However, I am definitely willing to share what I have found while Ive been in contact with Persephone. 2. Create artistic representations of Hades. If she was kidnapped, did she want to stay once she fell in love with him? He wants you to learn about him and perhaps even devote yourself to him; after all, he is the ruler of the Underworld and deserves respect. A polytheist is someone with a religious regard for many real Gods being called is not required. "Spirit work" and "Deity work" are terms that describe the act of forming relationships with spirits and deities. I even dried some of it out before checking on what plant it was because the pull was so strong. According to many myths, Zeus actually made a bargain with his brother Hades and coordinated this kidnapping. Source: It almost feels like there is a set of unwritten rules about what should be said under which circumstances. As the ruler of the underworld, Hades controls and possesses all the earths riches. I am the proud owner of Instead, an entity will slowly drain you throughout the day when you think you have Persephone around. Elan Ganeles, Hy"d, an American citizen who was the victim of a terrorist shooting on Sunday, February 27, 2023. But, if they seem to be cropping up everywhere and its suddenly too hard not to notice, then you may be receiving visits from the hounds of hell. Once you identify it as such, its nice to have a little forest friend keeping watch. Its funny, because in Ancient Greece, Hades and Persephone were rarely worshipped. The phrase I am reaching out to you derives from the literal reaching out that takes place when a person extends their arm to get another persons attention. When she wants to tell you something, she doesnt beat around the bush. They can also be intangible - feelings and sensations, a song in your head, visions, dreams, intuitive feelings, or a thought that seems to randomly appear and perhaps not quite seeming to be your. Perhaps the individual is finding increased success in their career thanks to unseen help from the god, or maybe the extra money found represents gifts bestowed upon them by Hades himself. As a child she was called Kore or Cora . I guess thats some of her allure; we all want to tackle that shadow side without losing our intrinsic goodness. Congrats, girl! You could also reach out to other witches for insight into some of the more popular deities. The goddess Demeter had been one of his early consorts long before marrying Hera. It is not to be entered into lightly. Leuce, daughter of the Titan Oceanus, has a back-story that may seem all-too-familiar: Kidnapped by Hades and brought to The Underworld, Leuce never escaped. One day, Persephone was in a meadow picking narcissus flowers, when the earth quite literally opened up and Hades came through to kidnap her. I find it helpful to reach out to Hades when Im feeling unbalanced, anxious, depressed, or generally off-kilter. You feel called to learn more about him. If there have been recent conversations between the recipient and sender, and the sender is now following up on an action point that was agreed to during a previous exchange, you could also use the phrase as per our previous conversation to introduce the purpose of your email. Here are just a few possible signs: 1. She is just as direct when it comes to boundaries. As you can see, its hard to pin down exactly who Persephone is. Some examples include: These reasons and many more can help guide you toward making decisions about which deities to align yourself with. Persephone can be found in the Underworld during winter months or on Earth during spring and summer. She had to find it in herself no one could give it to her. The Goddess Persephone tends to reach out in very subtle ways. Persephone is much more direct than other deities. This gods energy feels intense, dark, and foreboding. You may find that you have a sudden interest in Hades or Pluto, feel called to learn more about him, or receive dreams or visions related to the god. I am contacting you in relation to your upcoming appointment with Dr. Murphy at 3pm on Tuesday the 24, Please be advised that patients will need to wear masks while inside the Murphy Family Practice facility. Before you decide that something in Nature is a sign or an omen, make sure its not just ordinary animal, plant, or weather behavior. At Beltane, Persephone is emerging from the Underworld, bringing us spring. During this time, Demeter is overjoyed and allows the flowers to bloom and the world to flourish. If you have been really into pomegranates or pomegranate flavoring of any kind, this can be a sign. Its not a birthday check from your favorite aunt. 5. 