Compass Gruppe. You will probably have to spend more time scrubbing with a toothbrush than you would with LA Totally Awesome. Removing paint from miniatures is easier than you’d think! I've been thinking about stripping some units and painting them over again so I tried using Nail Polish Remover on some plastic painted miniatures. I also happen to run this site and write the majority of its content! Although the resin did go hard again a few days after being pulled out of the metho, the process of scrubbing off the paint had rounded the sharp edges and destroyed the fine detail. Gather the ingredients and equipment that you will need for the process. Because right out of the package, paint won't stick well to your miniature. However, most methods I know of will damage resin. Hey John, I was planning on it. Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner (InvisiClean)The Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner (InvisiClean) is one of the … Do not work near heat sources or open flames. Keep the container with the miniature and solvent in a sink overnight. I'm a hobby enthusiast with a real love for painting miniatures. What I generally do is to leave the miniature covered with alcohol in a crystal pot for a full night, and then with a soft brush remove the paint. The recommended cleaners will be able to remove these paints as well, but it’s possible that they will need to spend some extra time soaking or that you will need to scrub a little harder. Any soap should work. Resin is a synthetic compound that can be used to cast miniatures with fantastic detail. Hi there! Some can react with the resin and damage the surface detail. . This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. 90% of the paint and primer rinsed right off. We selected the best choices out there and created a guide to paints used on miniatures and models to help you choose the right option for your next project. The paint on resin statues may crack or peel over time or owners may simply desire a different look. How do I strip paint? I had looked at Gesso as a primer for 1/72 soft plastic miniatures. So far Blood Thirster 1. Models, Miniatures, Terrain, Dungeon Scenery, Conversion Parts and Upgrades for Sci Fi and Fantasy Miniatures. Recommended Posts. You can also use isopropyl alcohol, which is also known as IPA or isopropanol. Brake fluid can serve as an acceptable alternative to paint stripper for removing paint from small metal or plastic objects. Super Clean says it can burn your eyes and skin. The young man selling it was very nice and I got a bunch of good useable stuff for a great price. All I used the metho for was simply rinsing off the model. Other than the top two (which are the author's personal default choices), they're in no particular order. How we Make our Detailed Resin Miniatures We use a modern digital workflow to bring to life our fantastic resin miniatures. If you don’t, I don’t mind. Was really inspired by your city board – just wish I had more time. use a stiff toothbrush and brush it onto the model after letting it soak for 30-60s in a diluted solution Tried this on a Forge World Ironclad Dreadnought as well as a few finecast Thousand Sons, works great. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I even tried using a detergent and warm water, but still no dice. When you use LA Totally Awesome, Super Clean, or isopropyl alcohol, it’s recommended that you wear the following: Each cleaning product has warnings on the container that you should read before you use the product. Sie bestehen aus "Resin" ! Simply green commercial floor cleaner margaret, Cheers Mate. You should leave it in the container at least overnight so the cleaner can have time to take effect, though 24 hours should be okay, too. I’m guessing it worked well in your case because the Dettol had already done most of the hard work and thus the model didn’t stay in the metho long enough to soften it? You should still avoid getting it in your eyes, and make sure it’s not within reach of small children or pets. But I’m not a chemist so I can’t say conclusively. Es sieht nach Kunststoff aus (also Plastik ), aber irgendwo habe ich mal gelesen, es sei Metall (Weißblech o.ä ) ! Well, the battle did happen, but due to having my judgement impaired from a little too much alcohol no photos got taken. The posting is usually from an individual wanting to know which solvent is best, or what solvents can be used for stripping paint from metal, plastic, or resin miniatures. The results were clean surfaces with some paint left in the recesses. Got a few interesting projects in the pipe line ATM and I can’t wait to get them started but unfortunately I’ve got Uni so that’s where my focus had to be for most of the time. Safe for metal, plastic, and resin. Well, while I had some of my friends over we were taking about models we’d like to paint etc and I mentioned how I’d really like to do a diorama that features Inquisitor Rex fighting the FW greater Daemon of Khorne. You have to scrub the paint clean off the model and then put it in warm soapy water. Anyway, amazingly one of my friends mentions to me that he has one, that’s been assembled and under coated but he doesn’t intend on ever painting it so he asked me if I’d like to have it, for FREE! Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. A few weeks ago over Easter I had a few of my Wargaming mates over for a couple of days of hardcore man dollie action, drinking beer and BBQ’s. The first coat tends to pull out the most wood bits, making sanding an essential step. All cleaning products should be used with caution because they all contain chemicals. I just used a standard bottle of Dettol a few weeks back. I've found that Simple Green often works well in stripping some paints, particularly from plastic or metal miniatures. Use enough to fully submerge the miniature. To strip paint from metal figures, I prefer to use acetone or Pine-Sol. I tried stripping one of my BFG light cruiser casts a while back and it turned the resin all soft. The longer the models soak the easier the paint comes off. Be sure to check out my top recommendations for primers for miniatures, favorite paint brushes for miniatures, and my list of preferred paints. See the guide below When you have to strip the paint off the figure, please be cautious what kind of chemical you are using. Schönen Abend. even then, i never really gave the model more than 5-10 minutes submerged in it. , which is also known as IPA or isopropanol. I’ve had this guy in my collection for some time as I’ve always wanted to paint him simply because its an amazing sculpt. Was ist das für Material, ich konnte in keinem unserer Fremdwörterlexika den Begriff finden ! LA Totally Awesome will be the more reliable option to use since it can be used on just about any surface or material. Due to the surface material and color opacity, there can be color shifts. So it turns out there were one or two pieces missing but nothing too dramatic. PRE-ORDER! I came back about 3 hrs later and pulled out a random part and with my trusty tooth brush began scrubbing. I will provide a step-by-step walkthrough to assist the miniatu re games community. LIMITED EDITION SPARE PARTS MAGNETS Gift Vouchers BASES RESIN FIGURE KITS AND BASES SUPER DEALS Return of The Monsters! They are also not that common today, so your metal miniature might be 10 or 20 years old. In this first installment, I show you how to remove paint on a piece if you've screwed up on a piece and want to start over. But I am not the most confident painter and I like to be able to restart if I feel like I could've done better. What is the best way to strip acrylic paint from miniatures? Zealot Miniatures Web Store. This stuff worked a treat on getting the oily residue off and had the greater daemon clean in no time. This article will show you what products you should use and how to properly clean the miniatures. It works fast, so you shouldn’t have to do too much extra scrubbing after you leave your miniature soaking overnight. LA Totally Awesome warns that it’s an eye irritant, and Poison Control or the emergency room should be called immediately if the product is consumed. I left a few in for 2 weeks to make sure, and they are fine. If you don’t cover the entire miniature, it will be difficult to clean, and you’ll probably have to soak it again. We offer a growing range of excellent Paint Sets with our trusted hobby partners. Ok thanks this will help, how long did you leave resin and or metal figures to soak in the solution? You can try soaking it for a full 24 hours. Hydra Miniatures is running its annual Holiday Sale with 20% off all items. Simple Green. Stripping paint from resin miniatures involves the same process as stripping paint from the plastic miniatures. I've had less success using Simple Green or similar products when stripping second-hand resin miniatures and scenery, but this is probably due to the different paints used as well as the composition and surface of the resin itself. I will be using the Chaos marines in my Nurgle army, so they will be converted . I hope you find my ramblings of some use. LATEST RELEASES Madame's Pretties By Request heresy miniatures, heresy, miniatures, minatures, 40k, proxy, … I am in the UK…is this the same stuff? Regular scrub brush from kitc… You will need to: The part didn’t even go into a bath of metho, Metho is a solvent for acrylic paint so it works very very effectively but…, You really want to use it very diluted, probably 10:1, as it will soften resin if it gets into it (and also makes it less brittle