What do you call a cow with a stutter that makes chocolate milk? Osama bin laden took a ancestry test and found out he was 78% middle eastern 8% chololate and 14% coconut, the following exchange happened at my work. Given below is a collection of some humorous chocolate puns. Q: Why did the farmer buy a brown cow? You can only drink hot chocolate all year long if you are cocoa-nuts. He was a famous civil rights leader. A list of puns related to "Milk" Milk is good. Because the udder is with the cow. Our neighbor had a French cat which was eating dessert. This section includes milk chocolate puns, dark chocolate puns, bitter chocolate puns, bonbon puns, nut chocolate puns, white chocolate puns and chocolate box puns. Chocolate milk jokes, Wisconsin farm humor, bull LOLs and udderly handy puns ahead. A: I just set foot on Mars. Book . ): Crunch → Crunchie: As in, “ Crunchie time” and “Number crunchie ” and “When it comes to the crunchie.” Munchie → … Nov 14, 2014 - Chocolate Milk Shake by smosh - A Member of the Internet's Largest Humor Community What would you call a milk that manages to get each and everything that it wants? 1. You eat it, She says, "Oh, Oh Henry!" Click here for more information. He said “I have a dream”, Dad: yes, “I have a dream that one day milk and chocolate milk will live in harmony.”. The reason he went smiling all the way to the jail is because the judge sentenced him to a life behind chocolate bars. He found working there very boring, so he saved up enough money to get a surgery to become a chocolate cheerio. 6. Discover (and save!) We even have a couple of holidays where … Plane Chocolate! There is the plain cheerio then the chocolate cheerio then then the rainbow cheerio and then finally King cheerio himself. When chocolate and milk met the other day, the had a real chocolate milkshake. My cousin loves milk from Spain. Q: What is an astronauts favorite chocolate? 5. Like. Welcome to the sweetest puns we have! The funniest chocolate puns online! 7. Donalds he was working at. Crunchie: Crunchies are a bar of honeycomb toffee coated in milk chocolate. One day In a picture book, I encountered a photo of one of natures most bizarre creatures, the mighty duck billed platypus. Here are funny chocolate jokes and puns for all the chocolate lovers out there. She's always drinking soy milk. What do you get when you dip a kitten in chocolate? What is an astronauts favorite chocolate? Collection of chocolate puns. Click here for more information. Enjoy there jokes. (Because Milk Maid Jokes and Pasteurized Puns Could Never Be TOO Mainstream If You're Touring a Dairy Farm!) ︎ 8 ︎ 3 comments ︎ u/Parkwad ︎ Sep 06 2020 ︎ report. Filled with curiosity of this bizarre creature and an Inability to read a young snippersmith asked his father what this creature was called, To which his father replied. Chocolate has really gone up in price. Donalds itself. Chocolate Captions. Don't worry, because I have you covered. During the party Steve got a chance to speak with the King and he asked him how it was to be a the king, but the king replied that it was extremely exhausting to be the king. Kid: Mom I don’t have school on Monday, the school calendar says it’s “milk” day. What candy is only for girls? As soon as I came to a stop, I looked him straight in the eyes and said "Son, there is no need to cry over spilled milk.". him: well yeah, look what kind of baby they made -points to chocolate milk-, me: in a relationship, you need certain emotions, i guess they just lactose emotions. They are manufactured by The Hershey Company ... Harvey Milk: Harvey Bernard Milk … i work the service desk at a grocery store, and me and one of my coworkers will often make puns based on the items we return. ‘Cookie doe’. There was a fruit that loved eating chocolate. My 4 year old cousin told me that cows make milk. Related: 100+ Scrumptious Food Puns That’ll Have You Working Up An Appetite. They tend to be very cheesy. him: well yeah, look what kind of baby they made -points to chocolate milk-, me: in a relationship, you need certain emotions, i guess they just lactose emotions. A: Chocolate chimp. One day In a picture book, I encountered a photo of one of natures most bizarre creatures, the mighty duck billed platypus. If you’re after related puns, we also have cocoa puns, milk puns, chocolate puns, cow puns and candy puns.
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