We tend to look at the ego as bad and oneness as good. Now that we have understood that the ego is an essential part of our being but needs to be kept in check, let’s look at how we can do that. Have we outlived ego’s usefulness? There are many types of people around the world, all unique based on their own personal experiences, yet something remains intrinsically the same. And so on. AH it kindda boggles my mind. Most relationships are destroyed when one or the other person feels the need to be always right. 0 1. rue saint-denis. But ego tries to keep us in the dark, hiding from our Light. Started by YaNanNallari, September 15, 2018. Too much is never enough. evolutionarily, for self efficacy, I would say. Like, I understand that it might protect us from things or too fast development, but I want more info. WE, the ego will always have Choice, always have individuality, and can do,see,feel as WE want. When we observe around us, we will see the 'childlike mentality' and the 'provider mentality'. Like someone once said, “you can be happy or you can be right”. So the ego cannot be bad or evil, it just is. We know joy because we’ve experienced sorrow. Greed can bring down an individual, a family… even a society. This is when we can begin to create new habits and in doing this, the old habits simply fall away. When you look at Ego, it sure seems to be responsible for all the negative stuff in the world. When you experience different types of anxiety, defense mechanisms may kick in to help defend the ego and reduce the anxiety you are feeling. i wish u well. Anxiety also plays a role in helping the ego mediate between the demands of the basic urges, moral values, and the real world. The ego expresses the opposite of the unifying field that leads to enlightenment. While the ego has a tough job to do, it does not have to act alone. 1 decade ago. Why Do We Have an Ego, Anyway? The "I" then has purpose and meaning that is eternal in nature. There exists a growing group of theorists and social anthropologists who think that humans have outgrown the need for the ego. Sign in to follow this . From that personality conflict with such-and-such that drives us to distraction, to genocide and the threat of nuclear war, if you drill down to the core of it, you can plainly see Ego’s machinations. When we discover the ego’s soft underbelly, it throws up even more defenses and uses more weapons like distraction, addiction, boredom, drinking, drug use or overeating. We have long ago surpassed our basic survival needs of food and shelter. Ego We often discover that the less we feed the endless appetite of our egos, the more we avail ourselves to H-s proper format for human living. 7 posts in this topic. It’s normal to want to achieve success, possess nice things and have some security. Why do we have ego backlash? It big. So to have ego creates the possibility to know the bigger part of you. However, the Taoist teach that nothing is either good no bad, it just is. We know what generosity is because we’ve experienced greed. Ego must align with the Order - with which we have come and by which we are sustained - and direct the life/being towards that, ego must derive its identity from the Source, from the universal principle, we are part of that, instead of assuming its own identity. I though once I was ready for the course of mirracle. It isn’t normal to have an insatiable desire to attain the most of something– money, cars, homes, power, etc. So, why do we have to destroy it to get where we want to be? Always Right Vs Always Happy. Ego is a mental motivation justifying its existence by the need for self preservation. Followers 1. Here are 9 signs your ego is in control of your life: 1. 1. Seeing the truth of who we are not, weakens the ego’s hold on things. YaNanNallari Topic Starter - - - Member; 815 posts; Posted September 15, 2018. We know what compassion is because we’ve been indifferent. But it is a primitive motivation (or mental framework) produced by the mind in its lower states of development. Why do we have ego backlash?