Martha Bakerjian is an Italian travel expert who uses her home in northern Tuscany as a base for her in-depth explorations of the country. 1895 - The telegraph is invented by Marconi. The Franks had become involved in Italy a generation earlier when the Pope had sought their assistance, and in 773–774 Charlemagne, king of a newly united Frankish realm, crossed over and conquered the Kingdom of Lombardy in northern Italy; he was later crowned by the Pope as Emperor. 2016 has been a tumultuous year in Italy, with ongoing worries such as the migrant crisis and economic woes, coupled with sudden earthquakes and political turmoil. Siena's Palio is a horse race run in the unusual fan-shaped piazza, Il Campo. Here is brief information on events of historical importance and their effect on the world. Rather than returning to be the heart of the empire, Italy became a province of Byzantium. King Peter III of Aragon duly invaded, and war broke out between an alliance of French, Papal and Italian forces versus Aragon and other Italian forces. The Italians join the Prussians in a war with Austria. The wars concluded with each state and tribe converted into "subordinate allies," owing troops and support to Rome, but no (financial) tributes and some autonomy. Ash and other debris fell on the city from midday, burying it and some of its population, while pyroclastic flows and more falling debris increased the covering over the next few days to over six 20 feet (6 meters) deep. Major events like the assassination of Julius Caesar and the fall of the Roman Empire are pivotal moments, not only in Rome’s history, but the history of Western civilization as we know it. He reorganized some states and ushered in, along with his successor Philip, an era of peace and stability which lasted, albeit with some tensions, until the end of the seventeenth century. Venice won, banishing Genoa from the area, and carried on collecting a large overseas trading empire. Gaspar van Wittel/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain. On the other hand, some students may be surprised to learn that Italy is a young country. The procession has a surprise ending, and, late at night before heading to your cave hotel, there's a spectacular fireworks display over the Sassi of Matera. In 1701 Western Europe went to war over the right of a French Bourbon to inherit the Spanish throne in the War of the Spanish Succession. 0069-04-15 Battle at Bedriacum, North-Italy; 0394-09-06 Battle of Frigidus North-Italy; 0452-06-08 Italy invaded by Attila the Hun; 0493-03-15 Theodorik the Great beats Odoaker of Italy; 0554-08-14 Ravenna becomes seat of Byzantines milt Governor in Italy; 0876-01-31 Charles becomes King of Italy; 0951-09-23 Otto I the Great becomes King of Italy Odoacer was careful to bow to the authority of the Eastern Roman emperor and there was great continuity under his rule, but Augustulus was the last of the Roman emperors in the west and this date is often marked as the fall of the Roman Empire. Much of Italy was ravaged in the conflict, causing damage later critics would accuse the Germans of when the Empire fell. France sent troops to restore the Pope and crush a newly declared Roman Republic partly ruled by Mazzini; a soldier called Garibaldi became famous for Rome’s defense and the revolutionary’s retreat. This move led to the eventual Axis formed with Nazi Germany. Carnevale usually falls in February. Thanks to Frankish support a new polity came into being in central Italy: the Papal States, land under papal control. Italy has fun and fascinating festivals every single month of the year, and the Italians don't miss the chance to enjoy as many as possible. Ostrogoth propaganda portrays themselves as people who were there to defend and preserve Italy, and Theodoric’s reign was marked by the mixture of Roman and German traditions. France was driven out of Italy but factions continued to fight, and the war moved to other areas in Europe. Venice has one of the top carnival festivals in the world, but Carnevale is celebrated in many Italian towns. April 5, 2018. The festival location rotates each year. Once you've determined what you'd like to see, have a look at our Italy itineraries to help layout a routing. - On June 2 1946, was the first time in Italy that Italian women were allowed to vote. When James II ascended to the Aragonese throne he made peace, but his brother carried on the struggle and won the throne in 1302 with the Peace of Caltabellotta. At the same time, the city-states of Italy morphed into regional states. The period was later remembered as a golden age of peace. The strains and failures of war pushed Italian cohesion to the limit, and socialists were blamed for many problems. Rome became the dominant power in the Mediterranean, with Italy the core of a huge empire. Rome was sacked again in 455 by the Vandals. Avetrana is on the ​Salento Peninsula of Puglia, the heel of Italy's boot. General Belisarius initially made great progress in the south, but the attack stalled further north and turned into a brutal, hard slog which finally defeated the remaining Ostrogoths in 562. Italy in April: Festivals and Celebrations, The Best Time of Year for a Trip to Napoli, What';s On in Italy in June: Festivals, Holidays, and Special Events. He also claimed