Chun-Li. While it doesn't have the range of her crouching forward, Chun's standing short is an important part of her ground game because it can go over certain character's ground move and still hit them clean. Use your crouching strong to counter his. Chun has much better options in the air in all the other 5 buttons. Win Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li! 1.1 Picking Old Chun Li; 1.2 New & Old Versions Comparison; 1.3 ... and being in the air, this is a good choice of character, otherwise you'd be better of using N.Chun. Jaguar Tooth gimmicks can get annoying, but you can stop them with a well timed Rising Kick or jump straight up and come down with fierce. even if c.jab, s.strong, s.short, c.short and c.forward can all be blocked low, making custom poke strings with these moves will get your opponent hit. Once you have meter, you can try jumping in custom through her crouching fierce for big damage. Good in priority battles up close. Configure your controls. Either wake up with her Rising Kick or super to avoid the scenario altogether. Chun-Li can kick so quickly, that the kicks appear as a giant blur of motion. In this match, you want to play very aggressively until Rolento has level 3. 2. crouching roundhouse (all purpose) Standard Lightning Leg custom, does retardedly high damage. 1st Tier. Instead anti-air close jump ins with standing fierce or Kikosho. 2. Ground Spinning Bird Kick has a new parabolic arc. A good reaction time is highly beneficial. Chun-Li's game is largely based around her strong footsie game. Use in tick throw cheaps and to tick throw yourself when you're really upclose. Share the best GIFs now >>> Other things to note are that his s.forward will beat your low forward from max range. Chun Li (Street Fighter II) Chun-Li (Chinese (Traditional): 春麗 Chinese (Simplified): 春丽 Japanese: チュンリー) is a character in the Street Fighter series. It is the special move you are most likely to combo into whether your normal attack was hit or blocked. After they get knocked down from being hit by her Kick Alpha Counter, start your mix up game on their get up. Against fireball characters, with the exception of Ryu and Chun, you can play the classic fireball/fireball bait/jump game with fierces. About This File. Garuda Sharon. After years of training, Chun-Li has the ability to keep her balance on one foot while rapidly kicking into the air with the other. Price: $18.75 FREE Shipping Get free shipping Free 5-8 day shipping within the U.S. when you order $25.00 of eligible items sold or fulfilled by Amazon. If he jumped closer, be careful that his jumping fierce can beat your crouching roundhouse at that range. And finally, as an almost unnecessarily good side benefit, Chun's release of her fireball causes her to lean backwards, often getting her out of range from pokes that would have normally hit her. (jumping attack), crouching fierce xx Senretsu crouching roundhouse, roundhouse Lightning Kick until done When your opponent is completely pushed back after a knockdown, walk back about 1-2 pixels before they wake up, do the neckbreaker command normal, and then IMMEDIATELY cancel into light up-kicks once your feet reach the ground. You should also be careful, if you commit too much to your poke strings you're gonna get uppercutted in the middle of them. Supposedly a lopsided match in Chun's favor, but a smart Zangief can still wreck havoc on you if you let him get close. If you're fighting a kick alpha counter happy Ken, you can actually try to remain charged and counter with your Senretsu kick super after getting hit to nail him in his recovery. Share the best GIFs now >>> Fireball Game Jump to: navigation, search. She seems to have an answer for everything, and in HD Remix her Spinning Bird Kick has a new arc that can juggle in the air, and works great for … Her Kikosho will beat pretty much every jump in except jump in Custom Combos. Her big mistake punisher if you wanted to combo into her kick super. Chun Li has been regarded as top tier character for a long time in Street Fighter 3 Third Strike, but recently she's overtaken Yun for the top spot overall in most player's minds. It comes out incredibly fast for an overhead, has invincibility frames at the beginning, and leaves her safe even if blocked as it leaves both players at a neutral frame advantage (so you can block and AC whatever they try to throw at you after blocking your Axe Kick). … Valle Custom Combo Chun should be constantly jiggling in and out of her opponent's range and attack with lots of crouching forwards canceled into Kikokens or Axe Kicks. This match is also very meter dependent. Bison attacked and defeated her, then flew away laughing, telling her that if she attacked him again he would kill her just like he did her father. It can be seen a mile away if you do it randomly