2. Looking to crack the Amplifier Job interview? Explain What Is Transistor Biasing? Infinite voltage gain. When the difference of the two inputs applied to the two terminals of a differential amplifier is amplified, the resultant gain is termed as differential gain. A certain noninverting amplifier has R i of 1 kΩ and R f of 100 kΩ. Mention monolithic instumentaional amplifier? Alternatively in the improvised versions of differential amplifiers a constant current source is kept in emitter lead to provide very high resistance (Theoretically infinite). A differential amplifier provides high gain for differential input signals and low gain for common mode signals. Question 15. 2. what is accuracy of a measurement? CMRR is defined as the ratio of differential voltage gain (Ad) to common mode voltage gain (Acm). Explain Why Common-collector Circuit Is Known As An Emitter Follower? What is lower/upper cut-off frequency of non-interacting cascading stages? 72. Question 23. In Explain What Way Is The Voltage Follower A Special Case Of The Non-inverting Amplifier? By choosing the appropriate turns ratio a transformer can be used to provide impedance matching with the load. Question 25. If in a cascade of stages the input impedance of one stage is high enough so that it will not be able to affect the output impedance of the preceding stage the stages are said to Non-interacting stages. What is the difference between inverting and non inverting amplifier? What are the applications of op-amps? Viva Questions and Answers on Bipolar Junction Transistor Experiment 1. If in a cascade of stages the input impedance of one stage is low enough to act as an appreciable shunt on the output impedance of the preceding stage the output impedance of the preceding stage the stages are said to interacting stages. Explain What Is An Integrator? An operational amplifier, abbreviated as op-amp, is basically a multi-stage, very high gain, direct-coupled, negative feedback amplifier that uses voltage shunt feedback to provide a stabilized voltage gain. In addition, several dif-ferent categories of instrumentation amplifiers are addressed in this guide. Explain What Are The Main Purposes For Which A Common-collector Amplifier May Be Used? An instrumentation amplifier is a type of differential amplifier that has been outfitted with input buffer amplifiers, which eliminate the need for input impedance matching and thus make the amplifier particularly suitable for use in measurement and test equipment. 69. Define Offset Voltage As Applied To An Op-amp? OPAMP is called direct coupled because the input of one OPAMP is inserted into the input of another OPAMP. Linear: Adder, subtracter, voltage to current converter, current to voltage converters, instrumentation amplifier, analog computation, power amplifier, Integrator, differentiator etc. What is the upper cut-off for interacting stages? If feedback resistor is made zero or R1 is made ∞(by keeping it open-circuited) in a noninverting amplifier circuit, voltage follower is obtained. Question 11. An instrumentation amplifier is a closed-loop gain block that has a differential input and an output that Also it avoids the amplifiers going into DC saturation. The typical Darlington pair is shown below, Following are some of the characteristic parameters of Darlington pair. How Can Freshers Keep Their Job Search Going? Its low input resistance finds application in specific areas where the signal strengths are very low (or) when load on source should be very low. This makes the circuit analysis and design simplified and each stage can be considered as isolated as far as DC signals are considered. Explain What Is Faithful Amplification? a) CB amplifiers have better frequency response than CE amplifier. a) CB amplifiers have better frequency response than CE amplifier. Some of the Advantages of negative feedback: The main disadvantage of negative feedback is decrease in overall gain. 2. What Is Instrumentation Instrumentation Engineering? Do you have employment gaps in your resume? extremely high input impedance, extremely low output impedance and unity transmission gain and is , therefore, an ideal circuit device for use as a buffer amplifier. A …, Bipolar Junction Transistors Questions & Answers…, 1. Why amplifier gains will reduce at higher frequency? 16. Explain what is a dc power supply? If feedback from output to input is given in such in a way that the introduction of feedback in the amplifier decreases the overall gain, then the feedback is termed as negative feedback. Question 16. Explain the operation of Wheatstone bridge. Amplifier is a device that makes sound louder and signal level greater. In this condition it is known as perfect balance. IN-AMPS vs. OP AMPS: WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES? Define transducer? Why Opamp Called Operational Amplifier? Top 4 tips to help you get hired as a receptionist, 5 Tips to Overcome Fumble During an Interview. Comparator OP AMP (operational amplifier) don’t have feedback loop. Mention the need and advantage of Instrumentational amplifier? There are mainly three types of coupling which are. Adder, subtractor, differentiator, integrator fall under the category of linear circuits. Darlington pair consists of two cascaded emitter followers used to achieve high input resistance. 