1 I have made a covenant with mine eyes, And how should I fix my gaze upon a maiden! And dreaded the contempt of families, . 16. fail--in the vain expectation of relief ( Job 11:20 ). As in the twenty-ninth chapter, he showed his uprightness as an emir, or magistrate in public life, so in this chapter he vindicates his character in private life. offspring--rather, "what I plant," my harvests. Job did not speak the things here recorded by way of boasting, but in answer to the charge of hypocrisy... View the entire commentary . a. Job 31:1-40 . Click on the different category headings to find out more. The sins from which he here acquits himself are, 1. The goodness of a man or a woman is often best indicated by how they treat those thought to be inferior to them, not how they treat their peers or those thought to be superior to them. he--the orphan. Go to Commentary on Job 31 . He understood that God cared about his servants and would avenge ill-treatment of them. Ver. Or caused the eyes of the widow to fail, ended--that is, in the controversy with the friends. If I have walked with falsehood: Job also proclaimed his blameless life because he lived an essentially truthful life. The very same word for "hiding" is used in Genesis 3:8 Genesis 3:10 , of Adam hiding himself from God. Elihu urges that he had spoken wrong, and that he ought to humble himself before God, and by repentance to unsay it. Here again, Job showed a heart for holiness and ethical living as would be later clearly explained in the New Testament. You can check these in your browser security settings. John Trapp Complete Commentary. He would not allow a visitor to sleep on the street and instead he opened his doors to the traveler. Retail: $20.00. Or eaten my morsel by myself, But Job 31:38-40 are naturally added by one whose mind in agitation recurs to its sense of innocence, even after it has come to the usual stopping point; this takes away the appearance of rhetorical artifice. i. Job 31 Commentary, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary of the Old and New Testament was penned by John Calvin, Martin Luther and Huldrych Zwingli. On this and "a father," see Job 29:16 . wishing--literally, "so as to demand his (my enemy's) soul," that is, "life by a curse." Adam--translated by UMBREIT, "as men do" ( Hosea 6:7 , where see Margin). c. For that would be a fire that consumes to destruction: Job also understood that allowing his heart to be enticed by a woman other than his wife would bring a destructive, burned-over result. If I have rejoiced at the destruction of him who hated me, If I have covered my transgressions as Adam, by hiding iniquity in my bosom. You can find the best commentary on Job for you using the tools on the right side. Harbouring hard thoughts of God was the sin which did, at this time, most easily beset Job. Connected with Job 31:6 . (24-28) He was not greedy or a seeker of false gods. Then let thistles grow instead of wheat, Job 31:9-12 of adultery. Translate: What then (had I done so) could I have done, when God arose (to call me to account); and when He visited (came to enquire), what could I have answered Him? Commentary on Job 30:15-31 (Read Job 30:15-31) Job complains a great deal. Here he turns to his duty towards God, as before he had spoken of his duty towards himself and his neighbor. (13-15) He did not treat his servants cruelly. He was so confident in what he knew of himself that he said he would approach God like a prince. And let others bow down over her. Next commentary: Job merciful. If I have seen anyone perish for lack of clothing… Then let my arm fall from my shoulder: In the same manner as before, Job called for a curse upon himself it if was true that he had not cared for the poor and helpless as he claimed he had. Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. If I had done those crimes, I should have made a bad use of my influence ("my arm," figuratively, Job 31:21 ): therefore, if I have done them let my arm (literally) suffer. “Upon my shoulder; as a trophy or badge of honour. Our Price: $8.99 Save: … A godly life. 1 I made a covenant with my eyes, and why should I gaze upon a virgin? i. Click the verse number to read commentary, definitions, meanings, and notesfor that particular Job 31 verse. d. If I have covered my transgressions as Adam, by hiding iniquity in my bosom: The basic and consistent argument of Job’s friends against him was that though he appeared to be righteous, he really must be covering some serious sin that made sense of the calamity that came against him. 2 For what is the portion from God above and the heritage from the Almighty on high? He spoke in the book afterwards, but not to them. “This is not a mere epigraph of a writer, or editor. In this chapter Job gives an account of himself in private life, of the integrity and uprightness of his life, and his holy walk and conversation, with this view, that it might be thought that the afflictions which were upon him were not on account of a vicious course of life he had indulged unto, as was suggested; and he clears himself from various crimes which it might be insinuated he was … Haughtiness and severity towards his servants, Job 31:13-15. Job's Final Appeal - “I have made a covenant with my eyes; how then could I gaze at a virgin? Job proceeds to prove that he deserved a better lot. And because my hand had gained much; Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. He knew that since there was a true, living God enthroned in the heavens, it was an iniquity deserving of judgment to deny the God who is above and to worship any other. Then let me sow, and another eat; strange--extraordinary. 