The starting point to develop a sustainable microalgae-based process is the consolidation of a favorable energy balance. An improvement can be seen in the productivity of the process, as it increases the number of frequencies per day. The values for the maximum biomass (63.88 mg/L h) and lipid (18.9 mg/L h) productivities as well for the calorific value (20.4 kJ/g) were obtained at a photoperiod of 24 t/d. Princeton University Press, New Jersey, Maroneze MM, Siqueira SF, Vendruscolo RG, Wagner R, de Menezes CR, Zepka LQ, Jacob-Lopes E (2016) The role of photoperiods on photobioreactors–a potential strategy to reduce costs. Note that fluorescent bulbs and neon lighting are halogen sources. 0000110521 00000 n 0000112086 00000 n Methyl esters of fatty acids, known as biodiesel, are non-toxic, biodegradable, and an excellent alternative to fossil diesel, since the combustion properties of this biofuel are similar to those of petroleum-based diesel [2]. Conversely, Table 4 showed that all conditions tested were lower than that of international standards established for kinematic viscosity. AOAC International, Gaithersburg, Bligh EG, Dyer JW (1959) A rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification. 0000140617 00000 n Table 3 shows the fatty acid (FA) composition of the oil extracts from the sixteen light/dark cycle evaluated here. Different light conditions have shown a significant effect on the fatty acid profile and, as a result, biodiesel properties were also affected. 0000108970 00000 n Algal Res 2:333–340, Abu-Ghosh S, Fixler D, Dubinsky Z, Iluz D (2015) Flashing light in microalgae biotechnology. [36], the longer the fatty acid carbon chains and the more saturated the fatty acids, the higher the cetane number. 0000021659 00000 n The improvement of cellular growth under short photoperiods could be as a result of an enhanced dark respiration rates following a period of photosynthesis in light. Environ Sci Pol Res 26:20961–20968, Bagchi SK, Patnaik R, Sonkar S, Koley S, Rao PS, Mallick N (2019) Qualitative biodiesel production from a locally isolated chlorophycean microalga Scenedesmus obliquus (Turpin) Kützing GA 45 under closed raceway pond cultivation. © 2021 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 0000141351 00000 n Enzyme Microb Technol 27:631–635, Lim KC, Zaleha K (2013) Effect of photoperiod on the cellular fatty acid composition of three tropical marine microalgae. Besides, the productivities of the process, the chemical composition of the biomass, biodiesel quality, and energy balance were assessed. 0000040110 00000 n The results showed that Scenedesmus obliquus CPCC05 can store sufficient energy to sustain cell growth for continuous periods of up to 2 h in the dark, without affecting the productivities of the process. Therefore, reduction in the use of artificial lighting is vital. 0000142371 00000 n Thus, the best lipid producer has to combine biomass productivity and lipid content [2]. advances in lighting design allow efficient use of windows to reduce the need for artificial lighting during daylight hours without causing heating or cooling problems. The primary raw materials for the photosynthetic microalgae cultivation are nutrients, carbon dioxide, and light energy. 1 shows the effect of long-term photoperiods (a), frequency photoperiods (b) and short photoperiods (c) on biomass and lipid productivity. It is commonly agreed that environmental deterioration and fossil fuel depletion are becoming two worldwide issues that threaten human development [1]. This behavior was observed up to 24 t/d, where this condition showed the best cell productivity value (63.88 mg/L h), followed by 48 t/d (58.22 mg/L h). The kinematic viscosity of biodiesel is another significant fuel property. 1a) [23, 24]. The results shown in Table 5 indicated that the energy required to supply the artificial lighting of the photobioreactor was lower than that produced in all light conditions, except for the photoperiod of 12:12 h (light: dark) that presented a positive NEB and a NER of 0. Can J Biochem Physiol 37:911–917, Watt BK, Merrill AL (1963) Composition of foods. 0000174214 00000 n As discussed herein above, the lipids are intracellular products and, therefore, the lipid productivity depends on both the lipid content as biomass productivity. At the same time, the carbohydrate content exhibits the same pattern between the conditions tested. In comparison, the photoperiod of 18:6 showed a predominantly saturated profile (53.37%), followed by polyunsaturated FAs (28.13%). The primary reference fuel on this scale is hexadecane or cetane, with a CN value of 100 and the minimum value on this scale is 15. 0000039351 00000 n 0000222984 00000 n Daylighting strategies and architectural design strategies are inseparable. The first PCA was performed to examine the relationship between the feedstock production parameters. As the parameters NER and NEB are mainly based on biomass productivity, they were clustered together on the top left-hand of the plot. 0000064804 00000 n Also, the release of volatile compounds contributes considerably to ozone layer degradation. As much as lighting is important in the workplace, it is always very essential to relate the kind of lighting to the kind of work which is being performed at the place of work.For instance, in an office where a computer is used so often, it is essential to have a quality amount of light so as to relieve the effect of the brightness of the computer screen on the eyes of the workers.Generally, there are two modes of artificial light. 0000099712 00000 n In the long-term photoperiods, the light: dark cycle of 24:0, 22:2, and 20:4 h showed a similar profile, which is predominantly polyunsaturated (42.34–50.9%). CN is a prime indicator of fuel quality related to the ignition quality of a fuel in a diesel engine. Thus, in the light/dark cycle frequency experiments, the cells were exposed to 22 h of light and 2 h of dark, where these 2 h were divided into six frequencies: 2, 4, 8, 12, 24 and 48 times per day (t/d). Bioresour Technol 219:493–499, Queiroz MI, Hornes MO, Silva-Manetti AG, Jacob-Lopes E (2011) Single-cell oil production by cyanobacterium Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli cultivated heterotrophically in fish processing wastewater. It was qualitatively observed that the photoperiod significantly influenced the fatty acid profile of single-cell oil and, consequently, the quality of the produced biodiesel. 0000026626 00000 n The light energy can be provided by the sunlight, which is the most cost-effective energy source for microalgal production. The modulation of photoperiods demonstrated to be an enhanced strategy to improve the energy balance of the process, allowing the use of artificial lighting as a worthwhile alternative for microalgal biodiesel production. It was also observed that the photoperiod of 24 times per day had biomass productivity 35.8% higher than experiments with constant illumination.

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