if its a poor resin!). What works for me may not work for you. I was pretty overwhelmed by his generosity and after being assured by him that he didn’t want anything for it other than me doing a kick ass paint job in it, I accepted. Why? Use the appropriate solvent for the material your miniature is made of. Your complete source for dollhouse kits, furniture, accessories and supplies. I put it in the bag and seal it. Welcome to Hydra Miniatures-The Leader in Retro Sci-Fi . If you want to sell them, taking the paint off and priming the models c… Do not set the container of solvent on or near the edge of the table or counter. When I have to strip paint I use a stiff toothbrush and brush it onto the model after letting it soak for 30-60s in a diluted solution. After a few minutes, use a toothpick, needle or a small but strong brush to strip the paint off. Completely submerge you models in the cleaner for about 24 hours. Tool set of bristle brushes for stripping (you can find a cheap set in the paint department of Home Depot)- one plastic, one copper, one stainless steel. The paint has nothing to grip to and so the paint will rub off. Change ), World Eaters Mastodon & Thunderhawk Transporter – Epic Scale, Imperial Navy – Arvis Lighter & Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter, Betrayal at Calth – Ultramarine Terminators and Captain Steloc Aethon,, Forge World Realm of Battle Cityscape Board on Display at Anzac Cup this weekend, Forge World Greater Daemon of Khorne WIP #1. For the horses, I soak the inside of one of those storage bags (it's a trigger spray) and then spray the resin. Primer creates a bonding surface for your paints. Warm soapy water in the tub. I have to advise though that depending on the resin going straight to Metho is not a good idea. I've dunked them in Simple Green, it generally takes one layer of paint off at a time. give it a try! You don’t want it to be partially covered, because then you’ll have to take another night to soak the one side that was left above the surface. A shelf, the middle of the table, or in the sink should be a safe place. Tools. A few safety measures that you can take to avoid any accidents include: Stripping paint from miniatures isn’t a dangerous activity, even though there are several precautions to take. Remove prints from build plate and wash my ultrasonic cleaner. Get a cup of warm water and put one or two drops of dish soap in it and then mix it up. Keep it up buddy . detol 1:5 water I am assuming. Remove from Ultrasonic and rinse in warm water. Any reasonably sized container would do. Contents: Miniatures & Model Paint Guide; Best Paint for Miniatures and Models; One of the most time … When you scrub it with a toothbrush, you should use warm, soapy water, as mentioned before. It worked great! I use the Onyx Professional, item # 03030, and have never soaked anything. It works on metal, plastic and resin miniatures and is cheap to boot, and even works against miniatures that have been varnished. Dettol. If your miniatures are old, they probably have oil or enamel paint on them. Just one minute in white spirit will clean up a figure.Do not leave a plastic figure in white spirit for too long as it some times eats the plastic. Pinesol works okay, but will eventually dissolve plastics and soften resins. Thanks for the advice, great read! There’s a right way and a wrong way to do everything. hey Mate like your good work keep it up. Stripping Paint Off Of Old Figures The other night I bought a nice size lot of figures from an add on Craigslist (a local free classifieds list ). Place the miniature in the container overnight. Strip Paint off Miniatures Cheap and Easy – A How-To Guide The Best 3D Printer for Miniatures & Models 2019 Best Paints for Miniatures & Wargames Models – 2020 All you get is sticky oily hands Are you unhappy with your own paint job on your miniature? More paint might be caked up if it was an intricate paint job, so this might require some more soaking time or more scrubbing. For some projects this concept is provided by the client. Isopropyl alcohol warns that it’s flammable and can be harmful if it’s swallowed or touches your eyes or skin. By blefuscu, July 22, 2004 in Tips & Advice: Painting. There are generally several pieces per miniature that need to be detached. It’s often used to clean car tire rims because it’s capable of removing pretty much everything. When using paint stripper for wood furniture, not only do you need a brush (a cheap chip brush will work), a container to put the stripper in, a scraper, and neoprene gloves, but I also always have a cardboard box nearby. When metal, plastic, or resin miniatures get cast, casters apply a "release agent" to the mold, an oily or powder substance. I couldn’t believe how clean it all came up. Digital