Also, the subjects are only part of the philosophy curriculum, which is an elective subject only. Right work is work done in terms of the prescribed directions in the scriptures, and wrong work is work done against the principles of the scriptural injunctions. I ask back,” said K  Ramakrishnan, another academician in Chennai. The violence of Dalit feminist standpoint and Dalit patriarchy, For the perfect progressive recipe, skip caste, sprinkle Dalit swadanusaar: Gaurav Somwanshi. For the first time, a spiritual leader had preached equality among human beings without any clauses and conditions. Christianity is part of their culture. The Bhagavad Gita on Gift Giving Krishna : “A gift is pure when it is given from the heart to the right person at the right time and at the right place, and when we expect nothing in return. In the context of the Bhagavad-Gita it is bad karma not to respect the laws of God and the universe. It is not very difficult to understand how Mahabharata and Gita became important tools used in this counter-revolution. Bhagavad Gita is accepted as the essence of all Vedas. But this finding mention and that too a fearful mention of invasion of a new faith in Mahabharata certainly suggests that by the time these portions were written, Buddhism had already taken a place in Indian society and there was enormous fear among Brahmans about not being able to maintain their social status and religious powers which they had gained by means of dogmatic rituals like fire worshiping and sacrifices and establishing the social order of Caste: all of which  were endangered by the revolution brought in by Buddhism and Jainism. BG 9.23: O son of Kunti, even those devotees who faithfully worship other gods also worship Me. Let’s come out of the mythological world and take a relook at Gita from a historical and more practical view. See from Bhagavad Gita one point one two chapter two verse three. “Why not? It is a conversation between Arjuna and Krishna at the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Nevertheless, Krishna further assures Arjuna that by killing his loved ones he is merely destroying their bodies and not their souls, that souls are immortal and by killing them physically he is only helping them to reunite with the ultimate soul of the universe, so he should not feel any regret for it. What were the social structures and currents that were present when somebody took the pains of writing Gita to teach the religion? For the first time a complete computerized comparison of Srila Prabhuapda’s original 1972 Macmillan Bhagavad-gita As It Is and the current ISKCON “Revised and enlarged” edition is available. If it were so, then it would not be a conversation between Krishna and Arjuna. Bhagavad Gita consists 18 Chapters and it has 700 verses. One has to work hard for attaining supremacy in society. Should the proponents of public (government) schools celebrate Global Teacher Prize 2020 to Mr. Ranjitsinh Disale? Proponents further claim that nowhere does he mention ‘birth’ as a basis for determining Varna. So, we are going to do it soon after four rounds of Japa. The revolution initiated by Buddhism was not just a moral and spiritual awakening, but it was leaving a lasting effect on the social lives of people. “It is a fact that many Hindus take Gita to be their ‘holy book’, but quite unlike in other religions, Hinduism does not have one prescribed text. The course talks of understanding and western and eastern traditions. However, lust is such a formidable … If we consider Gita to be of such a great importance in the Vedic/Hindu religion, philosophy and Indian culture, considering the spiritual awakening and revolution that started with Buddhism and Jainism, just like Vedas have been mentioned by Buddha, Gita too should have found some serious consideration in the literature present at that time. Many academics feel reading religious and spiritual texts as part of the curriculum is not a problem as long as the course does not endorse, favour, or promote or disfavour or show hostility towards any other religion. “If we don’t take pride in reading the Gita and shun it, the loss is entirely ours,” the professor added wryly. It's already there on YouTube. India, the vaccine pharmacy of the world, will export corona vaccine to several countries, Ayodhya: Gujarati diamond merchant donates Rs 11 crore for Ram Mandir temple construction, A real hero offscreen! The Lord is simply asking not to have materialistic goals in the mind but only spiritual goals such as moksha and the wish to be in the company of Krishna. But even a single desperate cry from a distressed heart can give you a great start – an inner warmth which can be distinctly perceived. Because if Lord Krishna had convinced Duryodhana to stop evil doings of Kauravas, then the Mahabharata war which took many lives including those of Kauravas … What you take away from each of the 700 verses is entirely up to you. Since the war was not merely between two rulers over an issue of an empire, and since it was a war between evil and good, and a war for regaining the rights of noble men, Pandavas, it was not only inevitable but also a very spiritual one. During the battle when Arjuna was in a dilemma whether to fight his own relatives and was wondering as to what is right and what is wrong, he started asking questions to … Bhagavad Gita Changes — Complete List Changes — By Madhudvisa dasa on September 20, 2009 10:38 am . If someone thinks he can not eat beef or that he is a vegetarian just because he is Hindu, then that person needs to revisit Vedas and Hindu mythology to find out how many mentions of the holy meals contain references to cow and horse meat. The words "right" and "wrong" are very significant in this verse.