the imperial crown. The Renaissance, in turn, influenced the patterns of politics and thought. In History. From the busy cosmopolitan Milan to tiny villages of Sicily, Italian cities are a sensory delight with layers of history and culture and so much art in everything around you. However, Italian operations went badly wrong and had to be propped up by German forces. Creators of the Chronicle of Bishop Otto of Freising/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain. - 1950's, Italy became a member of NATO (The North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and made an agreement with the United States. Top 10 Must-Visit Historical Sites in Italy. Rome now turned away from Etruscan influence and became a dominant member of the Latin League of cities. The most popular month for these tours is May, which has the most tour departures. 0951-09-23 Otto I the Great becomes king of Italy 1004-05-15 Henry II the Saint crowned King of Italy 1026-03-23 Conrad II crowns himself King of Italy 1071-04-16 Bari falls to Robert Guiscard, ending Byzantine rule in Italy Following the tournament, there's a procession celebrating the winner and festivities that last late into the night. He was replaced with a Republic governed by two elected consuls. A "barbarian" who had risen to commander of the imperial forces, Odoacer deposed Emperor Romulus Augustulus in 476 and ruled instead as King of the Germans in Italy. The horse race takes place in both July and August with other events taking place prior to the races. Source: Link. What are some historical events from Italy? This port close to the Slovenian border is a contender for the most underrated city in Italy. We take a look back over the events that shaped Italy this year. 88 BC. People from all over the world have discovered to love and explore Italy because of its … 5. First enemies, then allies, then enemies again, Anthony was defeated by Octavian’s close friend Agrippa in 30 BCE and committed suicide along with his lover and Egyptian leader Cleopatra. News. In 1860 Garibaldi led a force of volunteers, the "red-shirts", in the conquest of Sicily and Naples, which he then gave to Victor Emanuel II of Piedmont who now ruled the majority of Italy. Besides watching the races, the large array of food stands makes it a great festival for eating. Most of these top festivals are free of charge, but some events require buying tickets. When the war was over in 1918 Italy walked out of the peace conference over their treatment by the allies, and there was anger at what was considered a deficient settlement. Norman adventurers came first to Italy to act as mercenaries, but they soon discovered their martial ability would allow more than simply aiding people, and they conquered the Arab, Byzantine, and Lombard south of Italy and all of Sicily, establishing first a countship and, from 1130, a kingship, with the Kingdom of Sicily, Calabria, and Apulia. A loose union of city-states spreading out from the center of Italy, the Etruscans—who were probably a group of aristocrats ruling over the "native" Italians—reached their height in the sixth and seventh centuries CE, with a culture blending Italian, Greek and Near Eastern influences alongside wealth gained from trading in the Mediterranean. Mazzini was forced to live in exile for many years. 1 – New Year’s Day [Capodanno]* 6 – Epiphany [Epifania]* 7 – Flag Day [Festa del Tricolore]* 27 – International Holocaust Remembrance Day [Giorno della Memoria]* Jan 27-Feb 13 – Venice Carnival [Carnevale] Jan-Feb – Winter Sales Season (the dates vary by region and city) February in Italy These places are known to have very rich history and have got a prestigious space in the history of Italy. As revolution spread across Europe, Piedmont tried to take the nationalist imitative and went to war with Austria over their Italian possessions; Piedmont lost, but the kingdom survived under Victor Emanuel II and was seen as the natural rallying point for Italian unity. They conquered and settled much of the north as the Kingdom of Lombardy, and part of the center and south as the Duchies of Spoleto and Benevento. Italy’s cultural events and festivals celebrate saint’s feast days, film festivals, seasonal foods, dramatic opera, ballet and the recently instituted Notte Bianca, a city-wide celebration that’s a great excuse to stay up all night. Siena's 17 contrade, or neighborhoods, compete to win the Palio. Mussolini, a pre-war firebrand, rose to their head, supported by industrialists and landowners who saw fascists as a short-term answer to the socialists. Italy considers extending Covid state of emergency until late July. One of the most famous is in Montalcino, Tuscany. Top 10 Most Influential Historical Events: Gutenberg’s Printing Press (15th Century) ... Then, the Renaissance began in Italy where they began to rediscover and spread classical ideas such as the old Greek idea of the scientific method. Italy led the cultural and mental transformation of Europe which became known as the Renaissance. Italy has a lot of beautiful and historic places to visit and the history of Italy is as interesting as all the chapters of European history. Contemporary politics and Christian religion also proved an influence, and a new way of thinking emerged called Humanism, expressed in art as much as literature. Culture Club / Hulton Archive / Getty Images. In 1508 an alliance formed between the Pope Julius II, the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I, the kings of France and Aragon and several Italian cities to attack and dismember Venice’s possessions in Italy, the city-state now ruling a large empire. His death supressed socalists, and eventually led to Italy becoming a Facist State in 1929. News. Ascoli Piceno holds a medieval jousting tournament, la Quintana, on the first Sunday in August. ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Taking place in July, this exciting horse race commemorates Constantine's victory at the Mulvian Bridge in 312. Discover the best Historic sites in Italy, from Ostia Antica to The Trevi Fountain and more, includes an interactive map of Italian cultural places, landmarks and monuments. Crispi is prime minister again. Compulsory primary education is introduced in Italy. Think of Italy and the country’s rich history is bound to come to mind. 1877. Here is a month-by-month rundown of the most popular and unusual Italian festivals, holidays and special events. Topical Press Agency/Hulton Archive/Getty Images. Some books on Italian history start after the Roman era, leaving that to historians of ancient history and classicists. The early phases of the Italian wars left Italy under the domination of the Spanish branch of the Habsburg family, with Emperor Charles V (crowned 1530) in direct control of the Kingdom of Naples, Sicily and the Duchy of Milan, and deeply influential elsewhere. Francesco Crispi is prime minister of Italy. Most of these top festivals are free of charge, but some events require buying tickets.Many Italian festivals are based on historical events and can include processions with people dressed in period costume, contests between neighborhoods of the town, flag-throwers, food, and fireworks. Don't miss these festivals and events, Italy's Best September Festivals and Events. Although Italy was allied with Germany and Austria-Hungary, the nature of their entry into the war allowed Italy to remain neutral until worries about missing out on gains, and the secret Treaty of London with Russia, France, and Britain, took Italy into the war, opening a new front. In the aftermath of the First Civil War, in which Sulla had become dictator of Rome until shortly before his death, a trio of politically and militarily powerful men arose who banded together to support one another in the “First Triumvirate.” However, their rivalries could not be contained and in 49 BCE a civil war broke out between two of them: Pompey and Julius Caesar. A final settlement only took place with the Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis in 1559. Antiquity, renaissance, modernity… century after century, Italy has left its undeniable marks on western culture. Italy entered World War 2 in 1940 on the German side, unprepared but determined to gain something from a swift Nazi victory. The most notable victory was perhaps won by an alliance of cities called the Lombard League at Legnano in 1167. The Gladiator Museum is one located adjacent Campania Amphitheater in Santa Maria Capua Vetere. You can, too, if you know what events take place each month. Violent groups of fascists, often ex-soldiers and students, formed in post-war Italy, partly in response to the growing success of socialism and the weak central government. January 13, 2017. In 1859 France and Austria went to war, destabilizing Italy and allowing many—now Austrian free—states to vote to merge with Piedmont. In 1943, with the tide of war turning, the king had Mussolini arrested, but Germany invaded, rescued Mussolini and set up a puppet fascist Republic of Salò in the north. Charity rescue ship with 265 migrants anchors off Italy. It's really more than a race, and it has an interesting spiritual twist. 20th Century Italy. This was a period of great artistic achievement, mostly in urban areas and facilitated by the wealth of the church and the great Italian cities, which both harked back to and was influenced by the ideals and examples of ancient Roman and Greek culture. For more inspiration, discover our Italy vacation deals. About 500 BCE—the date is traditionally given as 509 BCE—the city of Rome expelled the last of a line of, possibly Etruscan, kings: Tarquinius Superbus. Afterwards Italy gains Venice. The Napoleonic states had helped the idea of a modern, united Italy coalesce. 1900 The World Travel Guide (WTG) is the flagship digital consumer brand within the Columbus Travel Media portfolio. Between 264 and 146, Rome fought three "Punic" wars against Carthage, during which Hannibal’s troops occupied Italy. / Getty Images, Top 10 Things to Know About the Aztecs and Their Empire, A Brief Look at Italy's History of Division, Biography of Frederick I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor, The Lombards: A Germanic Tribe in Northern Italy, The Origin and Decline of the Papal States, Industry and Agriculture History in Europe, Etruscan Civilization at its Height 7–6th Centuries BCE, Wars for the Domination of Italy 509–265 BCE, Rome Creates an Empire 3rd–2nd Century BCE, The Second Civil War and the rise of Julius Caesar 49–45 BCE, The Rise of Octavian and the Roman Empire 44–27 BCE, The Roman Empire Reaches its Height 200 CE, Odoacer Deposes Last Western Roman Emperor 476 CE, Italy Fragments, Great Trading Cities Start to Develop 8–9th Centuries, Peace of Lodi 1454 / Victory of Aragon 1442, M.A., Medieval Studies, Sheffield University, B.A., Medieval Studies, Sheffield University. 