Biological Function. This shield if shaped in such a manner as to resemble closely the body of an ant, the median portion of the shield being deeply constricted in imitation of the waist and the terminal portion sub-globular like the abdomen of the ant. Lessing was ducal librarian here, and the old library building, designed in 1723 in imitation of the Pantheon at Rome, contains a marble statue of him. His works bear the title "operas" because, though written mainly in prose, they contain songs which Silva introduced in imitation of the true operas which then held the fancy of the public. ". It is, however, to be noted, in the first place, that the imitation of the parent by the young possibly accounts for some part of these complicated actions, and, secondly, that there are cases in which curiously elaborate actions are performed by animals as a characteristic of the species, and as subserving the general advantage of the race or species, which, nevertheless, can not be explained as resulting from the transmission of acquired experience, and must be supposed to be due to the natural selection of a fortuitously developed habit which, like fortuitous. "When I was very young as a sportswriter I knowingly and unashamedly imitated others. 2. 5. Fabiano e Sebastiano, belongs mainly to the 16th century, and was designed by Galeazzo Alessi, in imitation of Bramante's plan for S. The Young Czechs could not take their place; their Radical and anti-clerical tendencies alarmed the Feudalists and Clericalists who formed so large a part of the Right; they attacked the alliance with Germany; they made public demonstration of their French sympathies; they entered into communication with other Slav races, especially the Serbs of Hungary and Bosnia; they demanded universal suffrage, and occasionally supported the German Radicals in their opposition to the Clerical parties, especially in educational matters; under their influence disorder increased in Bohemia, a secret society called the Umladina (an imitation of the Servian society of that name) was discovered, and stringent measures had to be taken to preserve order. He did a hilarious imitation of his father. . 35, "a confection after the art of the apothecary," or rather "a perfume after the art of the perfumer," which was to be regarded as most holy, and the imitation of which was prohibited under the severest penalties, was compounded of four "sweet scents" (sammim),3 namely stacte (nataph), onycha (sheheleth), galbanum (helbenah) and "pure" or "fine" frankincense (lebonah zaccah), pounded together in equal proportions, with (perhaps) an admixture of salt (memullah). In Caulerpa the imitation of a higher plant by the differentiation of fixing, supporting and assimilating organs (root, stem and leaf) from different branches of the single cell is strikingly complete. Again, several species of this order have become profoundly modified in form in imitation of inedible beetles. Once the trainer is finished, the learner will need to follow the same steps the trainer performed to complete the task. It was, in some degree, an imitation of Goethe's Hermann and Dorothea, and its plot, which was derived from Hawthorne's American Note-Books, is even simpler than that of the German poem, not to say much more touching. Examples of imitation A reverse analysis of implicit negative evidence : exact, expanded and reduced parental imitations. The whole system of junction stars was doubtless an imitation of the sieu; the choice of them by the Hindu astronomers of the 6th century A.D. In very young learners or children with limited imitation skills, skills begin at a fundamental level. When thinking about imitation that can be viewed in a variety of different settings and some examples of that would be When a narcissist imitates you to try and impress to show you they're interested in the same things they copy your likes your dislikes wants and needs An imitation might smell slightly different, but still be pleasing. imperator), a title formerly borne by the sovereigns of the Roman empire (see Empire), and since their time, partly by derivation, partly by imitation, used by a variety of other sovereigns. In the course of this struggle (and especially after the last episcopal vidomne had left the town in 1526) the municipal authorities of the city greatly developed, a grand conseil of 200 members being set up in imitation of those at Bern and at Fribourg, while within the larger assembly there was a petit conseil of 60 members for more confidential business. Imitation becomes the foundation upon which other important skills are based (e.g., verbalization, play, social, self-help, etc.) Imitation lures were used to catch fish who mistook the bait for real insects. The preparations in imitation of the natural black and silver sorts are very good and attractive. representations of alien peoples in Egyptian frescoes; imitation of Aegean fabrics and style in non-Aegean lands; allusions to Mediterranean peoples in Egyptian, Semitic or Babylonian records. Ancient dependence upon material composed by others may seem strange to modern students, who have been taught that their work should be original. Cut: The imitation diamond cut should have a depth the catches the light and sparkles like a diamond. He wrote numerous translations, of Galen, Aristotle, Ilariri, IIunain ben Isaac and Maimonides, as well as several original works, a Sepher Anaq in imitation of Moses ben Ezra, and treatises on grammar and medicine (Rephuath geviyyah), but he is best known for his Talzkemoni, a diwan in the style of Ilariri's Magimat. For decades, cubic zirconia has endured a reputation as a low quality, low value imitation diamond, but Ziamond, a world leader in exquisitely pure cubic zirconia, is changing that misconception. As the author of the Imitation of Christ put it long ago, " There is no living in love without pain.". One variety forms the ground of a very good imitation of porphyry; and there is a dull semi-transparent red which, when light is passed through it, appears to be of a dull green hue. In Caulerpa the imitation of a higher plant by the differentiation of fixing, supporting and assimilating organs (root, stem and leaf) from different branches of the single cell is strikingly complete. 