In 2008 he graduated from Virginia Tech with a degree in Animal Science, where he was an active member of both the animal science club Block & Bridle as well as the agricultural fraternity Alpha Gamma Rho. 2023 The Humane Society of the United States Privacy policy and terms. There are countries that consume dogs, cats and other pets as food, but we do not allow our dogs and cats to be exported for food purposes, even though there is a well-documented overpopulation issue to contend with for those animals. Ironically, the very organizations most critical of the recent closure of the three domestic horse slaughter plants due to the subsequent surge in horses going to slaughter in Mexico are working to defeat passage of the Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act. Data for missing submissions are imputed using the data history of the missing plant. The answer is not to return to subjecting our horses to abuse and unacceptable conditions at plants in the U.S. but toban both horse slaughter and the export of horses for slaughteraltogether and to provide our horses withdecent lives and, when necessary, humane deaths. The inflation-adjusted net worth in December 2021 was $1,504,050.99. No. It makes no sense for the federal government to spend millions of taxpayer dollars to oversee new horse slaughter plants. Horse Industry Statistics. 2016. (3), According to USDA/National Animal Health Monitoring System, the Quarter horse (39.5%) and Thoroughbred Horse (10.2%) are the most popular horse breeds in the U.S. (10). Over 95 percent of the total U.S. slaughter for most species is under federal inspection. Shes a life-long horse enthusiast ranging from recreational rider, breeder, and show competitor. follow-up investigation into horse slaughter at one of the few slaughterhouses in the UK that is licensed to kill horses: F Drury and Sons in Somerset. In addition to the joy of horse riding, the horse industry itself is a significant contributor to the American economy. Below is a chart detailing these numbers further. Muma Business Review, Robyn Lord, University of South Florida. Section 207(f)(2) of the E-Government Act of 2002 requires federal agencies to develop an inventory of information to be published on their Web sites, establish a schedule for publishing information, make those schedules available for public comment, and post the schedules and priorities on the Web site. Adopt from a rescue or sanctuary instead. stream In addition, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) publishes a report on pets. Slaughter data from federally inspected plants are important to the Food and Safety and Inspection Service in fulfilling its responsibilities mandated by the Federal Meat Inspection Act (21 USC 620 and 661). US horse population, 2003 versus 2016. This estimate consists of reporting the number of head slaughtered plus live and dressed weights for cattle, calves, hogs, and sheep. Donate to RTF's Wild Horse Defense Fund Conversely, horse slaughter engenders indiscriminate breeding and neglect by providing a dumping ground for unscrupulous owners. In fact, 92.3 percent of horses arriving at slaughter plants in this country in recent years were deemed to be in good condition, according to the US Department of Agriculture's Guidelines for Handling and Transporting Equines to Slaughter. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics CPI Inflation Calculator. Horse ownership has been rather stable in recent years. The inflation-adjusted household income in December 2021 was $211,738.39. Phone: (202) 337-2332, Shaping Policy for Animals in Laboratories, Emergency and Disaster Preparedness for Farm Animals Act, Save Americas Forgotten Equines (SAFE) Act, Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act, Anti-whistleblower (Ag-Gag) Legislation, Cetacean Anti-Captivity Legislation and Laws, Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act, United States Legislative Information (external link), How to Communicate Effectively with Legislators, State Wildlife Agency Contact Information, Ending the Slaughter of Nonambulatory Pigs, Basic Guidelines for Operating an Equine Rescue or Retirement Facility, Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act, US House Subcommittee Hears Testimony on Federal Legislation to Ban Horse Slaughter, Legislators Decry Forest Service Plan to Condemn Wild Horses to Slaughter, AWI Commends Bipartisan Effort to Stop Horse Slaughter, Animal Welfare Groups Applaud Federal Legislation to Ban Horse Slaughter, Including Pets in Protection Orders: A State-by-State Guide, Organizations and Individuals Opposed to Horse Slaughter, Comments on Legislation, Rulemaking, and Voluntary Standards, Dispelling the Arguments of Captivity Proponents, Swim-with Attractions & Dolphin Assisted Therapy, The Case Against Marine Mammals in Captivity, Restaurants Currently Offering Shark Fin Soup, Wildlife Management on National Park Service Land, Myths and Facts about Wild Horses and Burros, Wild Horses as Native North American Wildlife, Canadian Restaurants Offering Shark Fin Soup, International Shark Finning Bans and Policies, Support for Federal Funding for Beaver Coexistence, Clark R. Bavin Wildlife Law Enforcement Awards, The former US-based, foreign owned horse slaughter companies and a handful of trade associations that support horse slaughter have contributed to the continued export of tens of thousands of America's horses for slaughter in Mexico and Canada either by physically shipping horses to slaughter or by actively opposing legislation banning horse slaughter. American Horse Council, Phone: 202-296-4031 Both sides brought up laws and regulations surrounding equine imports and horse meat in Canada and Mexico. Equestrian Market Research Report 2018: The Stats. The original investment portfolio was $460,400 (4) in 2002. This 180-day time period is considered sufficient because it allows a generous window of time for an animal to naturally eliminate remnants of medication that may have been previously administered. (33) Everything from de-wormers and grooming products to minerals and trainer fees. