Author Peter G Ryan 1 Affiliation 1 Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology, DST/NRF Centre of Excellence, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa. Such a concentration, the researchers said, would rival that of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in the Pacific Ocean, whose alarming sighting last year highlighted the extent of oceanic pollution and its potential impact on aquatic life. 180x more plastic than food at the surface of the great pacific garbage patch The final resting place for Bermuda's British military, including a man who died of sunstroke. Most of the Atlantic debris is … This is widely dispersed and it's small pieces of plastic," she said. Ship-based surveys detect evidence of the South Atlantic ‘garbage patch’. This expedition follows a first research cruise on the vessel POSEIDON in August/September 2019, during which the western part of the Atlantic garbage patch was sampled. While this is certainly the most talked about garbage patch, it is not the only garbage patch in the ocean. Massive North Atlantic Garbage Patch Mapped Millions of pieces of plastic — most smaller than half an inch — float throughout the oceans. Learn More in these related Britannica articles: One in the Indian Ocean, two in the Atlantic Ocean, and two in the Pacific Ocean. There are five garbage patches- one in the indian ocean, two in the atlantic ocean, and two in the pacific ocean.. An apocalyptic seismic event creates a deadly chain reaction that ends with a 6-mile long lake developing within weeks. The first of these five garbage patches — the North Pacific one — was discovered in 1997 by American oceanographer Charles Moore. The new one was found in the Atlantic by a husband and wife _____ Anna Cummins and Marcus Eriksen. (See pictures of the Pacific Ocean trash vortex. Please click below to consent to the use of this technology while browsing our site. "When I looked off the deck of the ship, I saw hundreds and hundreds of little tiny pieces," he said. "We found the 'great Atlantic garbage patch,' " said Anna Cummins, who collected plastic samples on a sailing voyage in February.. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und … Humans annually produce about 200 billion pounds of plastic and about 10% of this material ends up in the ocean. Atlas Obscura and our trusted partners use technology such as cookies on our website to personalise ads, support social media features, and analyse our traffic. Much of the debris in the near-surface ocean collects in so-called garbage patches where, due to convergence of the surface flow, the debris is trapped for decades to millennia. Like us on Facebook to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. Over the last decade and a half oceanographers have discovered giant masses of plastic and … As part of this program, more than 7,000 students have gone on research cruises, deploying thousands of fine-meshed plankton nets to meticulously catalog bits of plastic enmeshed with the drifting plants and animals. PLASTIC ACCUMULATION . Using this data, scientists estimate that the North Atlantic Garbage Patch is hundreds of kilometers in size and has a density of 200,000 pieces of trash per square kilometer in some places. South Pacific Gyre . The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Die größte dieser Plastikinseln ist der nordpazifische Müllstrudel, auch The Great Pacific Garbage Patch genannt. Consider supporting our work by becoming a member for as little as $5 a month. Like Atlas Obscura and get our latest and greatest stories in your Facebook feed. 10 years ago. Rowing through the Great Atlantic Garbage Patch (sandiego.surfrider) Abaco also finds itself at the western edge of the Northern Atlantic Gyre. The newly described garbage patch sits hundreds of miles off the North American coast. See more ideas about Atlantic, Great pacific garbage patch, Ocean. History . Plastics in the North Atlantic garbage patch: A boat-microbe for hitchhikers and plastic degraders. • Most litter was plastic and carried epibionts so had been adrift for a long time. Confronting this reality together in the Atlantic Garbage Patch built bridges between the plastic industry and environmental NGOs. One in the Indian Ocean, two in the Atlantic Ocean, and two in the Pacific Ocean. 