Sculpting A digital sculpt is created. Have you purchased a miniature that you want to repaint? Didn't do any resin / finecast, so not sure if they'll react differently. Not having removed paint from resin models ever I had to do some research on what methods to use etc, as I didn’t want to damage the resin. Concept A drawn piece of artwork is produced, either digitally or with traditional methods. It’s pretty amazing. Scrub gently so you don’t scratch the surface of the figurine. The responses generally include acetone, caustic lye-based solutions, Pine-Sol, paint thinners, Simple Green, and sometimes even automotive brake fluid. To cut a very long story short, isopropanol will actually dissolve many forms of plastic, but I suspect that because its in such a small quantity it only removes the paint, not dissolve the resin. I've learned that there are resins and resins. I'm on my 4th round of using what I think is probably too soft of a toothbrush to scrub the paint off. It works well on metal, resin, or plastic miniatures. LE MANS MINIATURES reproduces models in 1/18 scale with a driver at the steering wheel (child or adult). Vertrieb + Service Waldshut. 4. You shouldn’t scrub too hard with the toothbrush! 2. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Ready-to-Run : And yes it does move ! You will need to: LA Totally Awesome is recommended for resin miniatures as well. It doesn't matter if you need to remove acrylic, oil paint, enamel, or primer. As long as you are careful and avoid spilling chemicals, you will be safe while going through this process. I’ve used some metal miniatures from the old VOID miniatures wargame. There seemed to be two schools of thought on the subject. We have a four stage design to manufacture process. Nach oben. stripping enamel paint off plastics. Take a look around and find high-quality miniature products at low prices! I could see that it was working but it was not coming off at all. Some miniatures may be connected to a small base while others might be in a plastic frame. Use a paintbrush / q-tip / cotton bud, dip it into the stripping fluid, and gently brush the area you wish to clean. Found out some interesting things. The release agent also prevents paint from sticking to the miniature well, so we must remove it. After all, that’s where you prove your worth. I didn’t actually soak the parts in metho, just used it to “wash” the parts. Firstly, the main ingredient in Dettol is a substance called chloroxylenol and that several of the other ingredients in Dettol are not insoluble in water. New models to paint, and I’m like a child at Christmas, desperate to get some colour on it. Prepare Your Miniature for Painting - Cleaning. That’s because these use a clear resin. Previously I just spraypainted second-hand miniatures with a … It’s basically designed for painting on fabric. This is why when you add water to Dettol it goes a white coloured and milky. Numerous methods can be employed to strip the paint off resin statues. The day I discovered this method on the internet will be remembered as a milestone in my miniatures collecting hobby. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Compare the prints. Don’t be put off by resin models, and certainly don’t listen to “those” people who say it’s only for the experts at modeling. Strip Paint off Miniatures Cheap and Easy – A How-To Guide The Best 3D Printer for Miniatures & Models 2019 Best Paints for Miniatures & Wargames Models – 2020 Soennecken. Reply to this topic ; Start new topic; Prev; 1; 2; Next; Page 1 of 2 . Chuck the resin in, and give it a scrub with the toothbrush. Totally Awesome (which is cheaper). This allows the miniature to come out of the mold cleanly. Th… Miniatures Page: Removing Paint from Resin Soy Solvents: Paint Removers Miniatures Page: Stripping Paint Show Comments you may like. I too have struggled with dettol. can you please tell me witch paints u striped with this? It also works on paint that's been on for several years (the author successfully removed 10-year old Testors from a metal miniature with a 2-day Pine-Sol soak). To strip paint off of plastic miniatures, you will need to: LA Totally Awesome is the recommended cleaning product for stripping paint off of plastic miniatures. Every person has their own method of prepping. Create a free website or blog at I should have realised that to proud to put pink pink marigolds on! I thought I’d do the same as when use paint stripper on a metal model wash it off under water. I can’t say for certain, but it actually looks like the minis were sculpted to be positioned with one another. I made the same mistake two days ago. You can remove paint from just parts of the miniature, although it's easier to strip off the whole mini at once.

strip paint off resin miniatures 2021