1870. c. 1886-1915. In the 1260s Charles of Anjou, younger brother of the French king, was invited by the Pope to conquer the Kingdom of Sicily from an illegitimate Hohenstaufen child. Modern archaeologists have been able to learn a great deal about life in Roman Pompeii from the evidence found suddenly locked away beneath the ash. The decisive conflict in the mercantile rivalry between Venice and Genoa occurred between 1378 and 1381 when the two fought over the Adriatic sea. 1887-1891. There are 235 tours to choose from, that range in length from 3 days up to 29 days. French General Napoleon campaigned successfully through Italy in 1796, and by 1798 there were French forces in Rome. Top 10 Major Historical Events That Completely Changed the World. The expansion caused great consternation among rival cities in Italy, especially Venice and Florence, who fought back, attacking Milanese possessions. Byzantium retained control over the very south and a strip across the middle called the Exarchate of Ravenna. Where to Go in Italy: Planning your trip to Italy will be a lot easier with our pages that guide you to its top-rated tourist attractions and point out the best places to visit in Italy. Top 10 carnivals in Italy. A comprehensive guide to the world’s best travel destinations, its print heritage stretches back more than 30 years, with the online portal reaching its 20-year anniversary in 2019. 1915 - Italy joins World War I on the side of the Allies. As Imperial dominance of north Italy declined and rights and powers trickled down to the cities, a number of great city-states emerged, some with powerful fleets, their fortunes made in trade or manufacturing, and only nominal imperial control. In History. The sole survivor of the civil wars, Octavian was able to accrue great power and have himself declared “Augustus.” He ruled as the first emperor of Rome. Historical events - Italy. Two of the most prolonged conflicts of the 1400s finished in the middle of the century: in north Italy, the Peace of Lodi was signed after wars between the rival cities and states, with the leading powers—Venice, Milan, Florence, Naples, and the Papal States—agreeing to honor each other’s current borders; several decades of peace followed. Although the republics which followed Napoleon collapsed when France withdrew troops in 1799, Napoleon’s victories in 1800 allowed him to redraw the map of Italy many times, creating states for his family and staff to rule, including a kingdom of Italy. Rome is made the capital of the Kingdom of Italy. A highlight of the festival is the procession prior to the tournament with people dressed in medieval costume. The rest of Italy signed an agreement with the allies, who landed on the peninsula, and war between allied forces supported by partisans against German forces supported by Salò loyalists followed until Germany was defeated in 1945. On August 24th, 79 CE the volcano Mount Vesuvius erupted so violently it destroyed nearby settlements including, most famously, Pompeii. The Palio of Siena is one of Italy's most famous Palio competitions. Highly influential, Young Italy influenced numerous attempted revolutions and caused a reshaping of the mental landscape. 2018 Calendar of Holidays & Events in Italy January in Italy. Fifty years of war followed. Massimo Maria Canevarolo/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 3.0. Charles Phelps Cushing/ClassicStock/Getty Images. Caesar won. Find a Historical trip that explores Italy. Italy There’s a host of top Historic sites in Italy to visit and among the very best are Ostia Antica, The Doge’s Palace and Herculaneum. Social War (91–88 BC): The Roman clients in Italy the Marsi, the Paeligni, the Vestini, the Marrucini, the Picentes, the Fretani, the Hirpini, the Iapyges, Pompeii, Venosa, Lucania and Samnium rebelled against Rome. This was to be il Risorgimento, the "Resurrection/ Resurgence." Archery Contests are held in other towns as well. Having been paid off in a previous invasion, the Goths under the leadership of Alaric invaded Italy, eventually camping outside Rome. Venice and Venetia were gained from Austria in 1866, and the last surviving Papal States were annexed in 1870; with a few small exceptions, Italy was now a unified state. However, he was forced back to Africa where he was defeated, and at the conclusion of the Third Punic War Rome destroyed Carthage and gained its trading empire. Discover Trieste. Throughout this period Rome fought a series of wars against other peoples and states in Italy, including hill tribes, the Etruscans, the Greeks and the Latin League, which ended with Roman dominion over the whole of peninsular Italy (the boot shape piece of land which sticks out from the continent.) Regatta of the Ancient Maritime Republics. The Roman world was shocked and St. Augustine of Hippo was prompted to write his book "The City of God." Giacomo Matteotti Assasinated When Matteoti was assasinated Italy changed forever. By using ThoughtCo, you accept our, Culture Club / Hulton Archive / Getty Images, Print Collector/Getty Images / Getty Images, Heritage Images/Getty Images / Getty Images, Nik Wheeler/Contributor/Corbis Historical via Getty Images, Emergence of the Great Cities 12–13th Centuries, Fototeca Storica Nazionale. Before the regatta, there's a colorful procession with participants from each republic dressed in traditional medieval costume. This led to him being crowned King of Italy by a new Italian parliament on March 17, 1861. Jun 10, 1924. Italy has been ranking in the top 5 countries that sits in the heart of visitors. 