3. This practice has definitely carried over into other aspects of my life, but its most noticeable in the context of building my fortune. In art and statuary, Hades was often depicted holding a cornucopia, a scepter, or a bident thats a trident with only two prongs. In my opinion, working with Hades will teach you patience and diligence. It is often used between colleagues in an informal work setting. Other symbols of Hades include the Cornucopia, Cypress, Narcissus, keys, serpent, mint plant, white poplar, dogs, pomegranates, sheep, cattle, horses, and chariots. Even if you feel like outside forces are controlling you, the thoughts in your head are always your own. Hippocamps were the horses who pulled his chariot on the sea. Apollo may give you straight up visions because he knows you can handle it and that's the best way to communicate with you. In Autumn, Persephone returns to The Underworld to be with her husband (and captor, depending on the source) Hades. First of all, the duality that resides within the myth of Persephone is extremely important. Trying to find out whether a deity is reaching out to you or not can be very tricky and I want to give you my opinion on the topic. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. A passage through words. Since God Hades wasnt traditionally worshiped in ancient Greece, it can be difficult to find information on working with him in a neopagan aspect. Persephone lived a happy, idyllic childhood according to most myths. It happens over and over again. Persephone learns how to embrace her shadow side (the part of herself who sternly rules over the spirits of the dead) without rejecting her innocent, childlike self. Animals are sovereign persons the same as we are they do their own things for their own reasons, reasons that rarely involve bringing messages to humans. Or, it could be a miracle regarded as evidence of a supernatural power. In some versions, Persephone chooses to eat the pomegranates to stay because she has fallen in love with her husband. These include natural riches as well as treasures buried underground. How to Put Availability on a Resume Top 10 Tips! Almond, vanilla, bergamot, or pomegranate scented incense, Purple, magenta, indigo, green, red, or black candles, Almond, vanilla, bergamot, or pomegranate scented perfumes, Gems such as crystal, quartz, agate, black onyx, pink tourmaline, obsidian, coral, or jasper, Make a playlist of songs that remind you of Persephone, Donate to those who cant afford a funeral service, Devotional prayers (written by the Greeks or by yourself), Purchase a new Tarot deck that reminds you of Persephone for your readings with her. There are a few potential explanations for how this could be seen as a sign from Hades. I love celebrating Persephone during the changing of the seasons. Hers is a quiet power, the sort that is deftly exuded around Hades and Demeter, but it certainly exists. For you that may be sitting in silence, or in contemplation of an image of the deity in question, or some of other form of meditation. Persephone doesnt go on a warpath or expect you to dedicate your life to social justice if you have a job in a different field. Hades; Zeus, god of Olympus; and another brother, Poseidon, god of the sea, drew lots to divide up the world, and Hades fared the worst, getting the underworld. Just writing to say that your speech on Monday at the conference was great! You can also see pomegranate symbols popping up and recognize this as a message from Persephone. This cap causes not only invisibility but can inflict madness on others. Hes taught me how to get balanced and how to control and regiment my emotions (in a good way). You love learning about Persephone. If one or more Gods speak directly to you, great. If its still unclear after all this, then maybe it would be better for now to stay away from Hades until your heart has healed enough so that he wont trigger any painful memories or emotions. Could be. Despite such infamy, Hades was held in high honor, revered at funerals and times of mourning. A new business venture or project you start quickly becomes successful. If you have been really into pomegranates or pomegranate flavoring of any kind, this can be a sign. Today, we have a very different outlook. I quite literally felt as though I went to trance and took this as a sign that the offering worked. Asking questions about what happens after we die is one way of honoring those who have gone before us, and celebrating the cycle of life and death. Years after I still tried to put my fingers in my ears and "lalala I'm not listening" due to alot of other things that were said in my reading. But occasionally that happens right up front. It seems to me that God Hades especially respects those who respect the dead, even when they dont have to. If you think you are being called to be a priest, read Preparing For Pagan Priesthood. Its more like being drafted into the army oftentimes the army of a country you didnt even know existed six weeks ago. Ive gone searching for bones in my woods for no real reason other than a pull to, Walnuts? However, you can definitely reach out to Persephone if you dont see these signs and want to work with her! It is said to be a sacred animal to Hades. There are three main signs that a God is calling you into Their service. Persephone can help you set boundaries in your life. That night, I had the worst nightmares about all sorts of hell-like demons that I would not come up with in my wildest dreams. This includes warding and cleansing rituals as well as banishing exercises for when things get out of hand or trickster spirits appear in your area. Other stories indicate that she wants to stay to escape her mother and simply sees Hades as the best option. , Strangely enough, I had been having addictive bag reading done by a Shaman/medium and he