4. This form had been ridiculed but now it lost its hold altogether, and was only employed occasionally by way of direct imitation of the antique. Examples of imitation in a Sentence. For example, studies by Renee Baillargeon and her colleagues suggested that infants as young as 5-months-old understood that objects that were hidden by a screen were still there. Now renamed simply Hancock, the season was overall a pale imitation of its former glory. The activity of the association takes the form partly of giving gratuitous advice, partly of experimental attempts, and partly of model works for imitation. Toys that focus on cooperative play can be an effective way to promote the development of skills like sharing, turn taking, communication, and imitation. In the domain of bronze and imitation bronze statuary the originality of the French is absolutely unrivalled. Learning the dance can be done without either just trying to learn it by imitation, or going all the way into taking jazz and hip hop classes. Different authors define imitation somewhat differently: A modest relaxation of this definition may be allowed by suggesting that innovation also exists when something which may have been done elsewhere is for the … The last ten years of his life were given up to the imitation of Greek poets of the Alexandrian school. When shopping for imitation diamonds, it is important to learn how to recognize quality rings. Quality imitation dark pearls can be an affordable option for a beautiful ring. The design is an imitation of twining and interlaced branches, a marvel of delicacy and grace, and finer than anything of the kind to be found in Agra or Delhi. In the manufacture of ornamental glass the leading idea in China seems to be the imitation of natural stones. Young child The tomb was opened in 1 774, and on the king's head was found an imitation crown of tin or latten gilt, with trefoils rising from its upper edge. He said: We know how to maneuver, we do not want slavish imitation. Overlimitz is a site worth checking out if you are interested in ordering wholesale imitation Oakleys. Enlist the help of a crafty friend and embellish ho-hum discount items with glitzy stones, white feathers or sprays of imitation pearls. Other works of Guevara are the Decada de los Cesares (Valladolid, 1539), or "Lives of the Ten Roman Emperors," in imitation of the manner of Plutarch and Suetonius; and the Epistolas familiares (Valladolid, 1 5391 545), sometimes called "The Golden Letters," often printed in Spain, and translated into all the principal languages of Europe. The Romans, admired them, and the emperors carried off some from their original sites and caused others to be made in imitation (e.g. It was customary to indicate by marks those passages which were especially useful for study or imitation. Take advantage of diaper changes to encourage babies and toddlers to copy various gestures and facial expressions: a frown, a fish face, blowing a kiss, clapping, etc. Occam was a sincere Franciscan, and believed with his master that salvation was won through rigid imitation of Jesus in His poverty and obedience, and up to his days it had always been possible for Franciscans to follow the rules of their founder within his order.'. From the 16th century to the 18th many artistic handicrafts were practised by the Portuguese in imitation of the fine pottery, cabinetwork, embroideries, &c., which they imported from India and Persia. This is but an imitation of the hand-hoe, or a succenadeum to it, and can neither supply the use of dung nor fallow, and may be properly called scratch-hoeing.". For example, the child may: Imitate simple actions that she has observed adults doing; for example, take a toy phone out of a purse and say hello as a parent does. The group of instincts which we class as imitative (and they afford only the foundations on which intelligent imitation is based) are of biological value chiefly, if not solely, in those species which form larger or smaller communities. This recasting involved both writing as well as speaking . At seventeen he wrote his Vernal Walk in imitation of Thomson. The montes, by which are understood plantations as well as native thickets, produce among other woods the algarrobo, a poor imitation of oak; the guayabo, a substitute for boxwood; the quebracho, of which the red kind is compared to sandalwood; and the urunday, black and white, not unlike rosewood. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? value attaching to the incomparable red glazes of China, not only in the country of their origin but also in the United States, where collectors showed a fine instinct in this matter, seems to have suggested to Miyagawa the idea of imitation. Pushing a button 3. ", (Donovan J. Ochs, "Imitation." We have already seen that a strict imitation of Cicero was one of the characteristics of the Italian humanists. In time, the bonds fall away, but if you look very closely you can sometimes make out the pale white groove of a faded scar, or the telltale chalky red of old rust. Consult the list before purchasing your dress because there are imitation or counterfeit Maggie Sottero designs that may not offer the same perfect fit or quality of an original design. We might mislead ourselves if we interpreted this expression as referring to moral goodness; on the other hand, Plato more than most of the Greeks thinks of moral virtue as an imitation of God. This withdrawal of the head of the state from direct contact with his people was unknown to the Omayyads, and was certainly an imitation of Persian usage; it has even been plausibly conjectured that the name is but the Arabic adaptation of a Persian title. Imitation pearls are practically valueless and mainly used in theatrical costuming. "Then students recast the ideas in the text under consideration. Of the former nineteen city gates only one remains, the Brandenburg Gate (1789-1793), an imitation of the Propylaea at Athens. "The genius of Roman rhetoric resides in the use of imitation throughout the school course to create sensitivity to language and versatility in its use. 4 seq., Aristarchus had the common reading ' taut, but another Homeric critic of note, Zenodotus, read for ' raoL, and this is supported by the obvious imitation in Aeschylus, Supplices, 800, who has The support which a reading gains from the evidence of the directly transmitted text and from the auxiliary testimonia may be called its documental probability. With a variety of products available at as little as $7 a tan, many people are trying an imitation tan at home. . Imitation pearls do not reflect light in the same manner as natural pearls; they are slightly duller, with a flat, matte finish. This reproduced the structure of a bird with almost servile imitation, save that traction was obtained by two screw-propellers. More than once, in letters to his friend Vettori, no less than in the pages of the Principe, Machiavelli afterwards expressed his belief that Cesare Borgia's behaviour in the conquest of provinces, the cementing of a new state out of scattered elements, and the dealing with false friends or doubtful allies, was worthy of all commendation and of scrupulous imitation. Darboy was the author of a number of works, of which the most important are a Vie de St Thomas Becket (1859), a translation of the works of St Denis the Areopagite, and a translation of the Imitation of Christ. Imitation hardware is extremely lightweight by contrast. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Such forms of imitation are mentioned primarily for completeness and to note the degree of subtlety that can be involved in imitation.

examples of imitation 2021