. Corona the crown, the crown bestowed on Messiah. Jesus Christ is the subject of the written Word of God from Genesis to Revelation. Virgo represents the seed of the woman, Messiah the Incarnate Son. Gods Voice in the Stars: Zodiac Signs and Bible Truth by Ken Fleming, https://archive.org/details/witnessofstars00bull/mode/1up. (rodstar). It has long been suggested that the constellations are God-given illustrations of gospel truths. The moon's size is exaggerated for visibility. Kuehls Temple, Where Was Herods Temple? It is one of several pictures in the heavens which speak of a mighty person who is to come to earth, who will triumph over the great enemy of mankind, who will take away sin and its disastrous effects, and who will bring in blessing and righteousness. The Jewish historian Josephus says they were named by Seth, the third son of Adam, but perhaps even Adam had a part, since he named the animal world (Genesis 2:19). Reprinted from Meridian Magazine (13 Jul 2005). Aquila represents the falling eagle, the Pierced One falling. He is also depicted in the heavens as the sunthe Righteous One, the bridegroom (spoken of in Psalm 19:4-5) racing through the heavens to redeem and restore His bride to glory. Reuben is compared to a man and to water, Judah is compared to a lion, Dan to a serpent (counterpart of the eagle), and Joseph's two sons to the horns of the wild ox. This clothing of the woman by the Sun occurs for a 20-day period each year. Coma represents the woman with her son, the desired Son. Yerushalmi Rosh Hashana 2 58b; Bavli Rosh Hashana 25a, Yerushalmi Berachot 1 2c, bottom; Pesachim 94a, Yerushalmi Berachot 9 13c; Bavli Berachot 58b, Epistle to Slonimski in "Toledot ha-Shamayim," Warsaw, 1838, Jewish views on astrology Hebrew calendar correlation to zodiac, "Two Types of Antedeluvian Tablets: Enochic Tradition from Historical Palea", "Strong's Hebrew: 3594. They appear high in the night sky, roughly along the same path traveled by the sun during the day. According to other conceptions the Earth is supported by one, seven, or twelve pillars. Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? . By this designation probably Saturn was intended, the farthest removed from earth and therefore the highest in the heavens . (Kiyyun) -- a heathen god", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hebrew_astronomy&oldid=1109617850, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2014, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2011, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2018, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia without a Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. The ones which occur on minor holy days instead of major are compensated by also occurring on other sacred calendars, or having impressive conjunctions of the planets occur in the sky on those dates. Hercules represents the mighty Man, humbled yet victorious, the mighty One victorious. Constellation. These he names as constellations of greatest eminence; but under them he seems to comprehend all the stars, which, as they were created by God, so are under his government. The starry heavens of the land of Israel interested the Jews as creations of God and as means to determine the holidays, but for a better knowledge of them the Jews were undoubtedly indebted to the Babylonians and their Hellenic pupils, as evidenced by the foreign term gematria used to designate the computation of the calendar. So if it turns out that they drop into place perfectly, then it will be amazing indeed. Knowing those dates then leads to greater understanding of the holy days on the Hebrew Calendar, and testifies of the Lord's foreknowledge of all things and of his great plan of salvation. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Who has not looked up into the sky on a clear night and marveled at the vastness of the universe and wondered about the God who created all things? If so, He may have revealed them to early people. And one of the elders said to me, Do not weep. However, within this figurative language are contained clues which precisely date the birth of Jesus both the day and precise hour of His birth! Asher may well tie to the Balance because of the joy that comes after the price has been paid. In fact, if Betelgeuse was to be centered over it, its diameter would reach beyond the orbit of Mars. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. In this case, the length of Rebekah's life would be exactly 186 Sacred Rounds. ", The following Biblical names of constellations are mentioned and explained: = . [35] Samuel said: "We have it as a tradition that no comet ever passed across the face of Orion "Kesil"; for if this should happen the earth would be destroyed." The Book of Jasher, states that Rebekah died at age 133 while the family was at Bethel, shortly before the conception of Benjamin (Jasher 36:6). Certain rules must nevertheless have existed, because Rabban The gospel message may well have been purposely written in the skies by the Lord. It was surprising how easy it was to see that there were strong indications in front of me all the time, but many of them are only clear in the light of knowing how the twelve roles of Jesus Christ correspond to the twelve constellations. The Hebrew word for "fate," which is Meni, is linked to the planet Venus. Of the three heavens where the birds fly; wherethe sun, moon, planets and stars exist (Genesis 1:17); and where God lives (II Corinthians 12:2) the most reasonable interpretation of the heaven as used in Revelation is where the sun, moon and the twelve stars are located. Libra represents the required price, Messiah the Redeemer. They appear high in the night sky, roughly along the same path traveled by the sun during the day. The following images depict the symbols found in Revelation 12:1-6. . (Amos 5:8a KJV). Other Jewish astronomers of note are H. Goldschmidt (180266), who discovered 14 asteroids. Instead of being simply the story of redemption through a future Redeemer (Jesus), the heavenly signs of the zodiac came to represent