stopped in the middle of the reading and told me that a diety was coming throughLOUDLY. The first one suggests that Poseidon was the first god who created the first horse. In myth, it was very clear that Hades had a gentle heart and wanted the souls of the dead to be as comfortable as possible in their transition and to end up in the right place. Doing a simple reading with tarot or oracle cards can give you some insight into whether Hades wants your devotion or not. If you suddenly start having these feelings in your life and cant explain why, its likely that Hades is trying to get your attention. Youre suddenly neighbors with a screech owl. You'll probably know it's a deity, but they are sometimes evasive when it comes to telling you who they are -- so you could do some research, and figure out who it was based upon appearance and characteristics. After hearing her name over and over and being obsessed with her myth for years, I decided to leave her an offering of incense and wine. When I looked up some of the correspondences, it seems like it might be Hades. It is generally followed by because and a brief explanation of the emails aim. These may be tales of a deitys actions or they could reflect the actions of politicians or authority figures at the time of the storys creation. A voice in your head, except its behind your head, not in it. Particularly in his realm of wealth, working with Hades reminds us to pay a small tribute to financial mindfulness each day. I broke out my Tarot cards and drew a three-card spread for each option, asking what will happen if I make this choice? Two of the options showed unfavorable outcomes I immediately eliminated them. So thats what I did. are appropriate under what circumstances. Anything thats a little dark and twisty with a sweet side will be right up her alley. If you start trying to figure it all out too soon, youre likely to miss more signs, and youre likely to jump to incorrect conclusions. Just popping into your inbox to ask whether you wouldnt mind watering the cactus on my desk while Im on holiday? Its also important to look at your own heart and intentions. Divination is one tool to help make that decision. Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. This is especially true if the request comes from someone whose energy feels off or negative such as an entity of darkness like Hades. Finally, I made contact with a spirit Im connected to through my tarot cards and pendulum and it said that there was something contacting me, but would not elaborate. Traditionally, offerings of black sheep (or cow, according to some sources) were made to Hades once a year at his temple in the ancient city of Ephyra. For instance, with Hades, it could start with an interest in necromancy or the Afterlife, or even feeling the need to do shadow work. Shell set hers and she will definitely respect yours. However, shes also kind and even a bit motherly. Create an altar to Hades. She also likes chocolate and mint. It takes time to earn her trust. In fact, everything she does is for your highest good, because you shouldnt ever live a lie. To better understand the nature of Hades as an archetype, lets take a look at some of the myths surrounding the god who would be crowned king of The Underworld. Many people assume that if a God is calling them, its to be Their priest. Thats what happened with me, anyway. In so many ways, Persephone struggles to balance herself. After all, this is one of the only relationships where they are equals. You develop a taste for pomegranates. Worshipers, devotees, and the curious are welcome. You may also encounter Hades, but Ive found him to be quite kind and quiet. The goddess Persephone is both kind and strict. Whether you believe in the Greek gods and goddesses or simply pull inspiration from the stories, you can definitely learn a lot from Persephone. The scariest part was that I felt like they were really in my room, because when I opened my eyes, the figures were still there, moving around in shadow form. Its more likely this will come later in the relationship. Minthe was a naiad, or water nymph, that was once greatly loved by Hades. At the least, wait until your current experience is over. Hand sanitizer will be available for your convenience. You can also see pomegranate symbols popping up and recognize this as a message from Persephone. If there have been recent conversations between the recipient and sender, and the sender is now following up on an action point that was agreed to during a previous exchange, you could also use the phrase, other ways to say I am reaching out to you, The Many Meanings of (Korean) Crow Tit DEMYSTIFIED, Thank You Notes for Physical Therapist Full Samples & Tips, How to Send a Resume via Email Template & Examples. You suddenly have a strong interest in Hades or Pluto. She Tries To Stop You From Broadening Your Practice. Instead, bury the offering (if possible) to send it to the Underworld or flush it down the drain. This symbol leads to a chamber containing Gemstones, which are used to pay for new projects at the House Contractor in the House of Hades. The goddess Persephone is usually depicted as a young woman, but she appears in many forms. At that point it was like wtf and then I quickly realized