5. By asking for a curse on his soul: Job did not even curse his enemies. In a sense, therefore, what Job was saying is, ‘Here is my cross.’” (Mason). Wantonness and uncleanness of heart, Job 31:1-4. The words of Job are ended: It isn’t that there are no more words from Job in this Book of Job; he will speak again briefly in later chapters. If I have covered my transgressions as Adam, Job 35 Commentary: Sometimes we get the idea that God reacts to our sin or righteousness in predictable ways that make sense to us.. We might look at the effect and assume the cause. (29-34) He was generally without blame. “Job strategically brought his oration to its climax with a sudden change in tone… He was now sure of his innocence, so confident of the truthfulness of these oaths that he affixed his signature and presented them as his defense with a challenge to God for a corresponding written indictment.” (Smick), ii. 31:31 If - My domesticks and familiar friends. I was about to start calling my financial institutions and having them cancel my cards and things like that – when I checked one last time thoroughly and systematically that car. He probably had much more he could say to defend himself, but broke off that line of reasoning and made a final, dramatic appeal to be heard before the throne of God. This also would be an iniquity deserving of judgment, When He punishes, how shall I answer Him: One reason Job treated his servants well was because he understood that he would have to answer to God for his actions towards others, including his servants. Apodosis to Job 31:13 Job 31:16 Job 31:17 Job 31:19 Job 31:20 Job 31:21 . c. This also would be an iniquity deserving of judgment, for I would have denied God who is above: It is probable (though not certain) that Job wrote this before any of the other received books of Scripture were given. Covetousness is covert idolatry, as it transfers the heart from the Creator to the creature ( Colossians 3:5 ). His integrity. Matthew Henry :: Commentary on Job 31 ← Back to Matthew Henry's Bio & Resources . Here is my mark. You are free to opt out any time or opt in for other cookies to get a better experience. This was both remarkable and admirable in a time when it was almost universally understood that servants and slaves were subhuman next to those whom they served. 34. Job 31:22. If I have despised the cause of my male or female servant: Job continued the presentation of his own righteousness by noting the good and compassionate treatment of his servants. Job proceeds to prove that he deserved a better lot. Or if any spot adheres to my hands, ii. highness--majestic might. Job 31:1 I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?. Job affirms his freedom from unfairness towards his servants, from harshness and oppression towards the needy. ii. b. “There is the consummate irony of Job’s daring his ‘accuser’ (whom he believes to be God) to put something in writing… Of course all along the reader knows that Job’s real accuser is not God but Satan. Or my heart walked after my eyes, Job 31:1. had written a book--rather, "would write down his charge.". And from my mother’s womb I guided the widow); I would declare to Him the number of my steps: “Far from being abashed, Job is belligerent to the last, eager to have his case settled, confident of the outcome. from the bone--literally, "a reed"; hence the upper arm, above the elbow. Click to Sign Up Now! Job 31:20. 1-4. Our website uses cookies to store user preferences. "Dr. Kennicott, on this subject, observes: "Chapters 29., 30., and 31., contain Job's animated self-defense, which was made necessary by the reiterated accusation of his friends. i. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. heart . He not merely did not so, but put it out of the question by covenanting with his eyes against leading him into temptation ( Proverbs 6:25 , Matthew 5:28 ). Nevertheless, by the power of God’s Spirit it can be done, and obedience to God in this arena is a precious, wonderful sacrifice made unto Him; a genuine way to present our bodies as a living sacrifice unto Him, not being conformed to the world (Romans 12:1-2). Posted on Apr 3, 2005 by Beyond Today Editor Estimated reading time: 5 minutes. Job 31:1 Commentary. Bible Commentary Job 31:1-32:1. [For more on trading using honest balances, see commentary on Prov. You can also change some of your preferences. Surely I would carry it on my shoulder, 5. StudyLıght.org. Chapter 31. In 1500 the average age of male puberty was 20; today it is 12. iii. If I have observed the sun