Welcome to r/tourettes! Read it years ago for a college course I took 'Medicine in Literature'. The titular “Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat” sees the world in entirely abstract terms, unable to visualize faces and scenes with any level of clarity. ._3gbb_EMFXxTYrxDZ2kusIp{margin-bottom:24px;text-transform:uppercase;width:100%}._3gbb_EMFXxTYrxDZ2kusIp:last-child{margin-bottom:10px} The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat (opera), "Questionable Aspects of Oliver Sacks' (1985) Report", "Response to Snyder's 'Comments on Priming Skills of Autistic Twins and Yamaguchi (2006) Letter to the Editor: 'Questionable Aspects of Oliver Sacks' (1985) Report, Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales, Seeing Voices: A Journey Into the World of the Deaf, An Anthropologist on Mars: Seven Paradoxical Tales, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Man_Who_Mistook_His_Wife_for_a_Hat&oldid=997787572, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from October 2013, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat", about Dr. P, who has, "The Lost Mariner", about Jimmie G., who has, "The Disembodied Lady", a unique case of a woman losing her entire sense of, "The Man Who Fell out of Bed", about a young man whom Dr. Sacks sees as a medical student. Witty Ticcy Ray is one of two dozen studies of patients with right-brain disorders that make up Sacks’s volume, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat.It shares with those essays a focus on the interior or existential world of the patient as the foundation of diagnosis and cure, a position Sacks openly proposes as a corrective to the physiology-based worldview of his field of neurology. 7 years ago. It's a collection of cases and stories from his clinical years and one chapter (chapter 10) concerns a man with Tourettes - Witty Ticcy Ray (a nickname he gives himself). Next slide. ._1x9diBHPBP-hL1JiwUwJ5J{font-size:14px;font-weight:500;line-height:18px;color:#ff585b;padding-left:3px;padding-right:24px}._2B0OHMLKb9TXNdd9g5Ere-,._1xKxnscCn2PjBiXhorZef4{height:16px;padding-right:4px;vertical-align:top}._1LLqoNXrOsaIkMtOuTBmO5{height:20px;padding-right:8px;vertical-align:bottom}.QB2Yrr8uihZVRhvwrKuMS{height:18px;padding-right:8px;vertical-align:top}._3w_KK8BUvCMkCPWZVsZQn0{font-size:14px;font-weight:500;line-height:18px;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-actionIcon)}._3w_KK8BUvCMkCPWZVsZQn0 ._1LLqoNXrOsaIkMtOuTBmO5,._3w_KK8BUvCMkCPWZVsZQn0 ._2B0OHMLKb9TXNdd9g5Ere-,._3w_KK8BUvCMkCPWZVsZQn0 ._1xKxnscCn2PjBiXhorZef4,._3w_KK8BUvCMkCPWZVsZQn0 .QB2Yrr8uihZVRhvwrKuMS{fill:var(--newCommunityTheme-actionIcon)} I had become aware of his writing with the publication of The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat in 1985, and it has been a privilege in my time at Picador to be able to publish new books by Oliver as well as reissue all of his writing. I think he has a view of medicine that is unfortunately rare, and declining. ._33axOHPa8DzNnTmwzen-wO{display:block;padding:0 16px;width:100%}.isNotInButtons2020 ._33axOHPa8DzNnTmwzen-wO{font-size:14px;font-weight:700;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:32px;text-transform:uppercase} Yet he manages to live a surprisingly well-adjusted life as a music professor, having essentially substituted the role of image in his … Looked it up when I was younger, decided it wasn't for me. Recommendation inspired by: What causes headaches? 9,346 Views . The book became the basis of an opera of the same name by Michael Nyman, which premiered in 1986. THE MAN WHO MISTOOK HIS WIFE FOR A HAT brings together twenty-four of Oliver Sacks’ most fascinating and beloved case studies. Although Sacks attempts to persuade the patient that the leg is his own, he remains bewildered in an apparent case of, "On the Level", another case involving damaged proprioception. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat About Author When Oliver Sacks was twelve years old, a perceptive schoolmaster wrote in his report: ‘Sacks will go far, if he does not go too far’. In “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat,” Sacks discusses the titular case of a musician named Dr. P., who cannot recognize familiar objects, including people: he does indeed attempt to pick up his wife’s head, thinking it is his hat. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales is written by Oliver Sacks. In the first part, the author introduces Dr. P. He has a rare disorder named visual agnosia for which he can’t make a difference between his wife and his hat. Other articles where The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat is discussed: Oliver Sacks: …patients in works such as The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat (1986). It's technically an antipsychotic (second generation, I think), but exerts its affect by affecting dopamine so works for a lot of neuropscyhiatric disorders (this is all info from the book). One of my favourite books. Among one of his best sellers is the book The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales where he compiled several of his most interesting clinical tales using his former patients that suffered from a variety of different neurological disorders. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales is a 1985 book by neurologist Oliver Sacks describing the case histories of some of his patients. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Dr. Oliver Sacks was a physician, best-selling author, and professor of neurology. The individual essays in this book include: Christopher Rawlence wrote the libretto for a chamber opera—directed by Michael Morris with music by Michael Nyman—based on the title story. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat - Volume 166 Issue 1 - Oliver Sacks, Samuel M. Stein. This page was last edited on 2 January 2021, at 06:34. /*# sourceMappingURL=https://www.redditstatic.com/desktop2x/chunkCSS/ReredditLink.f7b66a91705891e84a09.css.map*/. It is this collection of case reports, however, that I consider to be his finest work. In the quote below, Dr. Sacks is talking with Dr. P, also known as “the man who mistook his wife for a hat.” Dr. Sacks hands him a glove and is trying to get him to tell him what it is. Has anyone here read The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat? ABBYY GZ … ._1EPynDYoibfs7nDggdH7Gq{margin-bottom:8px;position:relative}._1EPynDYoibfs7nDggdH7Gq._3-0c12FCnHoLz34dQVveax{max-height:63px;overflow:hidden}._1zPvgKHteTOub9dKkvrOl4{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;line-height:21px;font-weight:400;word-wrap:break-word}._1dp4_svQVkkuV143AIEKsf{-ms-flex-align:baseline;align-items:baseline;background-color:var(--newCommunityTheme-body);bottom:-2px;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-flow:row nowrap;flex-flow:row nowrap;padding-left:2px;position:absolute;right:-8px}._5VBcBVybCfosCzMJlXzC3{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:400;line-height:21px;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-bodyText)}._3YNtuKT-Is6XUBvdluRTyI{color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText);fill:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText);border:0;padding:0 8px}._3YNtuKT-Is6XUBvdluRTyI:active,._3YNtuKT-Is6XUBvdluRTyI:hover{color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaTextShaded80);fill:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaTextShaded80)}._3YNtuKT-Is6XUBvdluRTyI:disabled,._3YNtuKT-Is6XUBvdluRTyI[data-disabled],._3YNtuKT-Is6XUBvdluRTyI[disabled]{color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaTextAlpha50);cursor:not-allowed;fill:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaTextAlpha50)}._2ZTVnRPqdyKo1dA7Q7i4EL{transition:all .1s linear 0s}.k51Bu_pyEfHQF6AAhaKfS{transition:none}._2qi_L6gKnhyJ0ZxPmwbDFK{transition:all .1s linear 0s;display:block;background-color:var(--newCommunityTheme-field);border-radius:4px;padding:8px;margin-bottom:12px;margin-top:8px;border:1px solid var(--newCommunityTheme-canvas);cursor:pointer}._2qi_L6gKnhyJ0ZxPmwbDFK:focus{outline:none}._2qi_L6gKnhyJ0ZxPmwbDFK:hover{border:1px solid var(--newCommunityTheme-button)}._2qi_L6gKnhyJ0ZxPmwbDFK._3GG6tRGPPJiejLqt2AZfh4{transition:none;border:1px solid var(--newCommunityTheme-button)}.IzSmZckfdQu5YP9qCsdWO{cursor:pointer;transition:all .1s linear 0s}.IzSmZckfdQu5YP9qCsdWO ._1EPynDYoibfs7nDggdH7Gq{border:1px solid transparent;border-radius:4px;transition:all .1s linear 0s}.IzSmZckfdQu5YP9qCsdWO:hover ._1EPynDYoibfs7nDggdH7Gq{border:1px solid var(--newCommunityTheme-button);padding:4px}._1YvJWALkJ8iKZxUU53TeNO{font-size:12px;font-weight:700;line-height:16px;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-button)}._3adDzm8E3q64yWtEcs5XU7{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex}._3adDzm8E3q64yWtEcs5XU7 ._3jyKpErOrdUDMh0RFq5V6f{-ms-flex:100%;flex:100%}._3adDzm8E3q64yWtEcs5XU7 .dqhlvajEe-qyxij0jNsi0{color:var(--newCommunityTheme-button)}._3adDzm8E3q64yWtEcs5XU7 ._12nHw-MGuz_r1dQx5YPM2v,._3adDzm8E3q64yWtEcs5XU7 .dqhlvajEe-qyxij0jNsi0{font-size:12px;font-weight:700;line-height:16px;cursor:pointer;-ms-flex-item-align:end;align-self:flex-end;-webkit-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none}._3adDzm8E3q64yWtEcs5XU7 ._12nHw-MGuz_r1dQx5YPM2v{color:var(--newCommunityTheme-button);margin-right:8px;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-errorText)}._3zTJ9t4vNwm1NrIaZ35NS6{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;line-height:21px;font-weight:400;word-wrap:break-word;width:100%;padding:0;border:none;background-color:transparent;resize:none;outline:none;cursor:pointer;color:var(--newRedditTheme-bodyText)}._2JIiUcAdp9rIhjEbIjcuQ-{resize:none;cursor:auto}._2I2LpaEhGCzQ9inJMwliNO{display:inline-block}._2I2LpaEhGCzQ9inJMwliNO,._42Nh7O6pFcqnA6OZd3bOK{margin-left:4px;vertical-align:middle}._42Nh7O6pFcqnA6OZd3bOK{fill:var(--newCommunityTheme-button);height:16px;width:16px;margin-bottom:2px} Dr.P, as Sacks identifies, was a music teacher who suffered from visual agnosia (unable to recognize faces). .s5ap8yh1b4ZfwxvHizW3f{color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText);padding-top:5px}.s5ap8yh1b4ZfwxvHizW3f._19JhaP1slDQqu2XgT3vVS0{color:#ea0027} ._2cHgYGbfV9EZMSThqLt2tx{margin-bottom:16px;border-radius:4px}._3Q7WCNdCi77r0_CKPoDSFY{width:75%;height:24px}._2wgLWvNKnhoJX3DUVT_3F-,._3Q7WCNdCi77r0_CKPoDSFY{background:var(--newCommunityTheme-field);background-size:200%;margin-bottom:16px;border-radius:4px}._2wgLWvNKnhoJX3DUVT_3F-{width:100%;height:46px} Opera singer and professor Dr P is examined both in a clinic and in his home, as he suffers from a degeneration of the occipital lobe that allows him to see details, but not wholes. Summary of The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat Book. ._3Im6OD67aKo33nql4FpSp_{border:1px solid var(--newCommunityTheme-widgetColors-sidebarWidgetBorderColor);border-radius:5px 5px 4px 4px;overflow:visible;word-wrap:break-word;background-color:var(--newCommunityTheme-body);padding:12px}.lnK0-OzG7nLFydTWuXGcY{font-size:10px;font-weight:700;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:12px;text-transform:uppercase;padding-bottom:4px;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-navIcon)} Dr. Sacks interviews a patient who has trouble walking upright and discovers that he has lost his innate, "Eyes Right", about a woman in her sixties who has, "The Dog Beneath the Skin", concerning a 22-year-old medical student, "Stephen D.", who, after a night under the influence of. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat is a one-act chamber opera by Michael Nyman to an English-language libretto by Christopher Rawlence, adapted from the case study of the same name by Oliver Sacks by Nyman, Rawlence, and Michael Morris.It was first performed at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, on 27 October 1986.. Ramachandran, Phantoms of the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind. Key idea 1 of 8 Brain damage changes the personality and the behavior of a patient. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Summary Analysis There was a medical student, Stephen D., who used lots of cocaine, PCP, and amphetamines. “‘A continuous surface’, he … Assuming that one of the nurses had played a prank on him, he attempted to toss the leg out of bed, only to find that he was attached to it. I think it's called Haloperidol in the UK. The title of the book comes from the case study of a man with visual agnosia. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. In his most extraordinary book, “one of the great clinical writers of the twentieth century” (The New York Times) recounts the case histories of patients lost in the bizarre, apparently inescapable world of neurological disorders.Oliver Sacks’s The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat tells the stories of individuals afflicted with fantastic perceptual and intellectual aberrations: Peter Brook adapted Sacks's book into an acclaimed theatrical production, L'Homme Qui..., which premiered at the Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord, Paris, in 1993. Sacks encounters the patient on the floor of his hospital room, where he tells Sacks that he woke up to find an alien leg in his bed. 102-107) Part Two: Excesses — Cupid's Disease. Oliver Sacks's autobiography, On the Move which was published before his death in 2015, makes it abundantly clear that Sacks has never stopped going. 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