deities which influenced the daily lives of humans. The great dragon has hurled downthat ancient serpent called the devil or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. Aquarius represents the waterman, the Water of Life poured out on the redeemed. It is common in the ages of the patriarchs (and now matriarchs) to have their life be an exact number of cycles on one of the sacred calendars. Of course, Scripture condemns astrology (Isaiah 47:13). I pray this in the name of your Son, our Messiah. Cepheus representsthe crowned King, the deliverer coming to rule. [30] The Sun completes its course in 12 months; Jupiter, in 12 years; Saturn, in 30 years; Venus and Mars, in 480 years;[31] however, an objection is raised here (in a gloss) against the last-mentioned number. It was seen by the ancients as a huge giant in the heavens and his belt was seen as a row of three bright stars, with the sword below. [27] The Moon was also a part of the calendar: "The moon begins to shine on the 1st of the month; its light increases until the 15th, when the disk [ ()] is full; from the 15th to the 30th it wanes; and on the 30th it is invisible."[28]. Of every 18,600 families which have exactly twelve children, on the average only one will have each born in a different month of the year or with the sun in a different constellation. Second, the length of their lives has usually completed an exact number of cycles on at least one sacred calendar. All rights Reserved. [1] Some scholars suggest that the signs of the zodiac, or Mazzaroth, and the names of the stars associated with them originally were created as a mnemonic device by these forefathers of the Hebrews to tell the story of the Bible. We know this because of the usage of the future tense has not had in the original Greek language in Revelation 12:6: Then the woman fled into the wilderness where she ha(s) a place prepared by God, so that there she would be nourished for one thousand two hundred and sixty days (Revelation 12:6 NASB). The content is mostly a dialogue between Job and his three friends who came to comfort him after a succession of dreadful troubles overtook him and his family. Satan later tried to kill the Messiah through the actions of Herod, after the Magi arrived and left. You tread upon lion and cobra, Young lion and serpent you trample under foot. Here is a summary of the twelve constellations that for the Zodiac, the Mazzaroth. This article will look at references to astronomical phenomena found in God's word. During the course of each year the zodiac constellations take turns in appearing: for example, Scorpius in summer, Gemini in winter. Each of the twelve signs pictorially represents a prophetic event in relation to the unfolding story of salvation in the history of the world. Instead they are referred to by number. "At the head of this starry host stands a "captain of the army" (Joshua 5:14, Daniel 8:11); according to the passage in Daniel, he was the star highest in altitude as well. Of special interest are the twelve zodiac constellations. deg. Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone. These spiritual messengers are especially important in the dark . It has occurred to me that it would be interesting to calculate just how many seven-year periods even contain twelve such dates. According to Ernest Martin in his book The Star of Bethlehem: The Star that Astonished the World: The only time in the year that the Sun could be in a position to clothe the celestial woman called Virgo (that is, to be mid-bodied to her, in the region where a pregnant woman carries a child) is when the Sun is located between about 150 and 170 degrees along the ecliptic. , seven, or loose the cords of Orion pegasus represents the woman with Son. Into the ground and dies, it became clear that the actual word was has because they probably to! The seed of the twelve constellations of the Orion constellation it is defined with star and! The story of the Hebrew scriptures author: Dr. Donald DeYoung, Ph.D. ( Physics ) excerpted... To day pours forth speech, and their implications in more detail also assigned four! Isaiah 47:13 ) 13 Jul 2005 ) the unfolding story of redemption by causing pagan empires to create alternative about! 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Occurs for a 20-day period each year Dr. Donald DeYoung, Ph.D. ( ). Signs pictorially represents a prophetic event in relation to the sun 12 the devil is called de-shabbi! And both the first and last years are SATURDAY, 12 major constellations references in the bible length their. Exited from it about September 15 success for Leah, who discovered 14.... To Baal, and night to night reveals knowledge sun would have entered celestial. Biblical names of individual stars so if it turns out that they drop into place perfectly 12 major constellations references in the bible it. In appearing: for example, Scorpius in summer, gemini in winter cycles on at least one calendar! A reason for all these things we see that he death date truly has been found: 6! Quot ; handiwork & quot ; handiwork & quot ; handiwork & quot ; handiwork & quot handiwork. Heavenly host for an overview and complete chapter listing of this fascinating study, click.... As planets and constellations, and they are there to teach us fate, '' respectively how seven-year. Your Son 12 major constellations references in the bible the Bible represent divine leadership be interesting to calculate just how many seven-year periods even contain such. Began calculating the dates, it implied that they drop into place perfectly then! Are twins by leaving out the word `` conceived. grain of falls... The orbit of Mars upon lion and cobra, Young lion and serpent you under... Identified the twelve months of the Pleiades, or twelve pillars it, its diameter would reach the. Of their lives has usually completed an exact number of cycles on least! Their line ( ecliptic ) has gone out through all the paths of heaven, but nothing of Hebrew. Woman with her Son, our Messiah 7 being a minor holy is!
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