10 Gladiator Museum, Santa Maria Capua Vetere. 17 Historical Landmarks in Italy You Don’t Want to Miss With its millennia of civilization, Italy has an incredible wealth of notable historic landmarks. The development of these states, cities such as Venice and Genoa who now controlled the land around them—and often elsewhere—was won in two series of wars with the emperors: 1154–1183 and 1226–1250. Rome countered, first by making concessions to states with close ties like Etruria, and then defeating the rest militarily. A loose union of city-states spreading out from the center of Italy, the Etruscans—who were probably a group of aristocrats ruling over the "native" Italians—reached their height in the sixth and seventh centuries CE, with a culture blending Italian, Greek and Near Eastern influences alongside wealth gained from trading in the Mediterranean. The disfida is an archery contest amongst the neighborhoods of Fivizzano in the Lunigiana of northern Tuscany, held in July. He had himself declared dictator for life (not emperor), but was assassinated in 44 BCE by senators fearing a monarchy. After this period the Etruscans declined, pressured by Celts from the north and Greeks from the south, before being subsumed into the Roman Empire.​. The alliance was weak and soon collapsed into, first, disorganization and then other alliances (the Pope allied with Venice), but Venice did suffer territorial losses and began to decline in international affairs from this point on. Once the succession was ​finalized in 1714 conflict continued in Italy between the Bourbons and the Habsburgs. Our blog section is dedicated to food and travel related news & press releases as well as interviews with people we have met during our own tours and invites.. We have divided the section into 5 under the themes of Press, Cibo, Talk to the Chef, Lifestyle and Made in Italy.. In addition to fighting the Punic Wars, Rome battled against other powers, subduing large parts of Spain, Transalpine Gaul (the strip of land which connected Italy to Spain), Macedonia, the Greek states, the Seleucid kingdom and the Po Valley in Italy itself (two campaigns against the Celts, 222, 197–190). Summer is the height of the festival season, as you travel in Italy, look for posters advertising a festa or sagra. In graying Italy, the old defy biases laid bare by pandemic. In two campaigns, in 951 and 961, German king Otto I invaded and conquered the north and much of the middle of Italy; consequently, he was crowned King of Italy. The Madonna Bruna festival, on July 2 in Matera, is one of the most interesting processions we've ever seen. He duly did so, but French rule proved unpopular and in 1282 a violent rebellion broke out and the king of Aragon was invited to rule the island. The most powerful state in northern Italy was Milan, headed by the Visconti family; they expanded during the period to conquer many of their neighbors, establishing a powerful army and a large power base in northern Italy which was officially transformed into a dukedom in 1395 after Gian Galeazzo Visconti basically purchased the title from the Emperor. In an attempt to secure peace and not alienate the defeated, Rome expanded its definition of citizenship to include all of Italy south of the Po, allowing people there a direct route to Roman offices, and speeding up a process of “Romanization,” whereby the rest of Italy came to adopt Roman culture. But ancient history gives a far fuller picture of what happened in Italian history. The Regatta of the Ancient Maritime Republics is a historic boat race in boats called gozzi, each rowed by a team of eight rowers from one of the four maritime republics: Amalfi, Genoa, Pisa, and Venice. Some are sudden and unseen, some planned and manipulated, but certain historical events have a long-lasting impact on the entire world. In 493 Theodoric, leader of the Ostrogoths, defeated and killed Odoacer, taking his place as the ruler of Italy, which he held until his death in 526. Northern Italy industrializes. When the Spanish Habsburgs joined the battle, in alliance with the Emperor (also a Habsburg), the Papacy and Venice, the whole of Italy became a battleground for Europe’s two most powerful families, the Valois French, and the Habsburgs. Special events you 'll find many outdoor concerts in squares and public places throughout Italy, first making... Latin, Christianity group entered Italy: the Lombards was Assasinated Italy changed forever united coalesce! By making concessions to states with close ties like Etruria, and socialists were blamed many! You an idea of what a typical festival looks like in southern Italy Exarchate of Ravenna,. 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