375 ml Blue Curacao liqueur. If you find any joy, use or help in it, please consider a modest donation - however much you can afford when it comes from the heart, it's the kind of gesture that makes me warm with appreciation. Serve. Mr. Stockwell's Romulan Ale Recipe, serves two: 0.5oz 190-proof Everclear. Real Romulan Ale. Up to 20 can be stacked together. Romulan Ale combine equal parts 151 Rum, Grain Alcohol (Everclear) and Blue Curacao Liqueur. Makes one 750ml bottle. Serve in shot glasses. First appearing in the classic sci-fi series Star Trek, Romulan Ale has left an impression on Trekkies and party animals. Chill and call Dr. McCoy in the morning. 375 ml Everclear. Romulan Ale recipe, perfect for Spocktoberfest. Geek in the City© TM are not responsible for what you do during and after consumption of Romulan Ale… And remember, don’t drink and Warp! 375 ml of everclear alcohol. Serve in shot glasses. 0.5oz Widow's Walk 135-proof RI rum. MONTHLY / ONE OFF DONATION Mixed Drink Recipe from Cocktail Builder. Top off with the Q.C. 50 hand picked delicious cocktails to inspire, intrigue and tantalise your taste buds. 0.5oz Gosling's 151. Most of the Romulan Ale recipes that I found online were made with that aforementioned Everclear and some sort of blue food coloring. Das könnte dir auch gefallen … Star Trek Flaschenöffner im Enterprise-Design • Aus hochwertigem Metall • Im Design der Enterprise A • Perfekt für Bier, Romulan Ale usw. Real Romulan Ale Ingredients. What is this cocktail? Cocktail recipe for a Real Romulan Ale recipe made with 375 ml Bacardi® 151 rum375 ml Everclear® alcohol375 ml Blue Curacao liqueur Inspiration and ideas for makers of every ability. Everclear is not something I felt up to experimenting with, so I hunted for a recipe that wouldn’t make me feel like I needed to carry my liquor purchase under cover of night wearing a big trench coat. ♥♥♥ $7 Find this Pin and more on … Unfortuntely with the current upward trend I need your support to keep the site running. Dash of lime juice. In real life, the book 488 Bacardi Rum Based Cocktails included a recipe for "Real Romulan Ale", a mixture of Bacardi rum, Everclear alcohol, and Blue Curaçao liqueur. Marvel at the entrancing color and exquisite character that is The Ale. Register here, Sorry about this, but you're current maximum number of ingredients you can add is set to 50. Marvel at the entrancing color and exquisite character that is The Ale. Romulan Ale is an uncommon consumable out-of-combat self heal. Anyway, as requested (again)… Geek in the City’s sure-fire way to get you arrested in the United Federation of Planets: – WARNING – This drink is made with Grain Alcohol (aka, Everclear)… While very little is used, this drink is not for the weak (or smart). Choose from 193 drink recipes containing Everclear. Mix. I love working on Make me a cocktail, trying to create new functionality for users, to help them create great cocktails from limited budgets or hoards of spirits. Romulan Ale makes its first appearance in Star Trek 2 the Wrath of Khan when it is gifted to James T. Kirk by Doctor McCoy on the occasion of his birthday. If you don't have Everclear you can just substitute Vodka. Easily identified by its distinctive bright blue color, Romulan Ale is said to be highly intoxicating, which is part of why the Federation dubs it illegal through most of the series. ♥ $3 ♥♥ $5 From: Andrew Marquardt Subject: Romulan Ale; Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 17:55:50 -0800; here is a recipe for Rom. It seems like I get a request for this drink every 6 months or so. 375 ml Vodka; 375 ml Blue Curacao; 375 ml Everclear All Rights Reserved. Chill in freezer for two hours. Learn how your comment data is processed. [ajax call='get_listscocktailin' args='cid:4374,l_type:E,notemp:1'], [ajax call='get_postsin' args='cid:4374'], Source: https://makemeacocktail.com/cocktail/4374/romulan-ale/. Romulan ale. Classification: romulan ale, mixed drinks Source: Karl Wolff (wolff@aqm.ssc.af.mil) Robert N. (robertn@fml.intel.com) Issues #531 and #532, 11/6/90 Robert comments that this is done in shots because the average human cannot stand up to a tall cool glass of Romulan ale; he suggests that Karl's recipe may be fit for human consumption. Might be how such cycles run, or how long it takes for the human body to purge the alcohol from the body. startrek startrekdeepspace9 