Unofficial and Official Results. I have no money, and have no clue what to do with my life. You will receive your ATT via the email address you provided when registering. They are out of their minds ! I renewed my license/certificate. The Board then reported me to the NPDB federal data base as incompetent and negligent. 226 Articles; They've reused PPE, canceled PTO and worked extended shifts for employers they don't always feel value their safety. When I have taken the time to read disciplinary actions on the internet, most of the time that I can recall, people reported for med/practice errors were given some type of education, probationary status consequences; or the med/practice errors were listed in a cavalcade of charges including juicer tidbits that called for the more severe punishments. This ALL OR NOTHING way of thinking hurts us more than it helps us; and makes martyrs out of those who arent sneaky enough. NPDB reports can lead to: The loss of your license, including investigations and sanctions. DO NOT call agency. And a bunch of pencil pushers telling you faster, faster! Committing a serious crime, such as murder. They are a result of each individual's upbringing, self-teaching and life experience. DO NOT complain of your hardships and again do not speak poorly of anyone. Based on the license restrictions you mention and the experience you relay in applying for jobs, it might be best to go after non-clinical nursing positions for now where this will be less of an issue. Sit for the Nurse Aide Examination through Pearson VUE. They want you to speculate because they use your speculation against you as a lie. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. By using the site you agree to our Privacy, Cookies, and Terms of Service Policies. Sean P. L'Huillier, MS, APRN, FNP-C, CEN. Build your self confedience slowly and you will nurse again. Had never broken a law or anything. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 1 . One did a goluntary surrender, sought help / rehab, cleaned up, then petitioned to get it reinstated, and was able to. I only had my therapists' evaluation & my own statement. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 The complaint was based on accusations from a facility in another state. Like cali said -- very few instances where a single med error causes someone to lose their license. My mom was a nurse who got in trouble for stealing drugs from her employer. Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice. Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac. I have done that and had a Texas nursing license issued in 2020, but the Ca BRN came in and told Texas they had to put Discipline on my license since I had not met my probation in Ca. OBN is now requiring me to complete a 2yr probationary period along with a 2 yr narcotic restriction thats ridiculous! Then tell you to do it all over again. If she refuses, the board can then take steps to initiate an administrative hearing against her. We were unable to get a copy of the complete patient medical records because the Board had removed the patients name and assigned them numbers. Choosing a specialty can be a daunting task and we made it easier. A nurse that I graduated with was married to someone who had graduated the year before us. This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. So tell your story without lying, but omit some minor details that could make you look bad and touch on the details that got you a raw deal (without saying that directly. I had never used before but had migraines and started taking vicodin in early 2009. Sexual Misconduct Is a Common Reason to Lose a Nursing License. Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. Has 39 years experience. Too many Americans think that people cant compartmentalize. If you are hiding things. A manager came in and made our lives HELL. Look for the 6-8 digit number. Is there a website to find out about a Revoked license? As part of the application process, candidates must verify their high school education or equivalency. How can I find out the places of employment where my license is active? They will have to delete your accounts and start new one. He was working as an RN when he kidnapped her and held a gun to her head in a remote, mountain area. The people who dont understand are a new generation that will find out for themselves how duped they were by a system that will do the same or worse to them. Stress. Fax: 518-474-3004. allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. I check the disciplinary bulletin every time it is released and the only things I see people lose their licenses for are not cooperating with the Recovery Nurses Program. I had given up everything to get my license back but my addiction took control. 1-612-816-8773. But as Jesus said, if they judge you, remember they judged me first. The American Nurses Association does nothing to advocate for nurses either, its pathetic and sad. She was leaving him. Dont lie ever, but you can minimize to an extent. She did get her license back several years later, and resumed her career. Yes they are very difficult, and will block you from many other schools d/t putting you on the OIG list. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. 2. This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. In them you'll find all sorts of cases that come in front of the BON and their rulings. Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. 12 high seniority nurses all left mysteriously over 3 months. she is out of line and a true witch hunter. My time was precious and I didnt comply with certain policies and admit that. The moms in my cohort always tell me to hush because they are 30, 35, and even in their 40s. That seems to be the trend that I have noticed. Has 22 years experience. This site lists all licensed professionals, from nurses to realtors to physicians, etc. Practicing nurses need to be aware of many legal issues including a patient's right to privacy, when fees can be split, when and how they can work for a medical spa. I learned some very expensive and very challenging lessons from my mistakes, and I truly am a better nurse because of it. Mostly because of the pencil pushers and fat cats who dont give a damn about patients or anything but their lunch and their salary. AFTER police begins its job. Assaulting a patient. Statistically impossible to be random. Thats what happened to me. I really dont believe that sealing my case would have protected me for future employment. I am so sorry that you have had this experience. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. The person who posted that blog was absolutely right! My question is.what do I do now?? I felt it was more harshthan a convicted I never completed for a while (almost ten years the stipulations). I do not want a job to have access to any drug. 2). I'm in NC and this program is tough, but I am much tougher than I thought I first was! 750+ ANCC-accredited courses. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 In the State of California, Registered nurses are required by law (California Code of Regulations, Section 1451, Article 5) to complete 30 contact hours of continuing education every two years, in addition to paying the renewal fee, to maintain an active license.Continuing education courses must have been . Fast forward to 2019 in the depthsof my disease I decided to make a change, I'm not going to lie I completely gave up the idea of ever being a nurse again. Since when do Board nurses have a Juris Doctorate? Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. Since when are Board nurses investigators or detectives? 3. They are not medical doctors. 7,349 Posts. The board may have been concerned about a full reinstatement. He is quite possibly saving lives right now. Lovess, Their are many nurses who understand the past you have experienced. T: 02743.899.588 - 0985.173.317 Ms Hng - 0908.131.884 Mr Quyn; . the investigation turns out to be a witch hunt. How to answer license renewal question about mental health issues. Currently, 36 states and two territories are on the list of NLC jurisdictions. apartments in dallas that allow airbnb Uncovering hot babes since 1919. I was offered an option to enter into my states Chemically Addicted Nurses Diversion Option program. The nursing board is out of their minds! Just because people dont have a criminal record, doesnt mean they are good people- or competent. So- sleep well, with your judgments and naivete. 27,608 Posts. Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac. So you have to sell your soul to the boards. Some states, such as Florida and Massachusetts, will include the preface "RN" before the number. allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. So, do your job, make your student loan payments, don't endanger the public and quit being neurotic about it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. In the state of California . It's been awhile since I looked but no one lost their license for forgetting to cut a metoprolol in half. Choosing a specialty can be a daunting task and we made it easier. Be subtle with that and leave room for interpretation). allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. Check North Carolina (NC) as the state to receive the verification on step #2. Two years ago, my license free and clear, the state granted me an unencumbered multistate license, but Im struggling to find a job. I also searched online but was unable to find any information on it. Is there anyway for me to request a duplicate license? I stood up against the education reformers, they violated both federal and state statutes and the organized labor groups sold out every teacher by not requiring them to follow their own rules they made. That is all! He was able to have it expunged. I only know of one person who lost her nursing license- my best friend's sister-in-law. I went on to lose my writ of Mandate. Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. My advice is to clean up your first mess as best you can before moving forward into anything else, it makes you accountable to your past and holds promise for your future. I think it's here: NYS Professions - Contact Us. Lots of narcotic diversion and stealing from patients in my neck of the woods. allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. The last one withdrew just two weeks before my Administrative Hearing, so I represented myself. I say that those who hurt others will eventually be enveloped into their own Karma, what goes around comes around. Has 10 years experience. Do more! You or your employer may verify your licensure/certification status by using Its a sad abuse of power from unelected officials who answer to no one and relish in destroying nurses lives. (I am aware that if the BON presents you with documentation copies, the patients name is redacted and yet they expect you to EXPLAIN when you dont know the patients name and the date has been some time in the past. Then freeze your checking account. If you can, get out! Use internet at work, or in a public library. Attended and completed all stipulations with Drug court - 2 years of clean drug tests, countless therapy hours I have provided numerous letters of character references, as well as from Probation officers, Judge, work, sponsor, women's shelter I volunteer at . You case is clearly complex. substance abuse. The Arizona state board of nursing contacted me when the complaint reached them. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 Set a goal, not matter what it is and work for that goal, you can do it. 11,303 Posts. Ive learned an expensive and valuable lesson. If you are a nurse who recently failed a drug test and need legal help, Scott J Harris has the knowledge and experience to assist you in getting the best possible outcome for your case. Email: No failed or missed drug screenings and submit EVERYTHING on time. allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. There was a guy in Philly who lured women into his home, killed them, chopped them up and kept their body parts in his freezer. i am very encouraged. I moved to Texas when the Texas BON investigated my application for an endorsement license and said they could issue me a nursing license if I took a refresser course. This service is available for $7.95 from your candidate profile. Has 18 years experience. Let them ask specific questions, dont volunteer info Try to minimize the negatives and accentuate all positives. I had a complaint on my California Nursing License in 2012. Get cash from bank for at least a couple of weeks. Statistically, the lion's share of nursing licenses are revoked due to issues revolving around addiction: impaired practice, theft, diversion, and/or failure to complete the terms of impaired nurse programs as contractually agreed. Can I legally go back to school and do something like radiography or dental hygiene? Its so sad. Revocation of nursing licensure over medication