when it shines, 10. When He punishes, how shall I answer Him, Did not He who made me in the womb make them. c. That my Prosecutor had written a book: This shows the profound (yet understandable) spiritual confusion of Job. Job returns to his wish ( Job 13:22 , 19:23 ). That my Prosecutor had written a book! The first "arm" is rather the shoulder. Proud member If I have kept the poor from their desire, or caused the eyes of the widow to fail, If I have seen anyone perish for lack of clothing… Then let my arm fall from my shoulder, for destruction from God is a terror to me. Pastoral Resources. endure--I could have availed nothing against it. The vagueness is designed to express "whoever it be that judicially opposes me"--the Almighty if it be He. 6. Updated: Sat, 02/21/2015 - 00:00 By admin. That is God’s opportunity for speech. Here, he called God out to answer for what He had done. despise the cause--refused to do them justice. a. Oh, that I had one to hear me: It seems that Job interrupted his defense of the morality and righteousness of his life. And did not go out of the door; a. 31. By proceeding, you consent to our cookie usage. Job had represented God as severe in marking what he did amiss. . b. deceived--hath let itself be seduced ( Proverbs 7:8 , Genesis 39:7-12 ). Did not He who made me in the womb make them? Login or Create an Account. The Communicant's Companion. 39. lose . He is capable of giving a full account of all his steps.” (Andersen). If his heart has not blessed me, ii. This is the third part of the trilogy. These things happen because of choices one makes, not merely because one has been acted upon by the mystical or magical power of romantic love. Discussion for Job 31:1 . i. Or said to fine gold, ‘You are my confidence’; With a UCG.org account you will be able to save items to read and study later! This example is unique and unparalleled until the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). Job merciful. Is not calamity for the unrighteous, and disaster for the workers of iniquity? That God may know my integrity. By hiding my iniquity in my bosom, 4. 9-12. Job 31:35-37; 38:1-11 [25-27] Job ends his speeches with a long oath of innocence, and calls on God to answer him. When inward temptations join with outward calamities, the soul is hurried as in a tempest, and is filled with confusion. Probably light was worshipped as the emanation from God, before its embodiments, the sun, &c. This worship prevailed in Chaldea; wherefore Job's exemption from the idolatry of his neighbors was the more exemplary. Job 31 Commentary, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this nine-volume commentary, respected by legions of devoted students, still ring with timeless truth Job 31:13-23. a. Job 31. 19. perish--that is, ready to perish ( Job 29:13 ). . Job’s Final Defense - Job continued his discourse: “How I long for the months gone by, for the days when God watched over me, when his lamp shone on my head and by his light I walked through darkness! The words . If my step has turned from the way, Job is asked whether he can draw the links nearer together, and bind the stars closer to one another. “If my land cries out against me, And weeds instead of barley.” Because I feared the great multitude, 10. grind--turn the handmill. This is certainly one mark of a man after God’s heart, who also takes no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked (Ezekiel 33:11). This can be realized, not in Job's way ( Job 42:5 Job 42:6 ); but only through Jesus Christ ( Hebrews 10:22 ). Parenthetical. As in the twenty-ninth chapter, he showed his uprightness as an emir, or magistrate in public life, so in this chapter he vindicates his character in private life. Chapter 31. Plug in, Turn on and Be En light ened! Job 31:21 - If I have lifted up my hand against the orphan, Because I saw I had support in the gate, on StudyLight.org. 38. He is finished; one more man will try in vain to fix the problem; and then God will appear. All rights reserved. f. Does He not see all my ways, and count all my steps: In the context of Job’s self-control when it came to lust, it was helpful for him to consider that God’s eye was upon him all the time. Bible Commentary for Job 31:1. Job is asked if he can loosen the tie which unites the several members of this constellation together. 31:1 I made - So far have I been from any gross wickedness, that I have abstained from the least occasions and appearances of evil. Salem Media Group. 5. Parenthetical: asserting that he did the contrary to the things in Job 31:16 Job 31:17 . When He punishes, how shall I answer Him? Our "Sun-day," "Mon-day," or Moon-day, bear traces of Sabaism. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. ... Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary Job 31:21. If I have lifted up my hand against the orphan, Because I saw I had support in the gate, New American Standard Version. Job 31:1-40.. 