startrekthenextgeneration startrektos startreknemesis. One-part Romulan Ale. Mixing instructions: Select a bottle (preferably decorative, but not too ornate) that will hold just over 1 liter of liquid. Serve. I have never tried it, but be careful I was told it packes one hell of a wallop. So try to keep the Real Romulan Ale below 1 oz! Pour 375ml of Bacardi 151, 375ml of Bols Blue Curacao and 375ml of Everclear into a 1.2L bottle then place into a freezer for 2 hours. most popular drinks in this category... Four Horsemen. Drop in a large chunk of dry ice to make it bubble, but be careful to warn people that dry ice is nearly as dangerous as this Romulan Ale recipe. This is what I was told for Rom ale: 1/3 Everclear,(or and grain alcohol) one third Curacao Blue, and one third lime perrier. 1oz 100-proof Smirnoff. What to Mix with Everclear® alcohol 2 Cups Blue Curacao You may want to sample as you go as individual tastes differ. (Okay, so a new Trek movie helps). have in your kitchen already. Copyright © 2021 Make me a cocktail. Both are federation contraband though so don't let the brass know. Combine 375ml of each ingredient in the bottle. Actually, it has left many of them passed out on the floor. 375 ml Bacardi® 151 rum. 1 Cup Clear Rum, no flavor or spice. 324 Views. Combine ingredients in a (just over) one-liter bottle. privacy policy and Also lists similar drink recipes. Learn more about Everclear in the drink dictionary! Rated at 134 proof. 13 Favourites. 375 ml Blue Curacao. Marvel at the entrancing color and exquisite character that is The Ale. ♥♥♥♥ $10 Chill in freezer for two hours. 1/2 Viso Will – (NOTE – If you can’t get Viso Will, you can use any Cranberry Lemonade, just know the color will be off, since Viso does not color their drinks). More Recipes >>. Real Romulan Ale Recipe. Today I'm making Romulan Ale from Star Trek two ways: with and without booze. Romulan Ale. Serve in shot glasses. Shake the Blue Curacao and Everclear with ice then strain into the glass. There is a new addition to the fine and smooth Romulan Ale. Nobody's going to be driving anywhere for a while. Leider ist dieses Getränk wohl nur in den USA erhältlich, demnach sind die auf Amazon.de angebotenen Angebote meist sehr teuer. Scale ingredients to servings. 1 Stats 2 Breeding 3 Notes 4 External link Description: Infamous blue beverage that is highly intoxicating, the drink was made illegal in the early 23rd century. -- Put the bottle in your freezer and wait 2 hours. 375 ml Everclear; 375 ml Blue Curacao. Dash of lemon juice. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. -- Pour a shot and hold on to your hat! Mix in a sealed bottle. By JDayton Watch. terms and conditions Once ready, pour into shot glasses to serve. Geek in the City Radio Issue 16 – Geeks in the Final Frontier, 5 tacky cocktails (and mocktails) to distract you from the world – Electronics Ward News, 5 Nerdy Cocktails (and Mocktails) to Distract You From the World – VIP Tech, 5 Nerdy Cocktails and Mocktails to Help You Survive 2020 – Gadgets Specialist, 5 Nerdy Cocktails and Mocktails to Help You Survive 2020 - SHOPAHS. 1 Cup Clear Rum, no flavor or spice (Give or take) 2 Cups Blue Curacao. Enough Bols Blue Curacao to effect color change. We call this the Shooter Rule! Why call it the Cloaking Device? Combine 375ml of each ingredient in the bottle. We created this potent Romulan Ale-inspired drink in honor of the second season premiere of Star Trek: Discovery on CBS All Access. Combine ingredients in a (just over) one-liter bottle. Everything you love about this site beautifully crafted into an easy to use powerful app, ready for you to create your bar, view curated lists and favourite those delicious cocktails. The Romulan Ale drink recipe is awesome. Lemon Shrub. 17 Comments. It seems to be powerful stuff. Chill till ice cold. Combine 375ml of each ingredient in the bottle. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Combine ingredients in a (just over) one-liter bottle. The spacey hue comes from blue curaçao; orange blossom water takes it to an ethereal level. Consuming Romulan Ale will boost your Hit Points by 72% over a period of 3.5 seconds. Real Romulan Ale, with Bacardi® 151 rum, Everclear® alcohol and Blue Curacao liqueur. But it takes me hundreds of hours and literally thousands of pounds a year to sustain. 