In addition, Engineering, Security, and Medical commendation ranks will unlock additional doffs via your replicator. For example CXP 10,000 or 25,000. In the extremely unlikely event that this mission is available in not a single sector, and not on offer from your operations officer, you will have to wait for a sector update. Note that certain DOffs like the Emergency Medical Hologram do not return any dilithium or XP upon dismissal. I am trying to reach level 4 on all of my Doff commendation categories. Romulan Republic Awards. Players of the Klingon faction additionally have the following assignments to "dismiss" duty officers (other than prisoners/colonists/refugees) for a reward: There are currently 65 different species of duty officers. I found the alpha quadrant, and in particular the area around DS9, to offer the most trade assignments with good payoffs. For example, you might 350 Eng points /350 colonial points. CORE RULEBOOK. The only caveat is because the Grind to Craft ratio is 3:5, you need 5 Support DOFFs to make three Tellarite DOFFs. Otherwise, all that flying around is annoying. You will notice that there are several categories for each commendation and they all max out at Tier IV. Lets again look at the KDF example of prisoner labor. Alternatively, you can buy 3 blue ones and use those while you wait out the long process of farming B'Tran cluster. Each extra slot can only be purchased once. I have created a doff spreadsheet that you can use as a reference and I have included the link in this post to Google docs where the spreadsheet. Note that this is still a work in progress. There are quite a few who get frustrated with, and ultimately abandon the DOff system. Some assignments award Very Rare or purple doffs only on a critical outcome. They are the most common doff type, randomly obtained through leveling. I do not like to think about the Nagus.) But, you can regrind any useless Tellarites into 3 more Rares. One of the best methods of helping a new character is mailing them unbound doffs from your other ones. Currently have five Engineers with Resolve and Stubborn (three Purple, two Blue). Crystalline Catastrophe Elite (CCE) is another mission that awards two purple MK XI items to first place winners. Green, blue, and purple quality duty officers cannot die while on assignment, but can sustain injury which will make them unavailable for a period of time (Usually 8 hours) and is likely to place them in sickbay. If you are comfortable grinding favors, they are of acceptable quality. Additional Duty Officers can be obtained in various ways and in many map locations: If you wish to get rid of one or more of duty officers (DOFFs), you can select "dismiss" and get an amount of Dilithium Ore and Recruitment CXP based upon their rarity. Specialization: Refugee is a duty officer specialization within the Civilian department. Mirror Universe Bundle: Also sometimes called the Legendary Galaxy Dreadnought Bundle, this bundle does come with one doff. :/, EDIT2: Nevermind. If nothing else, it is a fairly passive source of dil that can also complement your admiralty efforts in the same arena. Console missions are highly recommended. Actually the Dyson Sphere pretty much has no assignments . The easiest way would be to search the exchange using cxp and choose the amount you want to purchase. Quality depends on duty officer qualities and crit traits. There are 3 missions. This mission can be a good, quick source of purple doffs. I am having a hard time locating Doff assignments that reward decent CXP for Recruitment and Trade. Use a map if you're unfamiliar with sector space. Officers can be sent on missions and slotted for bonuses. Press J to jump to the feed. Then I turn them all into purples. The other faction's duty officers CAN, however, be used to supply Starbase projects. I never thought about using those officers for specific races. This is an easy mission that also qualifies for basic foundry rewards (dilithum). [1] There are at least 54,587 duty officers available since the system was introduced in Season 5. Check the community-updated DOFFJOBS spreadsheet ( to see what missions are currently active. I created this honestly, because I was tired of searching around and not finding anything or anyone's posts to help me out. For best results, send a purple trader on the mission. Celebrate 13 years of Star Trek Online with Season Twenty-eight: Refractions, now live on PC! You can recognise these because they will be marked as being part of a chain by ending with 3/7, or whichever stage of the series they belong to. (Advanced Mirror Escorts and Patrol Mirror Escorts are cheap on the Exchange, as well as the Mirror Qin for KDF.) Several doffs are available through the Phoenix Box. behind the building with Lt. Ferrera and the DOFF combiner, talking to the Andorian personnel officer. And so on until I've got all saleable doffs. Thus, this is an indirect method of "unbinding" officers. Make sure you bag them! True, you won't have the chance for that sweet crit, but you also don't risk that devastating disaster, and as has been said, Consign Prisoners isn't very sustainable. By choosing to Visit the Bridge (which is an option from the small drop down arrow at the bottom-right of the mini-map) you can walk to other parts of the ship where certain officers will offer a list of specialized assignments in specific categories. The solutions to the problems of both the FED and KDF when it comes to colonists and prisoners respectively are, for the FED, to focus on transporting colonists, and for the KDF to seek out those missions which, while they have a longer cool-down, have a lower requirement in prisoners and a lower fail/disaster rate. I've seen them act wonky before. The mission to Colonists to has a one hour cool-down and, if you have 20 colonists, 2500 dil assuming all success, or more if you crit (and yes, less if you fail). These missions take place "in the background," so to speak, and happen in real-world time. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, M'ky RA/RSE Adm/HoS MS/Resident "Tytrant". 1 H U N T E R : T H E R E C KO N I N G. Written by Justin Achilli, Daniel Braga, Johnathan Byerly, Edward Austin Hall, Karim Muammar, Mario Ortegn, Pam Punzalan, and Erin Roberts Advice for Considerate Play appendix by Jacqueline Bryk Editing and Indexing by Ronni Radner Concept Diversity Consultancy and Diversity Reading by Maple Intersectionality Consulting Art Director . With the easy Dilithium from Admiralty removed, restoring older methods of Dil-farming became far more imperative. Undoubtedly, the "turn over confiscated contraband" doff mission provides the largest reward. wtf. Tuffli Freighter: The second prime competitor for the best doffing ship in the game, the Tuffli trades the cell ship's unique recruitment assignments for the ability to call a transport ship that can offer Transfer Prisoners and Turn Over Confiscated Contraband. You can buy them off the exchange, from opening lockboxes or even from completing some DOFF assignments. Assignment: Tellarite Cultural Exchange (by chance in normal Success) Refugees can be bought from the in-game Exchange or can . On that note, please add comments and ideas that will life easier for all of us and especially the new players. Forced Labor Camp in the requires fewer prisoners, but also only pays out 350 dil (which is why you don't see it on r/STODOff's lists), it also requires 5 provisions. Targeted areas for improvement besides incomplete sections include a more comprehensive guide to marauding (once I experiment with it a little more), a more accurate ranking of commendation difficulties (where exactly do Diplomacy, Exploration, Marauding, and Development rank compared to the rest? Or really, just outfit a ship for DPS. sectors: Qo'nos, Khitomer, Xarantine, Japori, Celes, Kesse, Risa, and finally Alderbaran. Notably, this officer comes unbound--and the officer you send can be bound. Duty officers will be in one of the seven following departments: There are also 2 more departments that have their own roster separated from the main roster: Passengers (usually colonists) and the Brig. Well Traveled: This trait, obtainable by doing well in Tour the Galaxy, cuts transwarp cooldown by 20%. You won't run into any exploration systems, only scanning anomalies. You can then visit the personnel officer and exchange them down for 3 lower ranking officers. Both are around 85,000 CXP and I need 100,000 CXP to get them to the final level of 4. Ya the exchange is just way to overpriced for some of the basic componets. You will likely need a sizable stack of Gamma Quadrant commodities to grind certain Medical and Science missions. Get a Federation, or Klingon character to Level 50. Duty officers (doffs) represent the junior officers, enlisted personnel, and civilian crew members of the player's starship. Cross-faction doffs do also exist, mostly as special rewards or as part of C-Store doff packs. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains. Sell your junk there! See how to distinguish faction side on this frame comparison image. Tellarites with Stubborn and Resolve fetch around a million EC on the Exchange. Military - the assignments are everywhere and usually award between 400-500 points per normal success. Consular Authority assignment chains: Found in the Alpha Quadrant, these chains each end with a repeatable assignment which allow one to trade one doff for one of (likely) equal or better value. Winters STO Top Tips. The maximum amount that can be earned during the event is 350,000 EC. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Fleet Research Lab has a doff mission, K13, and Mine Holding do too. A variety of changes to the system, however, have made it not more difficult but less intuitive. Quality (purple, blue) depends on refugee quality and crit traits. Always check your promotions tab to ensure that you do not already own them--the game will let you buy them even if they're available to claim for free. Don't bother with the Saurian mission, as it requires a refugee with "Cold Blooded" or "Resilient" traits (difficult to find). For some reason they are located there. So that's a good way to get rid of unwanted ones you can't sell. They end by rewarding a rare doff and unlocking a repeatable chance at a very rare via critting on an assignment. Duty Officers on your ship can build components and will offer assignments some of these are new and some of these are additional chances to focus your efforts on a specific commendation category (e.g. I have a warp core theorist with stubborn up on the exchange right now, but it seems somewhat difficult to figure out how to gauge the pricing properly Oh joy. Recruitment assignments from the academies (visit representatives and accept the assignment). They have loads of other wee missions too for recruitment and trade. Before embarking on doffing for EC, it is recommended that the player amass a sizable amount of purple and blue doffs to send on doff missions. I would ask that you please refrain from adding negative comments and keep the intent of the guide at face value for what it was designed to do. Acquire or sacrifice a "useless" very rare DOFF. Resettle Colonists is available fairly often for FEDs and has an 8hr cool-down. I have played many, many, many different MMO's, and my favorite thing to do is crafting. Ghosts of the Jem'Hadar assignment chain: This assignment chain awards a very rare officer upon completion