1. The sun, moon, and stars, the brightest objects in nature, and seen everywhere, were supposed to be visible representatives of the invisible God. Job's blameless record as a neighbor and city official (Job 29:12-17; 31:16-23), including pure inward motivations (Job 31:1-2,24-25,33-34) and attitudes (Job 31:1,7,9,26-27,29-30) toward God and neighbor, are lofty ethical standards to emulate. a crown--not a mark of shame, but of distinction ( Isaiah 62:3 ). Job merciful. 23. CHAPTER 31. Job 31:24 - 'If I have put my confidence in gold, And called fine gold my trust, on StudyLight.org. (35-37) Job demands an audience with God. 10. Wesley's Notes for Job 31:1. “The land is personified as the chief witness of the crimes committed on it… Job is prepared to accept the primaeval curses on Adam (Genesis 3:17) and Cain (Genesis 4:11).” (Andersen). Verses 1-8 Job did not speak the things here recorded by way of boasting, but in answer to the charge of hypocrisy. So in later times ( Deuteronomy 22:22 ). Job’s friends had probably known many seemingly righteous people who had hidden their sins and were destroyed when they were eventually exposed, and they assumed Job was like them. If I have made gold my hope: Job knew that wealthy men often found it easy to trust in riches. 6 years ago. 1. He understood the spiritual nature of God's commandments, as reaching to the thoughts and intents of the heart. 40. thistles--or brambles, thorns. Iyov - Job - Chapter 31 « Previous Chapter 30. I would declare to Him the number of my steps; guided her--namely, the widow, by advice and protection. e. Because I feared the great multitude: Here, Job answered the accusation that he was motivated to hide his sin because of the fear of how it would appear before the public. Adam is representative of fallen man's propensity to concealment ( Proverbs 28:13 ). “Most of the good deeds that Job presents as evidence of his righteousness are simple, ordinary things… More than any one of these acts alone, it is the accumulation of them that is impressive.” (Mason), “If I have made gold my hope, All the defilements of the life come from a deceived heart... View the entire commentary. He knew that if he had been cruel and oppressive to the poor and needy, that he would indeed deserve punishment, and this was part of his motivation to care the way that he did (for destruction from God is a terror to me). And would root out all my increase.”. In the earliest times punished with death ( Genesis 38:24 ). Personification. “Think of this, and contrast it with the laws, or the feelings, of slaveholders in Greece or Rome; or in times much nearer our own – in a Christian Jamaica in the days of our fathers, in a Christian North America in our own.” (Bradley, writing in 1886), “If I have kept the poor from their desire, Plug in, Turn on and Be En light ened! Chapter 31. For that would be a fire that consumes to destruction, Job 31 Commentary, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary, by E.W. &c.--Knowing this, I could only have expected "destruction" ( Job 31:3 ), had I committed this sin ( Proverbs 5:21 ). Job here rightly protested that he was not like such men who hide their sin out of fear of public humiliation and contempt. Personal Resources. Job asserts his freedom from trust in money ( 1 Timothy 6:17 ). 24, 25. Did not the same One fashion us in the womb?”. “If I have walked with falsehood, “The self-curse of crop failure (Job 31:8) suggests that verse 5 refers to shady business practices.” (Andersen). Site Resources. David Guzik commentary on Job 35, where Elihu states that Job’s self-righteousness is the reason why God does not answer Job. i. Due to security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains. The identity of Kesil with Orion is generally allowed. The Book of Job Commentary by A. R. FAUSSET CHAPTER 31 Job 31:1-40. Rashi 's Commentary: Show Hide. It was from God that Job did not "hide his iniquity in his bosom," as on the contrary it was from God that "Adam" hid in his lurking-place. What then shall I do when God rises up? “I have made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman? If I have observed the sun when it shines: Job meant that he had not engaged in the common practice of sun worship. Click to enable/disable _gat_* - Google Analytics Cookie. If my step has turned from the way… Then let me sow, and another eat: Job was not afraid to call a curse upon himself, if he indeed was not an honest man. i. “The ruin of impure souls is infallible, unsupportable, unavoidable; if God hath aversion from all other sinners, he hath hatred and horror for the unchaste; such stinking goats shall be set on the left hand, and sent to hell; where they shall have so much the more of punishment as they had here of sensual and sinful pleasure, as sour sauce to their sweet meats.” (Trapp). 29 And Job again z took up his discourse, and said:. 28. And if he was not warmed with the fleece of my sheep; “And when the idols were out of the reach of idolaters, that they could not kiss them, they used to kiss their hands, and, as it were, to throw kisses at them; of which we have many examples in heathen writers.” (Poole). . Parenthetical; the reason why Job did not despise the cause of his servants. Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refuseing them will have impact how our site functions. For I would have denied God who is above.”. And God takes Job on a whirlwind tour of the cosmos, displaying creation in all its wildness and beauty. Job 31: 16 – 40 You Got Integrity? as in the days when God watched over me,. (Indeed I have not allowed my mouth to sin ... Job 31:35 Oh that one would hear me! We fully respect if you want to refuse cookies but to avoid asking you again and again kindly allow us to store a cookie for that. 21. when--that is, "because." Job 31 Commentary, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary is one of the most respected interdenominational commentaries ever written. Translate: "Oh, that God would weigh me . of If I have observed the sun: “Not simply, nor only with admiration; (for it is a glorious work of God, which we ought to contemplate and admire;) but for the end here following, or so as to ascribe to it the honour peculiar to God.” (Poole), ii. He asserts his guarding against being allured to sin by his senses. Otherwise you will be prompted again when opening a new browser window or new a tab. Or if I have lurked at my neighbor’s door, Click to enable/disable _ga - Google Analytics Cookie. d. Surely I would carry it on my shoulder: Here Job, stepping over bound he would later repent of, longed to have the accusation of God against him written out so he could refute it as he had so effectively refuted his friends. And he goes a step beyond what he addressed in verses 1-4. . They had no temples, but were worshipped on high places and roofs of houses ( Ezekiel 8:16 , Deuteronomy 4:19 , 2 Kings 23:5 2 Kings 23:11 ). . Not Yet a Member? 35. He was willing to be deprived of the fruit of his own labor if it was true that he was found lacking on the honest scales of God’s judgment. Rather, the apodosis to Job 31:33 , "Then let me be fear-stricken before a great multitude, let the contempt, &c., let me keep silence (the greatest disgrace to a patriot, heretofore so prominent in assemblies), and not go out," &c. A just retribution that he who hides his sin from God, should have it exposed before man ( 2 Samuel 12:12 ). i. Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. So that I kept silence Devotionals on Job - Today in the Word (Moody Bible Institute) Devotionals on Job - G Campbell Morgan Devotionals on Job - F B Meyer Devotionals on Job - Our Daily Bread. To make a promise with yourself, to be pure . 29. lifted up myself--in malicious triumph ( Proverbs 17:5 , 24:17 , Psalms 7:4 ). 22. “If I have rejoiced at the destruction of him who hated me, It is as if he said to his friends, “Do you think that I am trying to make out before God that I am what I have not been? Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. Job couldn’t make sense of it himself. 16 “If I have withheld anything that the poor desired, or have caused the eyes of the widow to fail, 17 or have eaten my morsel alone, and the fatherless has not eaten of it 18 (for from my youth the fatherless [] grew up with me as with a father, and from my mother's womb I guided the widow []), 19 if I have seen anyone perish for lack of clothing, or the needy without covering, . John Trapp Complete Commentary. (But from my youth I reared him as a father, For--that is, the reason why Job guarded against such sins. Yet Job is definitely done arguing his case. b. Oh, that the Almighty would answer me: Job was absolutely convinced that what he needed was vindication (or at least an answer) from God. 17. “This section embodies a human ethic unmatched in the ancient world.” (Andersen). And its furrows weep together; "This priceless testament is a fitting consummation of `the words of Job' (Job 31:40). If I have eaten its fruit without money, What he was much too confident about were the things he could not see; the things that happened in the spiritual realm, known to the reader of Job 1-2, but unknown to Job in the story. I should not fear nor smother it, but glory in it, and make open show of it, as that which gave me the happy and long-desired occasion of vindicating myself.” (Poole), iii. Paul gave much the same idea in Ephesians 6:9, where he told masters to treat their servants well: And you, masters, do the same things to them, giving up threatening, knowing that your own Master also is in heaven, and there is no partiality with Him. 26. 3. Job Commentaries. What then shall I do when God rises up? Be the most abject slave and concubine ( Isaiah 47:2 , 2 Samuel 12:11 ). a. While it was common for the wealthy Old Testament men to maintain a household with multiple wives, it appears that Job … Ver. And because of His magnificence I cannot endure.”. . 8. But no one says, “Where is God my Maker” : Elihu noted that men seek God in their … He never let a poor man leave his gate without giving him enough to eat. He protests that he never set his heart upon the wealth of this world, nor took the things of it for his portions and happiness. MAGEE, to make the comparison with Adam more exact, for my "bosom" translates, "lurking-place.". 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