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics CPI Inflation Calculator. Animals' Angels obtained documents through the Freedom of Information Act for slaughter by breed from the USDA. Federally inspected data are summarized weekly and accumulated to a monthly total for the monthly release, while non-federally inspected data are summarized monthly only. The AHC believes that the more opportunities available to use horses in various activities, the better the overall health of the industry and those who participate. FDA explained that population estimates are important for helping determine potential eligibility for drugs to be used for minor uses. Relying on random-sample testing of horsemeat is inadequate and dangerous. At the time of writing, SAGARPA has not responded to multiple emails. Better Business Bureau Accredited Charity. It allows you to customize your query by commodity, location, or time period. -Phone your senators at (202) 224-3121 and urge them to include an anti-horse slaughter provision in the infrastructure bill. They are not able to save all of the horses and any horse given a yellow USDA export tag is beyond help. The SAFE Act would keep U.S. horse slaughter plants shuttered and end the export of horses for human consumption. Stats reveal that 122 horses died on race tracks in Australia in a single year. US Horses Exported to MexicoCompared to 2014. (9), Another AHC study found that 52% of equestrians are married and 58% are college graduates. The last three horse slaughter plants in the U.S. offered only a few low-income, dangerous jobs that did nothing to bolster local economies. Horse ownership costs will vary a lot depending on where you live, how many and what type of horses you have, and if you have housing capabilities or looking for a full boarding option. Animal Welfare Institute, 900 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20003. Contact a specialist. The analysis suggests the slaughter ban reduced horse prices, on average, by about 13% and resulted in a loss in producer surplus to sellers of approximately 14% at the sale we analyzed. Arabian Horse Association. McLean VA, 22102 Any minimal financial contributions of horse slaughter facilities are vastly outweighed by the enormous economic and development-suppressing burden they present. (11). This is why AHC has combined the data from all the available sources and offers the latest, most precise overview of the horse population. Statista. There are over 1.2 million horses in the horse racing sector of the horse industry. You can help keep cruel horse slaughter out of the U.S. and protect people from the threat of toxic horse meat with these simple steps. The cost of most recreational horses will be under $10,000. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics CPI Inflation Calculator. 2021. 2020. Horse meat exports (outlined in orange) - decreased by 38.3% According to Statistics Canada, Japan led the list of countries importing horse meat from Canada in 2020, followed by France, Switzerland, the United States (Nevada and Texas), Belgium, Germany, Finland, Hong Kong, Sweden and Italy. It allows you to customize your query by commodity, location, or time period. Researching this series, one point became apparent - organizations on all sides of the issue were citing approximate numbers of equines shipped across U.S. borders for slaughter - no one really knows exactly how many horses are exported for slaughter. CORRECTION: An early version of this article gave ASPCAs Senior Vice President of Governmental Relations Nancy Perrys name incorrectly as Anna Perry we have updated the article with the correct name. percentage of resident horses by breed (42.1 percent). NASS reports a total of 459,526 horse farms in the US, with an agricultural population of 2,847,289 horses. NASS uses these data internally to check previously published livestock inventory estimates. Additional expenses to consider are tack and equipment, clothing, grooming tools, horse sitting, track usage, shows and outings, riding lessons, and unseeable other costs. 2020. You can also usesocial media to share links to ourinvestigative video, "Horse Slaughter: Cruelty Uncovered.". Another study found that 53.4% of horse-owning households have only one member of the household being involved with horses and 35.7% have 2 household members being involved with horses. Here is a chart for all horses slaughtered in Canada, regardless of country of origin. There are an estimated 7.2 million horses in the U.S. These numbers are interesting, as for example, the GDP of California, a state with the second-highest number of horses in the U.S., has one of the lowest GDP contribution shares from the horse industry. The number of head slaughtered and live weights for goats are reported. The Equine Industry: Competing Beliefs, Changes and Conflicts. These are the most important points to make to representatives: Facebook: Post on your legislators' Facebook pages, urging cosponsorship of the SAFE Act to end horse slaughter. Lynda has worked with several law enforcement mounted units and has participated in several national and international horse associations. Equestrian industry statistics also show that 1,370,000 people volunteer their time for horse-related activities annually. Data Paddock, American Horse Council. Think before you breed. At the same time, the GDP of Florida, a state with the third-highest number of horses, does rely more heavily on the horse industry. All federally registered slaughter facilities in Canada must comply with federal food safety laws. 5th Floor 2022. -Call for an end to horse slaughter and the export of horses for slaughter: Send a letter to the president. Write an op-ed or letter to the editor of your local newspaper. 