errors, unintentional harm, or deviations in the standard of care is exceedingly rare. I charted every drug in narrative charting but they never looked at that.. if I am in charge of this ER the last thing im going to do is run around and pass meds for other nurses, have my own assignment, run and waste if a trauma arrives or be a slave to the damn Pixes machine. Otherwise, it was within 2 weeks time, from when I sent in my papers until I received the response from the BON. Please allow 1-2 weeks for receipt of your new nursing license. You will need to apply for a CNA certificate by endorsement via the Nevada Nurse Portal online at Ive been on many interviews and theyre all saying the same thing the restrictions are to much. Its disgusting that they even bother to meet with you. When the BON calls you in, you will not leave without discipline. A joke ! I just found out that there is a great possibility that someone is using my nursing license number. My dream was to be an RN. My being fired has nothing to do with my patient care or how much I loved helping people and saving lives!! As far as going back to school, I would just make sure that you would be eligible to sit for the state exam. Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice. You can sift through to see what nurses lose their licenses for. You didn't say what kind of nursing you did before your license issue so it limits my response. Please create an account or log in to view your dashboard. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 Dental hygiene schools, BTW, have the most stringent admission requirements I've seen aside from nursing schools. Let us take the hard work out of your job search with the new Jobs. She got caught, got fired and her license was suspended. In addition, hospitals, state licensing boards, health plans, and other medical organizations routinely pull reports from the database. 1-612-816-8773. I was Critical Care for 17 years and reported my sexual assault in a bathroom by an aid. License was revoked in 2017, for prescription and insurance fraud. In this matter, the board ordered a revocation but later allowed the nurse to reinstate her license albeit with a two-year probationary period. Reprimand recommendations for nurse readers. thanks so much for responding. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. I feel so defeated! What is this a joke. Nurses can verify their licenses by completing the Nursys verification process for $30 per license type, per each board of nursing where the . Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. So, my decision was to just dump the whole thing and I worked at other work ever since. I lost my Administrative Hearing based on hearsay evidence and some nurse administrator that had a vested interest in the hospital that had reported me to the Board as making a medication error. Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice. Create well-written care plans that meets your patient's health goals. However, unless those are clearly defined in the employee handbook, they are subject to personal interpretation. You need to fight for yourself (if you can afford it). Ive been drug screened now for the past 2 yrs not one negative result urine or hair follicle. 1-612-816-8773. I am so lost. Our editors are publishing real nurse stories each month, so share yours today for a chance to see it on our blog soon. Ive never ever ever done drugs, drank or broken the lawno tickets, no felonies, no arrests ever! When dealing with these complex issues, you need legal representation that has a long . Ultimately I want to go to school to get my RN, but I cant even do that because I cant have my CNA and you cant go to school with any restrictions on your license basically I just would love any and every advice. Probably a good place to start. NO FAILED drug screenings, meeting all requirements ON TIME etc etc. Its just a way to reward good boys and girls. Hope this helps. Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice. The BON is completely out of control. I was stressed, overworked, and in way over my head at the time. But no one will give me a chance to see that, and thats heartbreaking! Looking for a simpler way to find your next nursing role? 4). Med error? They know the patients name and the situation but when you see the document the patients name and other info has been redacted. You want to talk about Nazi Germany these people subpoenaed my phone records on an allegation of relationship with a patient. I know it's just a piece of paper but I'm still pretty sad about it. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. (9) Declaratory order of eligibility: Do you feel the NCBON has held up to this rule? Some nurses think that consulting an attorney is an admission of guilt, but it is not. I was made to be charge nurse of this trauma center and did not want to do it. Simply put, certain behavior and decisions even off-the-clock form a psychological profile. And you dont have to be incompetent in your field all you have to do is get a DUI, in YOUR personal time, and not report it to the BON (even though they run a background check every year to renew license, and charge YOU for it, they expect you to tell on yourself). Where the number is located varies on the state. Unintentional physical harm to a patient? Has 18 years experience. Specializes in ICU, CM, Geriatrics, Management. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I was warned by the outgoing Attorney General, who called me one day to say that she would seal my case but I wanted to fight and she said that if I did I would lose. This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. BRN put it on my nursing license, and reported inaccurately under Consumer Affairs, that I was on probation when I wasn't. This make it impossible for me to work in nursing. Emphasize how you were an outstanding RN for years w/o incident until, unbeknownst to you, you made A documentation error and you werent given the chance to give an informed explanation. Specializes in Many areas, currently adult psych. No negativity. New York BON Posting License 2023 After Passing NCLEX. Several options, but I am speaking from Texas Bon, and Texas Board of Health, that granted me my respiratory care practioner lis. I just feel like they have set me up for failure Im still required to check in daily at the lab at my expense for another 2yrs Im about ready to walk away from nursing. If they follow my IP, its not in the state where I am