that I needed to reach out to Hades. Both are common occurrences among beginners who dont have these skills yet! If you havent experienced this you may not understand it. Here are 8 signs your spirit guide is trying to contact you: 1. If not, honor Them just the same. He is accompanied in this underworld also called Hades by his lovely wife Persephone, the goddess of Spring, and his trusty hellhound, the three-headed Cerberus. He has ahuge presence; while hes not exactly scary, you can immediately sense his power. For example, you pray for something and a song comes on the radio in a restaurant you sit in with words that are the exact answer to what you asked. She can be really stern and scary, especially when you dont listen to her, and she doesnt like to tell you anything twice. He helps me see the importance of taking care of myself emotionally and physically before focusing too much on others needs or desires. Hopefully you find what you are looking for here. Understand that most others fear gods of death because they fear their own mortality, and letting others' fears control your spirituality would be a sorry loss. 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The fidelity and equality in their relationship is truly unmatched in Greek myth. Even in the oldest myths, Persephone is shown to make massive decisions without any interference from Hades. Finally, if someone has a strong connection with death or the underworld in general, it may be an indication from Hades that he would like for them to devote themselves to him and his domain. Hades is the reigning king of the dead, a position given to him when the universe was divided up after the great war called the Titanomachy. Many of us today struggle with similar issues as Persephone, which I hope will become clear to you as you read this post. Killeen started preparing for this back in 2018. If her name or story strikes something in your heart, this can be a very obvious sign. The story of the goddess Persephone can remind us not to lose ourselves, even if were trying to please others or are being controlled by people in our lives. Focusing on speaking to Hades or whatever presence it is you feel around you and asking for guidance can be incredibly helpful. Persephone's father was Zeus, the mighty ruler of the Olympians. In fact, many Grecians feared him so much that they referred to him only in epithets, daring not to speak his name. Watch popular content from the following creators: (@mystic.frida), The Norse Witch(@thenorsewitch), Meg The Tarot Teller(@thetarotteller), Witchy tips(@witchy_punk), Andrada Ioana(@ioanandradaa), Andrada Ioana(@ioanandradaa), Meg The Tarot Teller(@thetarotteller . His wealth makes him one of the richest and most powerful gods. Now you have to respond. There are many myths stating the reason as to why horse is regarded as his symbol. Many know the famous tale of Hadess abduction of Persephone (if not, check out our post on worshiping her here), as it was commonly taught as the source of the changing of the seasons. Hand sanitizer will be available, I hope this finds you well. Have you ever read a sentence and it brought you into tears? He then came through in every tarot reading I had done for those years as the Chariot. She has a serious backbone! Green bow and arrow: A boon from Artemis. He may want you to honor him through prayer or worship, or he may have a specific task for you to do in his name. Here are just a few possible signs: If you have a sudden interest in this god, thats a pretty clear sign that hes reaching out to you. Well, if you feel an inexplicable urge to want to know more about Hades despite having no prior interest in Greek mythology or religion it may well be that the god himself is nudging you in his direction! I have become much less fearful since then. Polytheism, at its core, is the belief in multiple gods. Contrary to popular belief, you dont have to work with a deity just because they want your devotion. I guess that means its time for me to write about it. If you have a sudden interest in this god, that's a pretty clear sign that he's reaching out to you. In my experience, she values both equally. ), Statues or depictions of Cerberus and dogs. Although he doesnt reside on Mount Olympus, Hades shares the same parents as Zeus and the other Olympians: the ancient titans Chronus and Rhea. But priesthood is not the default relationship between humans and Gods. You may also love the High Priestess tarot card or anything to do with the Underworld. 