and unlocks a repeatable assignment which awards another on a critical success. SECOND UPDATE: The grinding and combining also nets you a ton of Recruitment CXP, which you can trade in at the Starbase for 75 Fleet Marks (100 on Crit) assuming you already have at least 100k Recruitment CXP. It took a while and I may have to replace my mouse, but I am now Tier 4 recruitment. Romulan Republic Awards. Some doffs are affiliated with certain R&D schools, allowing them to be used to create certain items. (doffs return to your roster). Faction. Both are around 85,000 CXP and I need 100,000 CXP to get them to the final level of 4. Get a Federation, or Klingon character to Level 50. Pick up all the loot the ships drop. For a long time, doffing was one of the easiest of these. Upon finishing the . As with department, some assignment slots may require an officer with a specific specialization, or including an officer with a given specialization may modify the chances of the assignment outcome. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains. Buying two prisoners from the Orion slavers has a duration of 8 hrs. Also some doff missions like Scan for genetic anomaly or scan for re sequencers show up in sector and department head tabs sometimes. All players receive bonus packs at levels 18, 23, 31, and 41. And lo, did the Bank Tytrant speak. In general, be on the lookout for doffs with the Telekinetic, Shroud, and Resolve traits, as these are required for some very rewarding missions. More doff = $$$ advice: buy/get junior officer cadres. Make sure you buy the additional 3 slots from your fleet embassy. If you choose Development, run the crap out of the Dabo and game assignments. This will ONLY happen if they are put on active duty. In the future I will be adding a DOFF calculator to determine the time needed to complete each tier and with/without bonus CXP pools. Start it by clicking 'Hail' at the bottom right. BUt now im at the point where i want to start to raise it to max. The T3 only comes with three, but has a console that cuts transwarp cooldown in half (and can be had with nothing but dilithium). Getting an Critical success result is very important is for several reasons. You pretty much have 3 different options in order to achieve this level. Copyright 2010 by Attilio Vassallo. This is meant to bring the newbies up to speed and why Doffs matter. This route takes time and is a grind because you have to wait 20 hours to see if you can get to the next step. Quality depends on duty officer qualities and crit traits. Try to run assignments that give you the 2 for one combo points. For Diplomacy the smaller points assignments make more sense, yes you have to check them more often, but you get more bang for your CXP bonus pool buck by doing it this way. Most doffs are aligned to a faction--either FED, KDF, or ROM, with the vast majority being either FED or KDF (and consequently usable by those faction's allies). In order to get Tier IV you must earn 100,000 points in that commendation to get to the point. 0.1: Alpha release. Do the mission. Instigate Defection: It takes a long time to complete, but awards a rare officer on success and a very rare officer on a crit. This is not generally enough to outweigh the advantages a race might offer other aspects of the character's playstyle. KDF players, this applies to you as well, but you will already be marauding your hearts out to gather prisoners for the slave battalions and contraband, so this will be less of a burden for you. If you need specific samples, make sure you're looking in the right place. Tal Shiar Awards. B. A. The system unlocks once a character reaches Level 11. Use white (preferably green) refugees with crit traits. Do note, however, that for the purposes of the doffing mission system abilities do not matter at all. This is always a good trade for common prisoners, especially if you already have access to admiralty. The Dominion Fugitive can be sold on the exchange or used in other missions that will permanently remove the doff from your roster. You get more commendations points for the assignments. E. Recruiting- This has to be one of the easiest commendation categories to reach Tier IV. While you do not necessarily have to fill out the critical traits list to complete a doff assignment, you do increase your chances of getting a critical result. Negotiate Prisoner Exchange: Allows you to trade a prisoner for a new, random doff. FED players, do not despair! Ferengi Awards. Continue to grind them down until you get them to common. You can successfully craft rare items without the below DOFFs, however Ultra Rare crafting does require special DOFFs. Investigate Temporal Anomaly: A non-repeatable assignment which awards a purple-quality bartender. This will take you through 6 Duty Officer Jurisdictions, where new assignments will automatically populate as you fly. I litterally needs hundreds of samples. At the respective factions academies, Personnel Officers allow a captain to commission cadres of duty officers, and also to turn in five underperforming duty officers, plus a modest amount of Dilithium, for a random duty officer of the next highest quality. Not to mention, you can get VR doffs by getting a critical success on Instigate Deflection assignments. Where is the Tellarite personnel officer at Starfleet Academy, by the way? There are a number of them available through chance drops from the academy or in the C-store packs for 250 zen. The unbound equivalents of the purple rewards often fetch high prices on the exchange (several million EC in some cases), so completion of the assignment chains is recommended for those looking for valuable duty officers.
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