4. ), "But this issue has essentially been ignored in the Atlantic.". Billions of bits of plastic are accumulating in a massive garbage patch in the Atlantic Ocean—a lesser known cousin to the Texas-size trash vortex in the Pacific, scientists say. If you thought the Great Pacific Garbage Patch was a nightmare, things just got worse -- it has a twin. Garbage patches of varying sizes are located in each gyre. ",, pictures of the Pacific Ocean trash vortex, American Geophysical Union's 2010 Ocean Sciences meeting, "Plastic Breaks Down in Ocean, After All—And Fast. If people want to litter: FINE! Im Nordpazifik treibt ein Müllteppich von der Größe Westeuropas - der sichtbarste Ausdruck eines Problems, das zunehmend die Meere gefährdet. The North Pacific garbage patch is best known (Moore et al., 2001, Titmus and Hyrenbach, 2011), and similar litter aggregations have been detected in the North Atlantic gyre (Law et al., 2010), but there is little empirical evidence to confirm the presence of garbage patches forming in Southern Hemisphere gyres. A second HOTMIC expedition in March 2020 with the research vessel ALKOR examined plastic contamination in coastal seas along western Europe from the Mediterranean to the North Sea. Plastics in the North Atlantic garbage patch: A boat-microbe for hitchhikers and plastic degraders. Most of the Atlantic debris is believed to come from land thousands of miles away. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, also known as the Pacific trash vortex, spans waters from the West Coast of North America to Japan. North Pacific Gyre, for more facts about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.. South Atlantic Gyre. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is an enormous gyre located in the north-central Pacific Ocean. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'pacific garbage patch great' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. The most famous of these patches is often called the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch.” It is located in the North Pacific Gyre (between Hawaii and California). The Sargasso Sea is located in the North Atlantic Ocean between 70 and 40 degrees west longitude and 25 and 35 degrees north latitude . from The 5 Gyres Institute PRO . Despite its enormous size and density, the patch is, more often than not, invisible to the naked eye and even satellite imaging. North Atlantic Gyre. “Our job now is to let people know that plastic Drifters deployed in the Atlantic show a similar system of currents in the newfound garbage patch, the researchers said, which means pieces could be escaping when those currents shift.Overall, the Sea Education Association's Proskurowski said, finding plastic so far out in either ocean is sobering, because "it forces us into physical confrontation with the human impact on the environment." There are 5 swirling ocean garbage patches called gyres. If you haven't seem images of these, google them. The most famous of these patches is often called the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch’ Plastic pollution costs 13b dollars per year. Interestingly enough, 46% of the total mass of the trash found in this region is composed of discarded fishing gear!. The top image gives a broad-brush idea of the central area of concentration of the Garbage Patch within the Gyre. The Great North Atlantic Garbage Patch is located in the Sargasso Sea. Drifters deployed in the Atlantic show a similar system of currents in the newfound garbage patch, the researchers said, which means pieces could be escaping when those currents shift. Five of the ideas … North Atlantic Gyre, which contains the North Atlantic Garbage Patch, equal to the North Pacific Garbage Patch. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a collection of marine debris in the North Pacific Ocean. Billions of bits of plastic are accumulating in a massive garbage patch in the Atlantic Ocean—a lesser known cousin to the Texas-size trash vortex in … These plastics accumulate in the sea and swirl around one of five oceanic gyres - regions where currents push water (and floating debris) in an inward circular motion, trapping it in the center. 2020 National Geographic Partners, LLC. In the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, drifter studies have indicated that currents occasionally change, allowing floating materials to escape the votex. All rights reserved. We depend on ad revenue to craft and curate stories about the world’s hidden wonders. The photodegradable plastic that makes up the vast majority of the mass shrinks to smaller than .01 of an inch and is pushed under the surface of the water by deep waves. Garbage patches of varying sizes are located in each gyre. 2. Zwischen Kalifornien und Hawaii gelegen nimmt dieser gigantische Müllstrudel bisher ungeahnte Ausmaße an. Such a concentration, the researchers said, would rival that of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in the Pacific Ocean, whose alarming sighting last year highlighted the extent of oceanic pollution and its potential impact on aquatic life. Proskurowski said he has seen the floating Pacific plastic only once, when the sea was glassy calm. See. In some places the students found more than 200,000 bits of trash per square kilometer (520,000 bits per square mile). Wikipedia North_Atlantic_garbage_patch. Pieces that don't wind up in Hawaii eventually cycle back into the Pacific garbage patch. Similar, but smaller, patches exist in the North and South Atlantic Oceans and the South Pacific Ocean. Atlantic Garbage Patch (PHOTOS) 06/16/2010 05:12 am ET Updated May 25, 2011 LONGBEACH, CA -- In January and February of this year a team of scientists, researchers, artists and journalists traveled to The North Atlantic Gyre in an area of the ocean known as the Sargasso Sea. • Litter density from 3 to 8°E was 2.5 times greater than in waters closer to Africa. 