up close, but Chun's Flipping Neck Breaker is good to use for getting past fireballs at far range without having to regular jump over them into a trap plus it's harder to anti-air than people think. She virtually has no bad matchups with all other characters, having a clear advantage over the majority of the cast or at worst an even match up. You can fake throw Kikokens at this range by doing random standing jabs when they think you're throwing a Kikoken. Or get 4-5 business-day shipping on this item for $5.99 . Kikoken a.k.a. 3rd. Game … Try to stay at your max range of your crouching forward while being out of range of her low strong and poke with max range crouching forward xx Kikoken. Very high DPS Very fast attack rate Multi-hit Low cost Many knockbacks 40% chance to Knockback … Share Video ... movie deutsch german fighters streets animated ii versus chun uncut vega chunli uncensored sf li unleashed sf2 ungeschnitten. crouching HK, HK Lightning Leg until bar is 1/3 finished, Rising Kick Mainly, don't jump at Rose when she has meter. Not much use since her other jumping attacks are better for air-to-air and for combo starters. No continues and no lost rounds. Vs. Rolento: 6-4 Chun-Li's favor 1 Enemy 2 Strategy 3 Stats 4 Reference She sports high health but low attack power which is compensated by her lighting fast attack rate and a very annoying ability: 100% chance to knockback all cat units at a decent range making low range attackers very ineffective. It's best to use this as late as possible so that she gets the max number of hits or else it'll just juggle for a few hits giving small damage. Chun's kick alpha counter is very good on the ground because it is basically her crouching forward with knock down properties. Keep in mind, this will not work if your opponent does crouch block after neckbreaker as they'll be able to block the up-kicks like normal. 1 Introduction. 2nd Tier. dj.- Great air-to-air, but since it is exactly like her jumping forward, it's generally better just to do the jumping forward instead. While attempting to bring down a drug smuggling operation in the country, she works with Interpol to … Use her crouching forward to hit them when they whiff their own attack and continue the pressure by always cancelling into her Kikoken. Aerial Spinning Bird Kick travels more straight now, then falls in an arc at the end, Hyakuretsu Kyaku easier to execute (now requires 3 presses of a given kick button rather than 5 presses). The Japanese on'yomi reading of the name is Shunrei.Older official sources from the early 90's indicate Chung was Chun-Li's surname, although it is worth noting this could very well not be the case anymore. Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix ; Chun-Li HD Chun-Li HD 1.0.0. parse (0 reviews) By Bogario. here's your psychological battle with your opponent. Her hit-confirm combo into her kick super. Dan nuff said, but really just don't get him to jump in on you with his j. LK shenanigans. This CSS/HTML Code of Chun Li - Street Fighter 2 works on almost every website or web page on the internet that allows, CSS and HTML coding. Aerial spinning bird kick can be done with. 5. standing strong (far jump ins) Image Abyss Chun-Li (Street Fighter) Page #2. Rosso Dhalsim Area D.Dark Hokuto Kairi Skullo Shadow Guile Nanase Sagat Ken. except it doesn't hit as hard. Custom combos are probably Chun-Li's most dangerous weapon since she has arguably the best custom combos in the game. 3. If you're fighting an alpha counter happy Rose, then Chun should boldly start empty jumping and then throwing or walk up throwing turtling Roses. Her level 1 Aura Soul Throw does a huge chunk of life for a level 1 super and cleanly beats all Chun's jump ins. It is best used against ground pokes and projectiles because it comes out so fast and has excellent range. Has a hitbox and is possible to kill with. Chun-Li is a character that can provide constant offensive pressure in Street Fighter 5, and her V-Trigger is one of the big components of that strategy. 1 Introduction. The best way to use her kick alpha counter offensively is to walk up to them when you think they'll attack with a low poke. - Reliable anti-air when they are jumping at 45 degree angle or lower when her cr.HK anti-air doesn't cut it. Motivation: IC, Motivated to kill. The old Chun is not as good. Rose has possibly the best alpha counter in the game in her punch alpha counter. The only problem is that it is sometimes difficult to do Lightning Legs whereas repeated Rising Kicks are more consistent. The Valle Custom Combo applies to all characters and is something every player should know. However, after a mysterious man named Urien has kidnapped one of her adopted kids to conduct experiments, Chun-Li must go and confront this man to rescue the child. The somewhat tricky part