List of Dutch baby names, Dutch babies names, Dutch baby names and meanings has been compiled from various resources. Hi Mel, In 2007, there were 15.288 people named Van Dam and 1595 people named Van Damme. i was born in Groningen,the Netherlands and have lived in the USA for over 60 years.I would like to know how many people have the surname Voornhout,since I’m sure they’re all related to me……thanks!!! The following tables include all surnames with over 0.001% frequency in the US population during the 1990 census. thank you. How do we find this out? Metonymic surname for a sailor, meaning "anchor" in Dutch, Danish and Norwegian. A few Germanic names survived, like Dirk. Genealogist Rick van der Wielen says that traditionally, the Dutch used a patronymic system where the father’s first name became the first son’s last name, and the other kids got the left over names from the … My great grand parents came from Friesland, I think you .missed my maiden name. Variations include De Vriese, Devries and De Fries. I also have family with the names of Jones,DeHart,Foster,Stiles. VAN DEN BERG (van de Berg, van der Berg). Alfred the Great was a 9th-century king of Wessex who fought unceasingly against the Danes living in northeast England. Emigrants called Smit often called themselves Smith after emigration. […]. My last name is Holland and my ancestors come from Lancanshire England , Dukes , etc .. I’ve been told it was originally spelled Booji and meant messenger. maar onze Maijer familie is afkomstig van Oldeboorn, Friesland, ik heb trouwens ook de naamsannahme document van 1811…(Tresoar)..dus …??? There are not many professional genealogists in the Netherlands. The name is common throughout the Netherlands, especially in the lower areas such as the provinces of Utrecht and Zuid-Holland. De Vries means “The Frisian,” somebody from Friesland. The Dutch are known for their creativity, even in names. I am interested in identifying which towns/provinces they came from. ja, de eerste vermelding, ik heb hun stamboom vanaf 1600, ze waren dus allemal van Friesland, (Goyngarijp, Joure, Oldeboorn..) in die tijd vanaf 1600 tot rond 1820 waren het boeren met grondbezit , daarna waren ze winkelieren enz…. Not surprisingly, the name is most popular in Friesland, but also occurs frequently in Noord-Holland and Groningen. Sign up to receive weekly email updates with news about Dutch Genealogy! Romeijn is popular all over the Netherlands, but not in the top 10. Like Bakker (nr. List of the 1000 Most Common Surnames in the U.S. This random sampling of Dutch surnames is sorted by surname, with the tussenvoegsel following the name after a comma. I haven’t found this name but once in the US in the last 67 years other than in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and all of them are related to me! The name is taken from the root word lux which means ‘light’. The function evolved over time but often involved collecting the harvests, overseeing the farmers or advising the lord about customs. This doesn’t have to do with last names but I came upon this list while searching for info about my Dutch husbands origins. DE VRIES. Markus: One of the popular Dutch male names Markus is the variation of Mars. This variant is also the most common version that people used after emigration. A Smid (old spelling: Smit) is a blacksmith. A dijk is a dike, so Van Dijk means “From the dike”. The Frisian form of Van den Berg is Bergsma. Believing this measure to be temporary, many Dutch people gave surnames that translated to hilarious or obscene phrases and words. “Hendrik” is a Dutch first name, the Dutch version of “Henry.” I haven’t encountered it as a last name, only in its patronymic form “Hendriks.”. ancestors settled in New Amaterdam (Van Der Grift, Elswaert, Sjoerts, Van Zandt and Luvbertszen) between 1639 and 1656. As you can see on that page, the name appears throughout the Netherlands. ANKER Dutch, Danish, Norwegian. International favorites Emma and Noah top The Netherlands most popular baby names list for 2020. It could be Limburg in origin. To determine whether that is where your family got their name, would require researching the male line back to the person who first adopted the name and to see if he came from Slijk. I am one of only a handful who do this fulltime. Any help would be appreciated. Soorsma. Discover the ethnic origin and meaning of last names. Very interesting . Metonymic surname for a sailor, meaning "anchor" in Dutch, Danish and Norwegian. Can be accessed on-line? What can you tell me about the name Booy? Along with Noor, the most common Dutch names for girls in the US include Hanna, Johanna, … Variations include Meijers, Meijerink, Hofmeijer (hof = court, manor) and Nijmeijer (nij = new). Have you also considered Flemish family names? I am curious about my last name, VanSlyke. Meese: Meese is the diminutive version of Bartholomeus, a popular