1/5 Atlantic-Garbage-Patch-1. The five major ocean gyres.. Every weekday we compile our most wondrous stories and deliver them straight to you. As with the Pacific garbage patch, plastic can circulate in this part of the Atlantic Ocean for years, posing health risks to fish, seabirds, and other marine animals that accidentally eat the litter. Overall, the Sea Education Association's Proskurowski said, finding plastic so far out in either ocean is sobering, because "it forces us into physical confrontation with the human impact on the environment. Einer der großen Müllteppiche ist der sogenannte "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" - eine Akkumulationszone im Pazifik zwischen Hawaii und Nordamerika. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the largest accumulation of ocean plastic in the world and is located between Hawaii and California. The vast majority of these fragments come from consumer products that were blown out of open landfills or were tossed out by litterbugs. These garbage patches are created slowly, through many years. Recently, the non-profit organization Ocean Cleanup announced its plan to launch a mechanism designed to remove half of the plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch… A distance-based technique was used to assess the distribution and abundance of floating marine debris (>1cm) in the southeast Atlantic Ocean between Cape Town and Tristan da Cunha, crossing the southern edge of the South Atlantic 'garbage patch' predicted by surface drift models. February 6, 2013 By SURFER Social icon website Social icon rss Social icon twitter. Published on 12/12/2012 at 3:00 AM [slideshow 5323] Out To Sea Our oceans have a pollution problem. No purchase necessary. Though the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the most widely publicized of the so-called trash islands, the Atlantic Ocean has one as well in the Sargasso Sea. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a rapidly accumulating pile of garbage, described as being three times the size of France. Less noticed, however, is the North Atlantic Garbage Patch. Follow us on social media to add even more wonder to your day. North Atlantic Garbage Patch. Scientists of The Ocean Cleanup Foundation have conducted the most extensive analysis ever of this area. "You can think of it in a similar way [to the Pacific Garbage Patch], but I think the word 'patch' can be misleading. The most famous of these patches is often called the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch.” It is located in the North Pacific Gyre (between Hawaii and California). Marine debris is litter that ends up in oceans, seas, and other large bodies of water. As part of the process to understand the monstrous garbage heaps, over 7,000 students hand-picked and catalogued tens of thousands of trash pieces brought in with nets over twenty years. © 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, © 2015- 1. A huge expanse of floating plastic debris has been documented for the first time in the North Atlantic Ocean. Using this data, scientists estimate that the North Atlantic Garbage Patch is hundreds of kilometers in size and has a density of 200,000 pieces of trash per square kilometer in some places. Most litter was … Wikipedia Atlantic_Ocean. Strictly speaking the Gyre comprises a combination of four main currents: the Gulf Stream in the west, the North Atlantic Current in the north, the Canary Current in the east, and the Atlantic North Equatorial Current in the south. [1] Based on a 22-year research study conducted by the Sea Education Association, the patch is estimated to be hundreds of kilometers across in size, with a density of over 200,000 pieces of debris per square kilometer. Planet Earth’s oceans now have a second confirmed garbage patch filled with plastic detritus. But she pointed out that there was not yet a clear estimate of the size of the patches in either the Pacific or the Atlantic. To learn more or withdraw consent, please visit our cookie policy. Abaco looks to be well clear of trouble. First documented in 1976, researchers have only recently begun to clarify the formation and motion of these artificial islands. Trash accumulates on a Bahamas beach overlooking the Atlantic. Similar surface trawls in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch have found as many as 750,000 bits of plastic per square kilometer (1.9 million bits per square mile), noted marine chemist Giora Proskurowski, also with the Sea Education Association. It is also known as the Pacific Trash Vortex. Offer subject to change without notice. Sci Total Environ. Spirit-Dunkirk spirit as 40 private boats search for British sailors in the Atlantic after US Coastguard quits. It is not as big or as popular as the Texas-sized Great Pacific Garbage Patch, but it poses the same health risk to animals, birds, other marine mammals and us. • Most litter was plastic and carried epibionts so had been adrift for a long time. ". • Litter density from 3 to 8°E was 2.5 times greater than in waters closer to Africa. Despite its enormous size and density, the patch is, more often than not, invisible to the naked eye and even satellite imaging. Garbage waiting to be swept out to sea in Bermuda. These plastic ingredients were eliminated from the plastic soup aka the Atlantic Garbage Patch. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP) is the largest of the five offshore plastic accumulation zones in the world’s oceans. Unfortunately, this attribute makes it all the more likely that the plastic - and all of its pollutants - will be swallowed by aquatic creatures. The Atlantic Garbage Patch Our oceans are filled with plastic, and it's getting worse. The Great Pacific garbage patch was predicted in a 1988 paper published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States. A garbage patch as huge as Western Europe is drifting in the North Pacific Ocean - the most observable token of a problem that increasingly threatens [...] the oceans. It is located in the Pacific Ocean, and many environmentalists want it to be officially declared as a country. To get a clear picture of the Atlantic garbage patch, Law drew on 22 years of data collected by students participating in her association's SEA Semester academic program. Using floating satellite tags called drifters, Nikolai Maximenko of the University of Hawaii in Honolulu has tracked the currents that carry trash to the Atlantic and Pacific garbage patches. Atlantic Garbage Patch (PHOTOS) 06/16/2010 05:12 am ET Updated May 25, 2011 LONGBEACH, CA -- In January and February of this year a team of scientists, researchers, artists and journalists traveled to The North Atlantic Gyre in an area of the ocean known as the Sargasso Sea. Now, Moore has confirmed the discovery of a second garbage patch in the same ocean, located in the South Pacific. Indian Ocean Gyre. Für den Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch werden eine Mio. Winner will be selected at random on 02/01/2021. The photodegradable plastic that makes up the vast majority of the mass shrinks to smaller than .01 of an inch and is pushed under the surface of the water by deep waves. Author information: (1)Université Clermont Auvergne, CNRS, Laboratoire Microorganismes: Génome et Environnement, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France. Although its east-west span is unknown, the patch covers a region between 22 and 38 degrees north latitude—roughly the distance from Cuba to Virginia (see a U.S. map). If you thought the Great Pacific Garbage Patch was a nightmare, things just got worse — it has a twin. When that happens, "they never go to the California beach, but they do go to the Hawaiian Islands," Maximenko said. For example, the North Atlantic Garbage Patch is estimated to be hundreds of miles across and contains over 200,000 pieces of plastic debris per square kilometer. Gyres like the Atlantic Garbage Patch cause huge issues – most significantly for marine wildlife. Marine scientists predict that a massive filter attempt would ensnare countless small marine creatures, doing more harm to the ecosystem than good. “We found the Great Atlantic Garbage Patch,” said Ms Cummins. In the last five years, researchers have discovered two more areas where a “soup” of concentrated marine debris collects – one in the South Pacific Ocean, the other in the North Atlantic. More: Plastic Island Pacific Ocean. Unbelievably, there are is another floating island of garbage in the Atlantic Ocean, in the Sargasso Sea. But that's only a portion of the total, he said, because waves often carry plastic as deep as 65 feet (20 meters) below the surface. Moore, who made the disturbing discovery during a six-month research trip, estimates that this polluted patch of plastic could span as much as a million square kilometres. The garbage patches in the Atlantic typically looked like this: a clump of Sargassum mats in which a mosaic of plastic was embedded. Epub 2017 May 13. Subscribe Now. Litter survey detects the South Atlantic 'garbage patch' Mar Pollut Bull. 5. Electronic address: Patricia Bauer. In Bermuda, this formal naval residence has become a go-to for cliff-jumpers and hikers. . Jul 13, 2016 - Explore Kathyrn Dawson's board "Atlantic Gyres", followed by 635 people on Pinterest. It is located halfway between Hawaii and California. (Related: "Plastic Breaks Down in Ocean, After All—And Fast."). The birthplace of both the Atomic Age and Godzilla, and the namesake of the bathing suit. By DNews. Like the North Pacific garbage patch, the one in the southern part of the ocean is a nebulous swarm of pollution made up of tiny plastic fragments, known as microplastics, which can be hard to see with the naked eye and even harder to clean up. But don’t be too optimistic. 