is timing the last Rising Kick. Most Bisons are very jump happy and head stomp happy. - Long reaching outwards kick. This is because Sak has her AC's, and a good activation hitbox with her CC startup. Some people have said it seems like an unblockable, but it's probably not. Her big mistake punisher when she has no meter to custom. For the enemy unit, see Chun-Li (Enemy) Chun-Li is a Uber Rare Cat that can be obtained by playing the Rare Cat Capsule during the Street Fighter V Collaboration Event. Sideshow and PCS Collectibles present the Chun-Li: Player 2 Battle EX Season Pass 1:4 Scale Statue, bringing the world of Street Fighter collectibles to the beach. Don't jump at her because jumping into an Illusioned crouching fierce hurts bad. 25 Apr 2009 3 107. Dhalsim has all the right tools to apply pressure, keep himself safe, and pick apart the enemy. Creeper gets what he deserves -- Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie Watch the full movie on our app: Or watch it on Amazon Prime... Jump to. While the graphics are blowing us away and the special moves are mind-bending it has lost some of its original charm. She should mix up the speed of her Kikoken, mainly throwing fierce ones, but occasionally tossing in a jab or strong Kikoken to throw off their timing if they tried to jump over them. Contents. If you're in range, it's better to standing LK xx fireball than cr.MK xx fireball since her short comes out faster. Her standard jump in combo of choice. Finally, her standing strong works as an unexpectedly good anti-air when they're jumping in from far away. If you always do the same poke string, your opponent will always block. Vs. Charlie: 7-3 Chun-Li's favor note* if you can do roundhouse lightning kicks..then do level 1 CC. (jumping attack), crouching strong xx roundhouse Rising Kick Chun-Li's ground game revolves around these important moves: The best use for this move is in Level 2+ custom combos. Since Chun has the fastest walking speed in the game, she can get away with just walking up and randomly throwing them more often than she should. Use it when they stupidly jump at you without threat of a jump in CC and you're charged for the Rising Kick. Even between your pokes, don't commit them. Chun Li no Street Fighter Victory lutando contra seus inimigos (com o cybership e sem). Chun-Li's Kikoken in SFA2 is hands down her best projectile in her full history of Street Fighter. Aura Soul Throw. Once Sakura gets the knockdown, it becomes a big problem due to her ambigious crossup combo that does nice damage and has the potential to stun if another one is scored. It can also air-juggle and deals a fair amount of dizzy. Chun-Li has low … As fireballs go, Chun-Li was blessed with a very good one in this game. There has been no definitive answer as of yet, although regardless of the outcome, Bison himself finally falls at the hands of Ryu's nemesis, Akuma. Anyone familiar with ST knows how much of a living wall O.Sagat can be with his high and low tiger shots, and good buttons against grounded opponents and jump ins. This Chun-Li Statue stands 18 inches tall, and features her as she displays her expert balancing technique on the back of a swimming turtle. Match his fireballs at far range and anti-air him if he jumps over them with crouching roundhouse or Kikosho. Again, this applies to all characters. A wide array of strong normal moves, many of which that lead to combos, knockdowns and cross ups, giving her a very powerful footsie game. If you can pump out Lightning Legs consistently, always do this CC instead. mk or neutral j. hk if he closes in. mix up your timings, don't walk up low jab. Use her crouching foward as a whiff punisher too when you see them miss a normal or special. Info Alpha Coders 31 Wallpapers 26 Mobile Walls 5 Art 44 Images. Basically, if you're within range and your opponent wasn't crouch blocking before you activate your custom combo, you can go ahead, activate, and start with a low move (usually a sweep), and your opponent will not be able to block it in time. 7. jump straight up roundhouse (to keep them away) (cross up) jumping forward, standing jab, standing jab, standing short xx Senretsu (any level), HK Rising Kick It increases their damage slightly, causes most of them to be 2 hits instead of 1 allowing it to break most armor, and adjusts the frame advantage / disadvantage on hit/block of several moves giving access to some new more damaging combos. Be careful that her sweep doesn't always knock down when used as a ground poke. 1 Chun-Li. Make it whiff. She has outstanding priority on all her normals, safe special moves, extremely fast walking speed, and overly damaging Custom Combos. As stated above, Chun-Li is no powerhouse and must be used by balancing both offense and defense. Close combat is the most effective (unique?) Hiro_Konobu. Spam on her crouching forward while jiggling back and forth in and out of your opponent's range to annoy them and force them into the corner. Report. Renard David. This does about 40-45 % damage if your execution is good...and if they block you won't be stuck up in the air. In … As such, Chun-Li can switch between being the rushdown aggressor or the annoying turtle anytime during her matchups and still force her opponent to have to out-guess her. 6.1 Main Characters; 6.2 Secret Characters; 7 Miscellaneous.,, Many anti-airs, including upkicks which beats anything, Command overhead which has high/mid invincibility and give frame advantage, Can do unblockable cc after a blocked air-to-air j.rh, Note: picking Chun's classic costume changes the command of her fireballs. This should be Chun-Li's bread and butter level 1 custom. When Rose gets meter, you have to be careful of 4 things: Stand LP Crouch LP Jump LP Stand … diverting his interrution concentration with block concentration, all of which is diverting his throw concentration and alpha counter and CC concentration. 1. While it can be used to keep ground opponents at bay, it is not very practical against airborne opponents. So it's good to meet opponents in the air with j.MP to have the option to air throw them at will. Street Fighter Alpha 2 and Alpha 3 feature Chun-Li's original outfit from Street Fighter II as an alternate version of the character with alternate special abilities and Super Combos. If he jumps, crouching roundhouse or Kikosho him to hit him cleanly. Also, use it as a wake up as you would a wake up Dragon Punch to stop meaty attacks, crossups, and their jump ins while you're getting up. As with the Kouhou Kaiten Kyaku, players gain better control over the use of this move in Super Street Fighter II Turbo. 780*628 Size:136 KB. Street Fighter Alpha 2/Chun-Li. Facebook. This gives her body enough rotational momentum to spin over the ground with both legs extended outwards for a short distance like a helicopter. However, he is ambushed from behind by a huge truck, with the driver revealed to be Bison, who survived the battle. It stuffs most other jabs in the game, if you do it just outside of it's range. For instance, once you seen your opponent block the full string you now do c.short walk up s.short xx overhead. Adon has a lot of gimmicky tricks to use on a turtling Chun-Li, so it's best to go on the offensive. The prequel series continues, as young police officers Chun-li and her partner … your opponent goes wtf and has to look out for two poke strings, he has to tech if you low short grab, he has to low strong if you low short walk up s.short, he has to block if you low short low short. With the fast fireball that Chun has, it makes the MU much more manageable to turn it around. You can do c.jab. Match his fireballs from far range and anti-air him when he jumps over them. He wasn’t impressed with their work in the first game and the direction they were heading towards in Alpha 2 , as they only wanted cool and stylish characters. When you're waking up, be careful of his crouching strong xx super/overhead mix up. Jump in at them and activate her custom in the air. Hyakuretsu Kyaku does less damage and have barely worse priority in Chun Li's stomach area. I'd say this match is 7-3 in Chun's favour. Jump to: navigation, search. And a common mixup is just c.short grab. 1 Cat 1.1 Pros 1.2 Cons 2 Strategy/Usage 3 Description 4 Cost 5 Stats 6 Reference Evolves into Chun-Li CC at level 10. Her domination is due to her supreme versatility in any situation. Jump in Custom through Anti-Airs Level 1 Lightning Leg Custom So it's good to meet opponents in the air with j.MP to have the option to air throw them at will. Senretsu through Fireballs - Outwards front kick that can be used as an anti-air, but Chun has better options. Follow. After some c.jab pressure your opponent is gonna wanna bait and AC. 2. standing short Throwing Kikokens at long range is her best way to charge her bar up quickly until she gets that all important level 1. forces are consolidating their hold on Shadaloo City today after a night of skirmishing that secured this key Southeast Asian port. cr.- High priority poke that can cancel easily into her specials and super. Crouching forward xx Kikoken is Chun-Li's bread and butter ground poke string. Her only option is just walk up and try to reduce the opponent's playfield, poking with s.MP or cr.MK and sometimes suprising the adversary with a crossup jump. 3. jumping strong. Report. Vs. Birdie: 8-2 Chun-Li Easy 2 hit link combo that cancels into her Kikoken. After low forward fireballs you can always take a step forward then repeat, eventually you'll notice that you're getting closer and closer. nj.