apostle name. Quite a few, but nowhere near this top 10. Zeeland had a lot of Huguenots settling there, so you may see more people with French features (short, dark hair, dark eyes) there than in the rest of the country. Well, Julia has dropped to fifth place and Lucas to third. Visitors since 2006 [Affiliate link], Family Names Database of the Meertens Institute, De 100 meest voorkomende namen in Nederland, Read about Yvette's professional genealogy services,,, The Ridiculousness of Dutch Names | hitherdither. A patronymic surname meaning "son of Niels." Variations include Backer, De Bakker, Bakkers, Bekker and Bekkers. For boys, Daan was the second most popular with 717 baby boys being given that name. (86,534 in 2007) De Jong literally means “The Young”. I don’t know of any studies that link particular traits to areas. When do you use capitals? “Van” means “from,” usually followed by a place name. Often used when two people in the same family had the same first… Dutch Last Names Though many Dutch names have a significant origin, others translate to rather hilarious terms. The youngest one would be called De Jong, similar to somebody who is called “junior”. Many Dutch names are of the form: van ("of/from"), de/het/'t ("the"), der ("of the"), van de ("of the/from the"), and in … I have not researched the name and do not know its meaning. This vast database of Dutch names has been compiled from various references and suggestions provided by our web site users and resources partners. Population: 258,195. I will write an article about that next week. A Visser is a fisherman. Dutch last name English last name; Aarnink, Arning: Arnink: Bargerbos: Baggebos: Bekerink: … Immigrants named Bakker to English-speaking countries often changed their name to Baker. spelling: Merckx, Hendrickx, Declerq. Was die naamsaanneming van 1811 de eerste vermelding van de naam? 2), meaning son of Jan (John). Meaning ‘strong … Find out how surnames are ranked in popularity, how many people in the United States of America bear a particular name, and how the statistics change between 1990 and 2000 US Censuses. Meanings are provided where known. The variation with double -ss- is more common in Gelderland, Noord-Brabant and Limburg. Variations include Van den Berge and the latinized version Montanus. Variations include Jans, Janse, Janssen, Janzen, Janssens and Jansonius (Latinized form). After addressing a Dutch lady as “Mr.___,” and having it gently brought to my attention that her first name was that of a woman, it occurred to me that it would be useful to have some w… Other common last names that started out as patronymics are Peters (son of Peter), Hendriks (son of Hendrik/Henry), Jacobs (son of Jacob), Gerritsen (son of Gerrit/Garret), Willemsen (son of Willem/William), Hermans (son of Herman), Evers (son of Evert/Everett), Driessen (son of Dries, a form of Andries/Andrew), Wolters (son of Wolter/Walter), Sanders (son of Sander/Alexander). Several years ago, a Dutch friend told me that some Dutch have funny names. In het algemeen ken ik Maijer als Duitse naam maar wat de reden is geweest voor die Friese familie om die naam te kiezen weet ik niet. These were usually people who did not already have a last name but who went by patronymics. last name to discover. But he did tell my husband and his brothers that his surname, Hendrik, was from Dutch origins. The common reference book is Dr. J. van der Schaar: Woordenboek van Voornamen, where many Dutch parents that are expecting a baby look for names. Not surprisingly, the name is found more in the coastal provinces of Friesland, Noord-Holland and Zuid-Holland and less in the interior provinces. Dear Yvette, love your website! The Frisian form of Van Dijk is Dijkstra (Dykstra in the US). Please use this up to date list of Dutch name as a reference to name your kid/child. Unfortunately for the Dutch, this practical joke has lasted for generations. We have Dutch girl names starting with A to Z. If you want to know more about the origins of your family, you can hire a professional genealogist to do research for you. and what about Maijer then, is it also a variation of Meijer/Meyer? It should be remembered however that these figures are based on the data of an entire country, and on a smaller scale other names tend to dominate certain regions . Lane Brooks. The source for these names is Bronnen voor de economisch geschiedenis van het Beneden-Maasgebied: Tweede deel, Rekeningen van de Hollandse tollen, 1422-1534, a collection of Dutch trade documents with listings from 1422 to 1534. Common Dutch Surnames & Their Meanings DE JONG. Jansen is a patronymic, a name derived from the father’s name, in this case to denote the son of Jan (Dutch version of John). Dutch Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in The Netherlands from Namipedia, the Baby Name Wizard’s naming encyclopedia. In the 12th and 13th century, the