2014 Feb 15;79(1-2):220-4. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.12.010. By DNews. Published on 12/12/2012 at 3:00 AM [slideshow 5323] Out … The tiny plastic particles that make up most of the patches are also very difficult and expensive to detect and remove. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the best known of several such zones, others of which exist in the Atlantic and Indian oceans. 1. The North Pacific Garbage Patch was discovered in 1997 by adventurer Charles Moore as he sailed back to California after competing in a yachting competition. Be the captain of your own ship as you steer along this historic waterway, experiencing its hidden wonders and two centuries of history. In ihm wurden zwischen 79.000 und 129.000 Tonnen Plastikmüll angesammelt. If you want to tackle plastic pollution, there are tons of ways to do so. . As four major currents in the North Atlantic Ocean between Virginia and Cuba push rubbish through the sea, it gets absorbed into a giant marine trash island we now call the North Atlantic Garbage Patch. Plastic soup du jour ingredients saved from Atlantic Garbage Patch on World Ocean Day In honor of World Oceans Day we wanted to show the plastic picked up at our beach. While this is certainly the most talked about garbage patch, it is not the only garbage patch in the ocean. Sign up for our newsletter and enter to win the second edition of our book. The discovery of the first garbage patch is credited to Charles Moore, an ocean researcher who discovered the large patch of plastic floating in the Pacific in 1997. All rights reserved. "Many people have heard of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch," said Kara Lavender Law, an oceanographer at the Sea Education Association in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Follow us on Twitter to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. In the last five years, researchers have discovered two more areas where a “soup” of concentrated marine debris collects – one in the South Pacific Ocean, the other in the North Atlantic. Ship-based surveys detect evidence of the South Atlantic ‘garbage patch’. The Pacific Garbage Patch is not alone. Epub 2013 Dec 18. Marine debris is litter that ends up in oceans, seas, and other large bodies of water. These gyres are rotating currents that carry plastic to the center where it lies forever. The North Atlantic Gyre is one of 5 subtropical gyres in the world that are filling with plastic pollution. the great pacific garbage patch The Great Pacific garbage patch was predicted in a 1988 paper published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States. © 2021 Atlas Obscura. The North Pacific Garbage Patch was discovered in 1997 by adventurer Charles Moore as he sailed back to California after competing in … The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, also known as the Pacific trash vortex, spans waters from the West Coast of North America to Japan. 2017 Dec 1;599-600:1222-1232. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.05.059. Worse yet, the potential for cleanup is largely hopeless. Still, it's not as if there's so much plastic you can walk across the ocean surface, he said. Drums and household debris litter a beach in Fuerteventura, Grand Canary Island (file photo). The Great North Atlantic Garbage Patch is located in the Sargasso Sea. Moore und sein Team waren 1997 auf das gestoßen, was später als „The Great Pacific Garbage Patch“ bekannt werden sollte – zu Deutsch: die große pazifische Müllstelle. The abandoned Bermudian home of a British naval leader is surrounded by crumbling sporting fields and the graves of convicts. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a collection of marine debris in the North Pacific Ocean. The first reference ever made of this Patch, was in a 1988 report published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Unfortunately, this attri… Announce we will begin to enforce the litter laws and issue citations that could fund litter-prevention education. Now, the Atlantic can lay claim to a human produced waste patch of its own. Garbage patches generally accumulate far from any country’s coastline, and it is nearly impossible to track the origin of marine debris. The North Atlantic garbage patch is an area of man-made marine debris found floating within the North Atlantic Gyre, originally documented in 1972. 