50% of horse owners have an annual income of over $100,000. The Humane Society of the United States is registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Statistics from one of the largest groups assisting owners in the recovery of their stolen horses, Stolen Horse International ( show that approximately 60% of horses stolen are killed at slaughter . Numbers obtained through USDA market report weekly summaries and StatCan via AgriFood-Agriculture Canada. Many racehorses never have a home or form bonds with other people or horses. Click an option below to subscribe. At a time when Congress is focused on fiscal responsibility and the budget of the USDAs Food Safety Inspection Service is already stretched thin, the USDA should not extend funding for a new program to slaughter horsesa practice that 80 % of Americans oppose. Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing: NAICS 324. Nearly twenty years ago, there were up to 14 active horse slaughter plants in the United States, gradually reducing their numbers due to diminishing foreign demand for horse meat in the late 90's. Today, due to a mixture of fragile (and now rescinded) appropriation . EquiManagament, Nancy S. Loving. Total employment in U.S. broadcasting industries from 2001 to 2020. Horse slaughter plants have been linked to air and water pollution, lowered property values and increased crime rates in the areas where they're located. According to the American Horse Council Foundations 2017 horse economy study, an estimate of the total contribution of the horse industry to the U.S. economy is $122 billion annually. Such is the allure of horse racing that major race-meets such as the Melbourne Cup are even 'celebrated' with public holidays. The annual ownership cost of a recreational horse in the U.S. is $7,896. Can the federal government ensure the safety of horsemeat? Help out at your local horse rescue facility. The original net worth was $955,400 (4) in 2002. ),, The most comprehensive number comes from the. With these approximations and generalities, what do we actually know about horses shipped across U.S. borders for slaughter? <> You can find the schedule for upcoming meetings by visiting the websites of your federal legislators or calling their offices. But 10/10 horse owners say it is worth it. States, where the horse industry contributes the most to the state GDP, are Kentucky (1%), Oklahoma (0.62%), and Florida (0.26%). There was no documented rise in Illinois following closure of the state's only horse slaughter plant in 2002 and its reopening in 2004. Data from early 2020 shows that about 5 percent of the horses that Rotz's Livestock shipped to slaughter in Canada were thoroughbreds. 8. Interestingly enough, equestrians are also active in the stock market. There are laws against animal abuse, neglect and abandonment at all levels of government in the US. In doing so, they are working in tandem with the companies that until recently slaughtered horses here and which now are buying horses in the US and shipping them to their plants in Mexico and Canada. A typical showhorse costs over $11,248. Has ending domestic horse slaughter damaged the U.S. horse market and led to neglect and abandonment? States with the lowest horse populations are Rhode Island with 2,600 horses, Hawaii with 6,100 horses, and Delaware with 8,000 horses. Website:, June Turner, Director Email: / Phone: (202) 720-8257, Find contact information for Regional and State Field Offices. Risk of federal prosecution and the high costs associated with illegally transporting horses long distances for slaughter abroad are strong deterrents. Along with our equine partners assisting in burial services at Arlington National Cemetery. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics CPI Inflation Calculator. This article is the third inthe series you can read the first two,SAFE Act Insightsand SAFE Act Discussed at House Legislative Hearing. (18). Thank them for their support! Amazingly, 60% of those polled were not aware of the horse slaughter industry. 73% of horse owners expect to own/manage the same number of horses in 2022 as well. While a state does have some leeway to ban certain slaughter practices within their state boundaries, these actions to not apply outside of their jurisdiction. As of August 2007, all US based facilities slaughtering horses for human consumption have been closed. 2022. 2016. (28). Phone: (202) 337-2332, Shaping Policy for Animals in Laboratories, Emergency and Disaster Preparedness for Farm Animals Act, Save Americas Forgotten Equines (SAFE) Act, Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act, Anti-whistleblower (Ag-Gag) Legislation, Cetacean Anti-Captivity Legislation and Laws, Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act, United States Legislative Information (external link), How to Communicate Effectively with Legislators, State Wildlife Agency Contact Information, Ending the Slaughter of Nonambulatory Pigs, National Agricultural Statistics Service/USDA, Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act, US House Subcommittee Hears Testimony on Federal Legislation to Ban Horse Slaughter, Legislators Decry Forest Service Plan to Condemn Wild Horses to Slaughter, AWI Commends Bipartisan Effort to Stop Horse Slaughter, Animal Welfare Groups Applaud Federal Legislation to Ban Horse Slaughter, Including Pets in Protection Orders: A State-by-State Guide, Organizations and Individuals Opposed to Horse Slaughter, Comments on Legislation, Rulemaking, and Voluntary Standards, Dispelling the Arguments of Captivity Proponents, Swim-with Attractions & Dolphin Assisted Therapy, The Case Against Marine Mammals in Captivity, Restaurants Currently Offering Shark Fin Soup, Wildlife Management on National Park Service Land, Myths and Facts about Wild Horses and Burros, Wild Horses as Native North American Wildlife, Canadian Restaurants Offering Shark Fin Soup, International Shark Finning Bans and Policies, Support for Federal Funding for Beaver Coexistence, Clark R. 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