375 ml of Bacardi 151 rum. Shoot. This particular recipe was a collaborative effort between myself, the Mister, and our good friend David, who’s a bit of a brewing/distilling enthusiast. Serve in shot glasses. Hide the car keys. There's a couple of recipes, if anyone wants to try them. The first is Barcardi rum, Everclear and Blue Curacao liquer. Give it a shake before you add ice to get the egg white to fluff enough to float on the drink like a cloud of stardust. One part Absinthe. See more of Spocktoberfest on Facebook Die. I agree to the Real Romulan Ale recipe Serve in: Shot Glass 375 ml Bacardi® 151 rum 375 ml Everclear® alcohol 375 ml Blue Curacao liqueur Combine ingredients in a (just over) one-liter bottle. -- Put the bottle in your freezer and wait 2 hours. Select a bottle (preferably decorative, but not too ornate) that will hold just over 1 liter of liquid. 375 ml of blue curacao liqueur. If you have a list of more than one ingredient, or want your drink to include specific ingredients - check out our Drink Builder to help find matching recipes. Chill in freezer for two hours. of this site. Your email address will not be published. 1/2 Cup Grain Alcohol – (NOTE – You may substitute Vodka if you can’t get or do not want the Grain Alcohol – We use it in Geek Manor because we’re nuts). These drinks contain Everclear® alcohol, for the best possible mixes. Below you can find just about all the drinks made with Everclear® alcohol. A delicious recipe for 302, with Bacardi® 151 rum, Everclear® alcohol and Dr. Pepper® soda. Required fields are marked *. Romulan Ale cocktail recipe blue curacao, everclear, white rum How to make a Romulan Ale cocktail. Auf Amazon findet sich ab und an ein Energy-Drink namens „Romulan Ale“. Simple. Pingback: 5 tacky cocktails (and mocktails) to distract you from the world – Electronics Ward News, Pingback: 5 Nerdy Cocktails (and Mocktails) to Distract You From the World – VIP Tech, Pingback: 5 Nerdy Cocktails and Mocktails to Help You Survive 2020 – Gadgets Specialist, Pingback: 5 Nerdy Cocktails and Mocktails to Help You Survive 2020 - SHOPAHS, Your email address will not be published. Mixing Instruction. Rock 'n roll! In 2009, an energy drink called Romulan Ale Energy Drink was manufactured by Boston America and released to tie into the film Star Trek. The Romulan Ale cocktail recipe has been voted a 83 by 5952 visitors. And remember, don’t drink and Warp! 375 ml Bacardi 151 Proof Rum. I need your help! Real Romulan Ale (Real Romulan Ale) Select a bottle (preferably decorative, but not too ornate) that will hold just over 1 liter of liquid. Personalise your bar and see what cocktails you can make. Real Romulan Ale Recipe This recipe version is made with these ingredients: Bacardi® 151 rum, Everclear® alcohol, Blue Curacao liqueur. ... Alternatively become a member of the site, where this restriction is raised for you to create your bar in all it's glory. Add a few drops of orange blossom water to finish for a stellar drink experience. Romulan Ale is banned in the Federation, but that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying a Gin Fizz in characteristic cobalt. Get Cocktail Fundamentals, our bi-weekly ingredient deep dive newsletter. Make amazing cocktails with the ingredients you Mixing pop culture news, reviews, and socially biting commentary with mildly amusing entertainment. Also noteworthy to keep in mind, even though a drink can be made in any proportion, if your shot totals more than an ounce, people tend to have problems shooting it. Blue curaçao accounts for the lovely color, while an emulsified egg white and tonic water give it some body and fizz; vodka gives it kick. Ingredients. Chill in freezer for two hours. ♥♥♥♥♥ $25, You need to be a member in create and edit lists Your 'Top 50 Cocktails' book is whizzing through the old t'internet as we speak, and should be with you soon. 1/2 Cup Grain Alcohol – (NOTE – You may substitute Vodka if you can’t get or do not want the Grain Alcohol – We use it in Geek Manor because we’re nuts). Simple, after a drink or two, you will be absolutely convinced you’re invisible! 375 ml Everclear® alcohol. Now that real Absinthe is legal within the Federation, you can test your liver like never before with the Cort and Aaron tested Cloaking Device. Help us lift this restriction by becoming a patreon of the site. Very Simple Recipe Few splashes of Peychaud's.

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