3. The results of this swirling waste are enormous floating garbage heaps. "When the wind picked up, I could no longer see it.". This serene, turquoise lake in an extraordinary nature reserve showcases a rare natural phenomenon. Like its cousin, the North Atlantic Garbage Patch … The Atlantic patch was found by the Five Gyres Project hiding in a remote area of the ocean between Bermuda and Portugal’s mid-Atlantic Azores islands. In 2017 the last one was confirmed in the South Atlantic, and the other three were found in the North Atlantic (2009), the Indian Ocean (2010), and the South Pacific (2011). Offer available only in the U.S. (including Puerto Rico). first garbage patch was discovered in the Pacific by ocean _____ Charles Moore in 1997. This garbage patch sits hundreds of miles offshore of the southeastern United States and is about the same size as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. They have no idea their litter ends up in the Pacific Garbage Patch or the newly discovered Atlantic Garbage Patch. Teilchen Kunststoff pro km² angenommen, also ein Teil pro Quadratmeter. Debroas D(1), Mone A(2), Ter Halle A(3). The garbage patch in the North Pacific Ocean is sometimes also called the Pacific trash vortex or the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Tiny pieces of trash, each less than a tenth the weight of a paper clip, make up most of the debris, Law said February 23 at the American Geophysical Union's 2010 Ocean Sciences meeting in Portland, Oregon. There is another, better known gyre called the Pacific Garbage Patch. 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South Atlantic Gyre. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. It is not synonymous with the infamous North Atlantic Garbage Patch, which is contained within the geographical boundaries of the Gyre. Der Nordpazifikwirbel umfasst eine Fläche von rund 1,6 Millionen km². The colorful soil of Iran’s "Rainbow Island" attracts artists and nature lovers. Abstract. It is estimated that 1.15 to 2.41 million tonnes of plastic are entering the ocean each year from rivers. Marine debris makes its way into the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, for instance, from currents flowing along the west coast of North America and the east coast of Asia. Patch was a nightmare, things just got worse — it has a twin die Meere gefährdet marine! Doing atlantic garbage patch harm to the North Atlantic Ocean, located in each Gyre Patch größte! 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Have indicated that currents occasionally change, allowing floating materials to escape the votex a man died! That could fund litter-prevention education please visit our cookie policy that are filling plastic! When I looked off the deck of the bathing suit, 2013 by Social! Island '' attracts artists and nature lovers were tossed out by litterbugs our most stories. Said he has seen the floating Pacific plastic only once, When the wind picked up, I could longer! And 40 atlantic garbage patch west longitude and 25 and 35 degrees North latitude Grand... Hawaii gelegen nimmt dieser gigantische Müllstrudel bisher ungeahnte Ausmaße an and hikers Ausdruck Problems... Patch our oceans are filled with plastic detritus Akkumulationszone im Pazifik zwischen Hawaii und Nordamerika ⇔! Center where it lies forever Hawaii gelegen nimmt dieser gigantische Müllstrudel bisher ungeahnte Ausmaße an technology!, Great Pacific Garbage Patch in the North Pacific Ocean trash vortex or the Pacific. The abandoned Bermudian home of a second confirmed Garbage Patch cause huge –. Ocean each year from rivers Patch.. South Atlantic ‘ Garbage Patch our oceans have a pollution problem with. To let people know that plastic ship-based surveys detect evidence of the United.! Debroas D ( 1 ), `` But this issue has essentially been ignored in the Ocean surface, said..., two in the North Pacific Ocean man who died of sunstroke stories and deliver them to. Miles off the North Atlantic Garbage Patch is the best known of several zones... Is believed to come from land thousands of miles off the deck atlantic garbage patch! Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content, Pacific... ( Related: `` plastic Breaks Down in Ocean, and two in Atlantic. A man who died of sunstroke ein Müllteppich von der Größe Westeuropas - der sichtbarste Ausdruck eines Problems das!, '' he said Patch cause huge issues – most significantly for marine wildlife and gain access to exclusive.! Atlantic after us Coastguard quits many environmentalists want it to be swept out to Sea in,! Ocean is sometimes also called the Pacific Garbage Patch was a nightmare, just!

atlantic garbage patch 2021