2. You might think this would be clear, but it seldom is. Ancient Greeks believed that Persephone specifically ruled over flowers during the summer months, while her mother held her spot as the goddess of the harvest. Tarot, runes, bibliomancy, geomancy whatever method works for you. I am dropping you a message to let you know the post has arrived downstairs. Persephone was able to maintain relationships with both her mother and Hades, but over time, these relationships shifted. Generally speaking, it is not necessary to use the ceremonial register in work emails, nor is it usually appropriate to use the familiar register. Finding money and coins in your path randomly. Evangelical Christianity says that everyone has to have a personal relationship with Jesus or they arent a real Christian. "I am reaching out to you" is a phrase used to introduce the purpose of an email. Both pagan holidays are great times to make offerings to Persephone or celebrate in her honor! Sometimes, trickster spirits or entities will try to present as a deity in order to take advantage of you. Magical Uses For Dandelions: Dandelion Correspondences, Where To Draw Your Sigils: Sigil Magick Basics. However, feel free to do anything that you think he would like. That is possible, and if we are wise we consider all the likely mundane explanations first. This is one of Hadess powers that made him very compelling (and scary) to the Greeks. She also has many servants of the dead (both good and bad) at her disposal. The vast majority of calls involve some combination of the first two signs. The Gods rarely announce Themselves by name. Being called can be a great thing, but its not winning the lottery. (Thank the gods!). It can be difficult to determine if he is the god reaching out to you, but there are a few specific tells. Before we talk about how you know if youre being called, we need to discuss what it means to be called in the first place. Spirits also reach out to people through the power of clairsentience. She shows you how to find your truest inner self even when things are changing at a rapid pace, but never expects you to leave your old self behind. The goddess Persephone isnt all doom and gloom, though. Demeter, Persephones mother, was devastated. You can also engage in conversation about her story and myth and shes usually quite happy to answer questions. Persephone (also known in her youth as Kore and the Roman goddess Prosperina) is often represented by symbols associated with the coming of spring. In fact, hes one of my favorite gods to work with I find him to be a really calming presence. Here are six formal alternatives to the phrase I am reaching out to you. Its said that he often rewards those who show faith in him with great treasures, so this could be his way of showing you his favor. The topic of signs is an often discussed topic in paganism and deity work. After all, rape and kidnappings were common in Ancient Greek culture and were sometimes a way to acquire a bride. If your curiosity has been piqued by Hades out of nowhere, take it as a sign that he could very well be trying to reach out to you from beyond the veil. Persephone Unveiled: Seeing the Goddess and Freeing Your Soul: This book is a great self-help guide that also has a lot of information about the myth of Persephone. Has something big happened to you and you want to know if it was a deity reaching out to you? Finish 10 additional runs, with at least one (1) run reaching the Surface and talking to Hades (beating him technically not required, but might as well!) What Is A Sign? With Hades I noticed that it's usually in a theme of money, bones, dead things, and imagery that relates to him somehow. However, is that really the truth? 3. To make sure youre really working with Persephone, set clear boundaries and ask her to follow them. I am dropping you a message is a casual alternative to I am reaching out to you.. And its possible youre simply called into a relationship. The God Hades is known to be the ruler of the underworld and is associated with death, darkness, and wealth. You suddenly have a strong interest in Hades or Pluto. Her words are often very literal. I had the urge to start foraging for and collecting bones. Hades controls the dead and can often either summon the dead (as he wishes) or force a corpse to do something specific. You find yourself needing to highlight the passage and doggy ear it in a book or magazine. You hold an unshakeable interest in The Underworld. He will contact you directly with his responses before the end of the week. Freya is leader of the Valkyrie, the Choosers of the Slain, warrior maidens who ride over battlefields on winged horses, taking the souls of warriors killed in battle to feast in Valhalla, Odin's Hall. Once you make contact with your own self worth, with what you like within your face, your body, your clothes, your choices and your taste, then the Goddess will find you herself. I think "signs" is a personal matter. Either way, its definitely worth exploring this new interest further. You may be called to be a devotee someone who honors a God and who performs occasional service for Them, but who does not take on the obligations of priesthood. 8. Of course, you can definitely worship Persephone without causing any harm, but if you want to actively work with her and form a relationship, then you should definitely learn some defensive magic in case other entities break through. Your spirit guide may use written material to get a message to you. He cares for the souls of the dead also referred to as shades as a king who wants the best for his loyal subjects. Hades is known to have powers of necromancy, but Id advise you to not ask for his help in raising the dead just ask our mutual friend Aesclepius, who Hades had struck down by the lightning bolts of Zeus himself for bringing folks back from the dead. Recurring imagery. And most of us love to answer questions about our Patrons. 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