2. Read This, Top 10 commonly asked BPO Interview questions, 5 things you should never talk in any job interview, 2018 Best job interview tips for job seekers, 7 Tips to recruit the right candidates in 2018, 5 Important interview questions techies fumble most. 3. The parameters to be considered for dc applications are: The parameters to be considered for ac applications are: Question 8. use it to save in pdf. ... 30. Question 7. What are the applications of transistor amplifiers? 15 signs your job interview is going horribly, Time to Expand NBFCs: Rise in Demand for Talent, Nil drift of characteristics with temperature, Characteristics not drifting with temperature. AC Millivoltmeter (2) Audio Systems (11) Basic Electronics (14) Bioelectric Amplifiers (5) Bioinformatics (12) Biomedical Instrumentation (71) Biotelemetry system (5) Bridges (12) ... 8085 Microprocessor Lab Viva Questions With Answers 1. Introduction of Transformer makes the amplifier bulkier and costly. List The Parameters That Should Be Considered For Ac And Dc Applications? A Transformer coupling is one in which the output stage of one amplifier is coupled to the input stage of next amplifier through a transformer. Question 27. Feedback factor = Feedback signal/input signal. Explain Why? Desensitivity factor is defined as the factor with which the feedback desensitizes the gain. Slew rate of an op-amp is defined as the maximum rate of change of output voltage per unit time and is expresses in V/µs. Why slew rate is not infinite in Ideal op-amp? What is servo mechanisms? This website uses cookies to improve your experience. a) The CE amplifiers are used in applications where high gain is required. Question 34. For a common collector amplifier, current gain is as high as for CE amplifier, voltage gain is less than unity, input resistance is the highest and the output resistance is the lowest of all the three (CE, ,CC and CB) configurations. Question 12. It is called operating point because the variations of IC and VCE take place about this point when signal is applied. What are Advantages and disadvantages of Negative feedback? It is also called as return difference. Briefly discuss about a transistor? Measurements and Instrumentations LAB VIVA Questions :-1. Answer: An instrumentation amplifier is a differential op-amp circuit providing high input impedances with ease of gain adjustment by varying a single resistor. What are the types of coupling used in amplifiers? The degree of exactness (closeness) of a measurement compared to the expected (desired) value. Explain What Is The Effect Of Removal Of Bypass Capacitor In A Ce Amplifier Circuit? 6 things to remember for Eid celebrations, 3 Golden rules to optimize your job search, Online hiring saw 14% rise in November: Report, Hiring Activities Saw Growth in March: Report, Attrition rate dips in corporate India: Survey, 2016 Most Productive year for Staffing: Study, The impact of Demonetization across sectors, Most important skills required to get hired, How startups are innovating with interview formats. Measurement and Instrumentation Lab - VIVA QUESTIONS. 15. The frequency response of the direct coupled amplifier is similar to low pass filter and is characterized by rise time. Question 35. Ltd. Wisdomjobs.com is one of the best job search sites in India. Question 24. High CMRR ensures that the common mode signals such as noise are rejected successfully and the output voltage is proportional only to the differential input voltage. Question 5. 75. It is used as high frequency amplifier combined with common emitter amplifier. The process of raising the strength of a weak signal without any change in its general shape is referred to as faithful amplification. This is the most frequently used coupling. Question 19. EXPNO.1 MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE USING WHEATSTONE BRIDGE. If a amplifier has feedback path exists from output to input then that amplifier is termed as Feedback amplifier. Instrumentation amplifiers … Question 20. It is used as output stage in multistage amplifier because of its low output resistance. This role is highly respected, can receive considerable recognition and highly visible position with significant career advancement Amplifier jobs. Op-amp Is Used Mostly As An Integrator Than A Differentiation. Perfect balance is the characteristics of ideal OP AMP and if there is same input applied then we will get the output zero. Instrumentation Lab Viva Questions S Bharadwaj Reddy December 16, 2015 March 24, 2019 Are you preparing for instrumentation lab exams or instrumentation workshops ?
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