now. But now, you are looking for a more challenging specialty. It is nice to see at least one BON protecting nurses' privacy. Table of Contents. Completion of an approved CNA program. More importantly, you need to know what to do to protect your professional reputation. Wake up people and look around to what is happening! This is a good way to stay connected while you seek employment, expand your professional network and get a foot in the door. i was an lpn in Ohio on a probationary license due to getting a weed ticket for marijuana while in school. they have never met me, they did not review my employment history as a nurse. Im not a nurse but a psychologist with the BOP wanting to chop my head off for not having enough records. Hello nurses, turkey club sandwich nutrition Uncovering hot babes since 1919.. nurses who lost their license. she displays evil and i believe she is. No wonder I hate hospitals gallows humor, takes 12 hours to do anything, and this totally entitled messed-up staff. It's usually a string of errors that occur despite remediation or a failure to comply with probationary requirements that are occasionally imposed on the more serious one-time med errors. Have you reported your findings to the BON? You will have to find out within YOUR state where this information is made available, but it is out there. I have found that some boards are way worse than others. Kentucky Board of Nursing mission statement: The Kentucky Board of Nursing protects the well-being of the public by development and enforcement of state law governing the safe practice of nursing, nursing education and credentialing. The 4th one had her license revoked after it was found that she was physically, mentally and emotionally abusing a paralized patient that she was the private duty nurse for. $60 plus current licensure renewal fee. GN/GPN status is lost when you fail to take your scheduled examination. Tell them everything. I feel like such a failure. I will tell you that you do not have to do anything wrong to be investigated by the AZ BON. I was fired from my job for diverting pain meds, started the chemical dependency program but it was SO hard and too much right after I lost my job, nursing license, car got repoed and I was trying to do everything they wanted also. I currently work in treatment as a Detox Technician. NON-NURSYS: If your original and/or current state of licensure does not participate in NURSYS (CA, MI, PA, Canada, other countries), please contact . 5). I haven't heard of any from med errors or basic mistakes. Official results are ONLY available through your NRB and will be sent to you . Anyone that has any advice or help or has been through the process please talk to me! Sorry I can't offer more input, but it sounds like you have all your bases covered and then some. Top 6 Reasons Nurses Get Fired. Your license is a matter of public record it should not be too hard to find this info out. That's a scary prospect. I was a nurse for 20 years, went to ER for my last 12. I got suspended for smoking in my car. I wouldn't think Vicodin would even be a good match for migraines? I am finding it difficult to convince potential employers to give me a chance to prove that I am not an addict and am an honest and ethical RN. The BRN investigated it for 2 years, then reported in 2014 I was on probation through consumer affairs when I was not. Presently hold a current and active registered nurse license in another state, U.S. territory, or Canada. Specializes in Emergency & Trauma/Adult ICU. I had disciplinary action taken against my license in the past year, because of some poor choices and charting errors, made 18 months before in another state. you have completed all BON requirements). Because you will need to rely heavily on person-to-person networking, you also will need to learn how to do this properly and to your best advantage. (8) Advanced Practice Registered Nurse initial credentials: $100. Submit application for Alaska's Nurse Aide Certification by Examination. I was in the phone too and it dropped so my boyfriend heard it and called the hospitals administration and my unit telling them he was listening. Falsifying records. Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice. Having a personal problem, off the clock, does not equate to being incompetant on-the-job! In 2014 the Ca. So I signedi didnt even initial where I was supposed to do it wasnt even legal. 1-612-816-8773. Or at the least this gives you a place to call/email. I do not know the dates she lost her license, but we were curious if there was such a posting about licensing information. By using the site you agree to our Privacy, Cookies, and Terms of Service Policies. My evaluator died and they lost her positive evaluations of me. I sued the Board in circuit court and the Judge sided with the boardI fought my ass off..after 3 years of homelessness and loss of most family and friends I have not signed it! Check your dependency upon the external vs internal. Do you feel their is a recovery program with the NCBON ? I believe it would be safe to SERIOUSLY ABBREVIATE what led to the discipline and the discipline itself. I was in the process of finishing a class for a new career and have been doing that now for a few years. Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development. Even if revoked, most states have time periods that have to pass, then you can re apply, after certain offenses, but even so, your license will be tainted in some manner. Join the private group today and help us stop these nutcases who sit around making regulations that ruin lives. There is no justice and we are not given any chances to redeem ourselves. I am so sorry! Questions Im looking for guidance inare.. Has anyone gotten their license revoked and reinstated after waiting the three years? Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. It has been 1 year since I relapsed and lost my restricted license. So What! I was worried since Chamberlain is a small school and most people say . Specializes in 15 years in ICU, 22 years in PACU. stop using any social networks now. What type of errors has anyone lost their license? Has 4 years experience. Has 8 years experience. Several. I looked on the nysbon website. I was fired from my job I worked in a trauma ICU. Im not sure if anyone will see this.. 10). Even better, ask them for your accounts to be destroyed. I just found out Sunday and I am going to call the BON today. 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