- Don't use. From Shoryuken Wiki < Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo. In Street Fighter II, Chun-Li was the first character to demonstrate the ability to Wall Jump. Valle Custom Combo. At mid-range (around the max range of her crouching forward), her Kikoken is a great pressuring tool to control the ground and force opponents to jump into her. cr.- Super cancelable into her Senretsu (kick super). Contents. If you stay at approximately 3/4 screen, you can easily see Sonic Booms coming and jump in with forward risk free into crouching forward xx Kikoken. Charlie smashing Guy with the amount of non-stop strength caused by his Super Combo Sonic Break! Wall jumping can be used to escape the opponent when pinned against the wall, or to aid in attacking the opponent. A Fun Waste Of Champagne. This gets people more than it should. And finally, this is Chun's best AC reversal: crouching forward xx Axe Kick; the crouching forward will be alpha countered only to have the invincibility frames of the Axe Kick beat out your opponent's Alpha Counter attempt. - This looks like her classic close standing fierce in all her other Street Fighter incarnations, but as a strong in this game, it comes out much faster. Both her crouching forward and crouching strong are good moves to sick out randomly because they can snuff out incoming custom combos. 1 Cat 1.1 Pros 1.2 Cons 2 Strategy/Usage 3 Description 4 Cost 5 Stats 6 Reference Evolves into Chun-Li CC at level 10. Don't throw too many Kikokens from any range closer than her crouching forward because if they guess right, they can jump in on you and do big damage. That's when you should do your final roundhouse Rising Kick to squeeze out the max damage possible. Being predictable will get you countered, so keep it dynamic. Start turtling more and doing more jump back forwards. nj.- Great to stop incoming enemy jump attacks as this will keep them at bay. Sakura has to get in somehow due to her playstyle, you have your anti-air answers, you have Punch AC, you can play footsies with Cr MK, or option select Cr MK/Kick AC. In Street Fighter IV, she is a charge character with great long range pokes. MOST POPULAR. RetroCrush. Chun-Li was an Interpol investigator who had been searching for clues to the recent death of her father. Crouching strongs come out so fast that they can easily link into each other and then cancel into her Kikoken or Axe Kick overhead. You just have to be slightly closer for that to work. 3. But once your opponent learns that he has to block it, you can start doing riskier poke strings with higher pay off. Chun's cr.LP may not have the range of her kicks, but it does have speed coming out, and it's good for stopping tick throws and in priority ambiguous situations when a faster move will win out. Renkiko is a 2 bar V-Trigger that powers up all of Chun's normal attacks. If they are in range to be thrown, they will be, if not, the strong comes out to beat your enemy's move and recovers fast enough when whiffed. 1. jumping forward (crosses up); also best jump back move If they jump at you, you can easily anti-air with crouching Roundhouse, standing fierce, standing roundhouse, Kikosho, etc. This match is an arms race to see who can get meter first. It goes full screen, it's incredibly fast, and comes out/recovers quickly, making it one of her most annoying moves. Head Stomp in air + If you score a Punch AC hit, you have a good amount of time to walk forward and start a cr.MK xx Kikoken pressure string as they're getting up. The damage is comparable, but there is less likely chance of messing up. Since then, in games with selectable characters, at least one of them will almost always be female; and a number of games released since that have placed a female character in the lead role. Rendered in precise detail using the Street Fighter V 3D model itself, this high-quality collectible is the definitive Chun-Li, with each limited edition PCS Exclusive including an art print hand-signed by Edwin Huang, renowned illustrator of Udon’s Street Fighter graphic novels. If you get caught in Ryu's poke strings and fireball strings up close, try to remain charged and Senretsu through his fireball on reaction. 1:48. This is also a good chipper when your opponent is down to their last pixels of life: (jumping MK,) crouching LK xx Lighting Legs is great for finishing off that last pixel of their energy. Lightning Legs a.k.a. Chun-Li's signature move. When they start to turtle up even more, you can walk up throw them or crouching forward xx Axe Kick. 2.1 Normal Moves; 2.2 Throws; 2.3 Air Throws; 2.4 Command Moves; 2.5 Alpha Counter; 2.6 Special Moves; 2.7 Super Moves; 3 Combos; 4 The Basics; 5 Advanced Strategy; 6 Match-ups; Introduction Moves List Normal Moves. Chun-Li needs to be the aggressor and rush Adon down first. Street Fighter EX2 Plus is a 3D fighting game developed by Akira and released by Capcom in 1998. Chun-Li's name is Mandarin for \"spring beauty\" (春 chūn, \"spring\"; 麗 lì, \"beautiful\"). Street Fighter II - Champion Edition Online is a top selling fighting game which is now available for free in flash version right in your web browser. Introduced in Street Fighter II, Chun-Li was the only female character in the game, and while not as physically powerful as the other characters, she was by far the quickest. Street Fighter V. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... Watch the hit impact animations, and activate the next input immediately when they are about to disappear for Chun-Li. Chun-Li tracked down the syndicate's leader, M. Bison, and demanded that he tell her what happened to her father. Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom, Smash Bros. Tekken, plus other video games. Advanced Strategy. Senretsu Kyaku a.k.a. dj.- Use in air-to-air battles or to start combos for big damage or to get a random air throw. 4. crouching roundhouse Standing over 18 inches tall, Chun-Li displays her expert balancing techniques in preparation for a deadly strike. If he doesn't commit to an uppercut, your opponent has committed to blocking, and the few frame delay will only mess with him more. A lot of chun li is just too good. (jumping attack), crouching strong xx Kikoken This is Chun-Li's all-purpose anti-air as it work most of the time for almost any jumping attack in the game. Again, be careful about people doing this to you and be ready to block if someone with meter jumps in at you at a really obvious angle hoping to jump in custom on you. But Guile’s arsenal is just too much to bear. Follow your jab fireballs. Standing short xx Kikoken/Axe Kick is also good because it comes out faster and will beat a lot of attacks that could have traded with her crouching forward. Nor, for that matter, do most of the other characters from this classic fighting video game franchise’s 20-year history. Chun-Li's bread and butter ground poke. Vs. Sagat: 6-4 Also at his max Scrape range, his normals can counter Chun's crouching forward which is a very bad thing. Free CC -> all his life. Sections of this page. - Axe Kick The outcome of this tournament is not clear, but there are strong hints that Chun-Li earned the right to face Bison and possibly won the tournament, though Guile has also been suspected to have been the victor. Street Fighter Alpha 2 Chun-Li Playthrough. Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo/O. From Shoryuken Wiki < Street Fighter Alpha 2. Finally, this is probably her overall best move to custom combo with because it does obscene damage and is retardedly easy to do. At level 2 and 3, it has enough invincibility to pass through fireballs, so use the Senretsu to pass through predictable block strings that will end with a fireball. Chun recovers very quickly from her fireball to the point of it being practically safe even if blocked in close range. You can mix up walk up throw and walk up CC in their face to keep them guessing whether to block or not. Also, if he gets predictable with his jump ins, just walk underneath him and throw him when he lands. 2 Screenshots. Instead, this flick is all about the young female high kicker, Chun-Li, and her arch-nemesis, Bison. After the fall of Shadoloo, Chun-Li has retired from street fighting and has became a martial arts teacher for young children. She is the first female playable character to appear in a 1-on-1 fighting game. Watch his meter as he'll try to do his Bull Revenger super to punish you after a fireball. Street Fighter (1994) Ming-Na Wen as Chun-Li. Chun-Li, the classic kick queen, is back with a few new moves. dj.- Probably Chun-Li's best air-to-air. - crouching strong Also be careful, if your opponent is sharp, he'll punish most fireballs with the flick grab, they're only safe from max max range where his fierce flick will whiff. Since then, in games with selectable characters, at least one of them will almost always be female; and a number of games released since that have placed a female character in the lead role. Her most famous attack is the Hyakuretsukyaku (Hundred Rending Leg, commonly known as the Lightning Kick), where she repeatedly kicks her opponent from a tilted standing position with incredible speed. cr.- A bit underrated in terms of Chun's other normals. From the start, jump back and match his Sonic Booms with your Kikokens. Jump to: navigation, search. He can try and flick it, he can hurricane kick through them, or he can block (actually he might be able to slide under them, but I've never seen an opponent do it consistently). 2. It seems as though during air-to-air battles, attacking with jumping strong rather than jumping fierce causes her to air throw or break the opponent's air throw a lot easier.

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