Germanic names that were used then were slowly replaced by the names of popular saints. Dutch people don’t have middle names, but they can have multiple first names. After immigration, the spaces were often dropped, turning the name to Vandenberg, VandenBerg or even just Berg. This Dutch Genealogy webinar gives you a great introduction to researching your Dutch ancestors. Variations include De Smit, De Smid, Smid, Smidt, Smith, Smits and Smitstra. A list of names in which the usage is Dutch. It is the Dutch form of Adelheid. A “kuiken” is a chick, but I don’t know if that’s the origin of the name. Tracing your immigrant ancestor back to the Netherlands should tell you what the original Dutch name was. 672 boys were named Lucas. I am aware of the New Netherlands Project in NY State, have done research there, is there a Dutch West Indies Company archive that Apply this search to the user-submitted names, the letters in the pattern are compared to the letters in the name, search for an exact phrase by surrounding it with double quotes, this field understands simple boolean logic, force a term to be included by preceding it with a, force a term to be excluded by preceding it with a, sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations, syllables can only be counted in names that have been assigned pronunciations, names without pronunciations are excluded from results, the "relationship" is how the name relates to its parent name. 2019 top 10 most popular baby names After immigration, the name often changed to DeVries. I live in the United States .. Hi Christy, My Dutch This common Dutch family name identifies a Frisian, a person from Friesland or someone with Frisian roots. Dutch Surname Prefixes Dutch surnames based on locations usually include prefixes like de (the), van (from), van de, van der, van den (from the), or te, ter, ten (on). You can see how popular your name is in the Family Names Database of the Meertens Institute. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. This can still be seen on the distribution map: the name mainly occurs in Groningen, Drenthe, Overijssel and Gelderland, plus the provinces in the west where many people migrated to since the medieval period. Its counterpart, De Oude (the Elder) is a lot more uncommon, which can be explained since the older person was the one who was already known by that name, so the next person with that same name needed a new designation to identify him. These names all mean “From the Mountain”. My husband’s father was a man of few words. ANNEVELINK Dutch. The name is found predominantly in the northern and western provinces of Friesland, Groningen, Drenthe, Noord-Holland and Zuid-Holland. Pages in category "Dutch surnames" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 515 total. Then I discovered further back than that , ancestors come from Friedsland , Holland .. See this map. gutliery (13) gutline (13) gutlirey (13) gutlirlo (13) gutmaiin (13) gutmak (13) gutman north eutaw (13) gutmari (13) They are all well documented in the Holland Society, DAR library, the New Netherland Institute and the USA Library of Congress. If Van means place what does Kuiken mean? According to the Family names database it’s a patronymic, but I don’t know which first name it would go with. My maiden name was Van De List is there many in Holland with that last name. Yvette Hoitink, CGSM is a board-certified genealogist in the Netherlands who helps people find their Dutch ancestors. Variations include Vissers, Visscher and Visschers. (previous page) () Living in a dike or someone from a place with a name ending in -dijk or … Abel – means competent, willing, ready, and capable. A Bakker is a baker, so he first person who took this name probably had this occupation. When searching for DeHart, make sure to leave of the “de” since that is a prefix and not part of the surname in the Netherlands. Ik ken niet elke familie in Nederland natuurlijk. There are a number of those with very weird (archaic/celtic?) een Maijer is toch ook een beroep geweest, misschien is het darom…. Yvette Hoitink, CG® is a board-certified genealogist in the Netherlands. Looking for Dutch names for girls? Dank u wel! It is also one of the most popular Dutch boy names. If you ever do come to the Netherlands, contact me and we can catch up! Another Americanized version is Van Dyke. Requires a Legacy FamilyTreeWebinar subscription to watch. My mother’s maiden name was Stehouwer. Please read what Yvette can do for you. I extracted the names of over 3 million Dutch Facebook accounts to create that statistic. Claeszen is a patronymic, meaning you are looking for a Jan, son of Claes (Dutch version of Nicholas). The ten most popular surnames in the Netherlands in 2007 were De Jong, Jansen, De Vries, Van den Berg, Van Dijk, Bakker, Janssen, Visser, Smit and Meijer.
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